"specialpages-group-oath":"{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:OATH]]}}\n\nSee [[w:en:Two_factor_authentication|Wikipedia article on two factor authentication]].\n\n{{Identical|Two factor authentication}}",
"oathauth-account":"Plain text associated with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication] on this wiki (username@<wiki name>) found on Special:OATH.\n{{Identical|Account name}}",
"oathauth-secret":"Plain text found on Special:OATH while enabling OATH\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-enable":"Page title on Special:OATH, when enabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-disable":"Page title on Special:OATH while disabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-validatedoath":"Plain text found on Special:OATH after a token has been validated.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-noscratchforvalidation":"Plain text found on Special:OATH if the user used the incorrect type of token while enabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-failedtovalidateoath":"Plain text found on Special:OATH when validation of a token has failed.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-disabledoath":"Plain text found on Special:OATH when disabling OATH has been successful.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-prefs-label":"Plain text label seen on Special:Preferences\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]\n{{Identical|Two factor authentication}}",
"oathauth-step1-test":"Text for step 1 on Special:OATH form. Check the name of \"Google Authenticator\" in your language in the Play Market—it may be translated.",
"oathauth-ui-no-module":"User preference value for the type of two-factor authentication operation {{msg-mw|Log-action-filter-oath}} when no 2FA module is enabled.",
"oathauth-ui-not-enabled-modules":"Header on Special:OATHManage under which all modules that are not currently enabled are listed. This is used only if user already has 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-action-exclusive-to-2fa":"Error messages when user action is blocked due to the permission being exclusive to users with 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-ui-available-modules":"Header on Special:OATHManage under which all 2FA modules that can be enabled. Used only when user does not have 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-totp-description":"Description of TOTP module, shown on Special:OATHManage.\n\n[[:w:en:HMAC|HMAC]] is a type of a [[:w:en:Message authentication code|message authentication code]] in cryptography.",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning-header":"Page title for warning page when disabling current 2FA method",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning-button-label":"Label for the button that confirms disabling current or switching to alternative 2FA method",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning":"Generic message warning the user of token/data loss when authentication method is disabled.\n$1 - Current method name",
"oathauth-switch-method-warning-header":"Page title for warning page when switching to an alternative 2FA method",
"oathauth-switch-method-warning":"Generic message warning the user of token/data loss when switching to an alternative method.\n$1 - Current method name, $2 - Name of the method that is being switched to",
"notification-header-oathauth-disable":"Notification header for when two-factor authentication has been disabled.\n$2 - Name of user for GENDER",
"notification-body-oathauth-disable":"Notification body text for when two-factor authentication has been disabled.\n$2 - Name of user for GENDER",
"notification-body-oathauth-disable-other":"Notification body text for when two-factor authentication has been disabled by an administrator or sysadmin.\n$2 - Name of user for GENDER.",
"oathauth-verify-disabled":"Notice that a user does not have 2FA enabled, shown on success at [[Special:VerifyOATHForUser]].\n$1 - Name of user",
"oathauth-prefs-disabledgroups":"Label on Special:Preferences for groups in which the user's membership has been disabled for a lack of two-factor authentication.\n$1 - Number of groups",
"oathauth-prefs-disabledgroups-help":"Help message shown on Special:Preferences for the {{mw-msg|oathauth-prefs-disabledgroups}} field.\n$1 - Number of groups\n$2 - User name for GENDER",
"oathauth-hint":"Reminder that users can use recovery tokens if they don't have access to their device or application"