"nuke-list":"The following pages were recently created by [[Special:Contributions/$1|{{GENDER:$1|$1}}]]. Please select which pages to delete, provide an edit summary, and click 'Delete selected' to initiate page deletion.\n\nRedirects are displayed in italics.",
"nuke-list-tempaccount":"The following pages were recently created by temporary accounts which were used from the IP address $1. Please select which pages to delete, provide an edit summary, and click 'Delete selected' to initiate page deletion. '''For privacy reasons, please do not write the IP address in the edit summary.'''\n\nRedirects are displayed in italics.",
"nuke-list-multiple":"The following pages were recently created. Please select which pages to delete, provide an edit summary, and click 'Delete selected' to initiate page deletion.\n\nRedirects are displayed in italics.",
"nuke-multiplepeople":"Mass deletion of recently added pages",
"nuke-tools":"This tool allows for mass deletions of pages recently added by a given user or an IP address.\nInput the username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blank for all users.",
"nuke-tools-tempaccount":"This tool allows for mass deletions of pages recently added by a given user or temporary account. Input a username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blank for all users. Inputting an IP address will list all pages created by that IP address or any temporary accounts used from that IP address.",