Gilles Dubuc 09374fc9dd Restore article scroll after closing Media Viewer
There used to be a CSS trick with the order we added things to the
page and removed them from it, but it doesn't seem possible anymore
with the new order of execution, with the overlay appearing
immediately and being taken care of inside bootstrap.

The main cause of the bug, however, was the hash reset happening
after the interface was closed.

Doing the scroll restore with jQuery.scrollTo is more future-proof
and testable in QUnit.

Additions were also made to the cucumber E2E test because QUnit
alone wouldn't have caught the hash issue.

This also cleans up custom events a little and reintroduces
pushState on browsers that support the history API.

Change-Id: I63187383b632a2e8793f05380c18db2713856865
Bug: 63892
2014-04-14 18:04:30 +00:00

403 lines
14 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
var oldScrollTo;
function stubScrollTo() {
oldScrollTo = $.scrollTo;
$.scrollTo = function () { return { scrollTop : $.noop, on : $.noop, off : $.noop }; };
function restoreScrollTo() {
$.scrollTo = oldScrollTo;
QUnit.module( 'mmv.lightboxInterface', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'Sanity test, object creation and ui construction', 20, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface();
function checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( inDocument ) {
var msg = ( inDocument === 1 ? ' ' : ' not ' ) + 'attached.';
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-wrapper' ).length, inDocument, 'Wrapper area' + msg );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-main' ).length, inDocument, 'Main area' + msg );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-title' ).length, inDocument, 'Title area' + msg );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-credit' ).length, inDocument, 'Author/source area' + msg );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-image-desc' ).length, inDocument, 'Description area' + msg );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-image-links' ).length, inDocument, 'Links area' + msg );
// UI areas not attached to the document yet.
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// UI areas should now be attached to the document.
// Check that the close button on the lightbox still follow the spec (being visible right away)
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mmv-close' ).length, 1, 'There should be a close button' );
assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mmv-close' ).is(':visible'), 'The close button should be visible' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// UI areas not attached to the document anymore.
} );
QUnit.test( 'Handler registration and clearance work OK', 2, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(),
handlerCalls = 0;
function handleEvent() {
lightbox.handleEvent( 'test', handleEvent );
$( document ).trigger( 'test' );
assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was called when we triggered the event.' );
$( document ).trigger( 'test' );
assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was not called after calling lightbox.clearEvents().' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Fullscreen mode', 8, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(),
oldFnEnterFullscreen = $.fn.enterFullscreen,
oldFnExitFullscreen = $.fn.exitFullscreen,
oldSupportFullscreen = $.support.fullscreen;
// Since we don't want these tests to really open fullscreen
// which is subject to user security confirmation,
// we use a mock that pretends regular jquery.fullscreen behavior happened
$.fn.enterFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.enterFullscreenMock;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.exitFullscreenMock;
lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = $.noop;
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
$.support.fullscreen = false;
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$fullscreenButton.css( 'display' ), 'none',
'Fullscreen button is hidden when fullscreen mode is unavailable' );
$.support.fullscreen = true;
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$fullscreenButton.css( 'display' ), 'block',
'Fullscreen button is visible when fullscreen mode is available' );
// Entering fullscreen
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ) , true,
'Fullscreened area has the fullscreen class');
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen , true, 'Lightbox knows it\'s in fullscreen mode');
// Exiting fullscreen
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ) , false,
'Fullscreened area doesn\'t have the fullscreen class anymore');
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen , false, 'Lightbox knows it\'s not in fullscreen mode');
// Entering fullscreen
// Hard-exiting fullscreen
// Re-attach after hard-exit
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ) , false,
'Fullscreened area doesn\'t have the fullscreen class anymore');
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen , false, 'Lightbox knows it\'s not in fullscreen mode');
// Unattach lightbox from document
$.fn.enterFullscreen = oldFnEnterFullscreen;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = oldFnExitFullscreen;
$.support.fullscreen = oldSupportFullscreen;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Fullscreen mode', 8, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(),
viewer = new mw.mmv.MultimediaViewer(),
oldFnEnterFullscreen = $.fn.enterFullscreen,
oldFnExitFullscreen = $.fn.exitFullscreen,
// ugly hack to avoid preloading which would require lightbox list being set up
viewer.preloadDistance = -1;
// Since we don't want these tests to really open fullscreen
// which is subject to user security confirmation,
// we use a mock that pretends regular jquery.fullscreen behavior happened
$.fn.enterFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.enterFullscreenMock;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.exitFullscreenMock;
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
viewer.ui = lightbox;
viewer.ui = lightbox;
assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' );
assert.ok( lightbox.panel.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is visible' );
lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = function() {
assert.ok( true, 'Opening fullscreen triggers a fadeout' );
// Pretend that the mouse cursor is on top of the button
buttonOffset = lightbox.buttons.$fullscreen.offset();
lightbox.mousePosition = { x: buttonOffset.left, y: };
// Enter fullscreen
lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = $.noop;
assert.ok( lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s in fullscreen mode' );
oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded = lightbox.buttons.revealAndFade;
lightbox.buttons.revealAndFade = function( position ) {
assert.ok( true, 'Moving the cursor triggers a reveal + fade' ); this, position );
// Pretend that the mouse cursor moved to the top-left corner
lightbox.mousemove( { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 } );
lightbox.buttons.revealAndFadeIfNeeded = $.noop;
assert.ok( !lightbox.panel.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is hidden' );
// Exiting fullscreen
assert.ok( lightbox.panel.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is visible' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
$.fn.enterFullscreen = oldFnEnterFullscreen;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = oldFnExitFullscreen;
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAnyActiveButtonHovered', 20, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface();
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
$.each ( lightbox.buttons.$buttons, function ( idx, e ) {
var $e = $( e ),
offset = $,
width = $e.width(),
height = $e.height(),
disabled = $e.hasClass( 'disabled' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, ),
'Hover detection works for top-left corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, ),
'Hover detection works for top-right corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, + height ),
'Hover detection works for bottom-left corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, + height ),
'Hover detection works for bottom-right corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered(
offset.left + ( width / 2 ), + ( height / 2 ) ),
'Hover detection works for center of element' );
} );
// Unattach lightbox from document
} );
QUnit.test( 'Metadata scrolling', 14, function ( assert ) {
var ui = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(),
keydown = $.Event( 'keydown' ),
$document = $( document ),
originalJQueryScrollTop = $.fn.scrollTop,
memorizedScrollToScroll = 0,
originalJQueryScrollTo = $.scrollTo;
// We need to set up a proxy on the jQuery scrollTop function
// that will let us pretend that the document really scrolled
// and that will return values as if the scroll happened
$.fn.scrollTop = function ( scrollTop ) {
// On some browsers $.scrollTo() != $document
if ( $.scrollTo().is( this ) ) {
if ( scrollTop !== undefined ) {
memorizedScrollToScroll = scrollTop;
return this;
} else {
return memorizedScrollToScroll;
return this, scrollTop );
// Same idea as above, for the scrollTo plugin
$.scrollTo = function ( scrollTo ) {
var $element;
if ( scrollTo !== undefined ) {
memorizedScrollToScroll = scrollTo;
$element = this, scrollTo, 0 );
if ( scrollTo !== undefined ) {
// Trigger event manually
return $element;
// First phase of the test: up and down arrows
ui.panel.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
localStorage.removeItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata' );
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
ui.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0, 'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0' );
assert.ok( !ui.panel.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up' );
assert.ok( !localStorage.getItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata' ),
'The metadata hasn\'t been open yet, no entry in localStorage' );
keydown.which = 38; // Up arrow
$document.trigger( keydown );
assert.strictEqual( Math.round( $.scrollTo().scrollTop() ),
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to the metadata height after pressing up arrow' );
assert.ok( ui.panel.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing down after pressing up arrow' );
assert.ok( localStorage.getItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata' ),
'localStorage knows that the metadata has been open' );
keydown.which = 40; // Down arrow
$document.trigger( keydown );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0 after pressing down arrow' );
assert.ok( !ui.panel.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up after pressing down arrow' );
assert.strictEqual( Math.round( $.scrollTo().scrollTop() ),
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to the metadata height after clicking the chevron once' );
assert.ok( ui.panel.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing down after clicking the chevron once' );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0 after clicking the chevron twice' );
assert.ok( !ui.panel.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up after clicking the chevron twice' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// Second phase of the test: scroll memory
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
ui.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// To make sure that the details are out of view, the lightbox is supposed to scroll to the top when open
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0, 'Page scrollTop should be set to 0' );
// Scroll down to check that the scrollTop memory doesn't affect prev/next (bug 59861)
$.scrollTo( 20, 0 );
// This extra attach() call simulates the effect of prev/next seen in bug 59861
ui.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// The lightbox was already open at this point, the scrollTop should be left untouched
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 20, 'Page scrollTop should be set to 20' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// Let's restore all originals, to make sure this test is free of side-effect
$.fn.scrollTop = originalJQueryScrollTop;
$.scrollTo = originalJQueryScrollTo;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Keyboard prev/next', 2, function ( assert ) {
var viewer = new mw.mmv.MultimediaViewer(),
lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface();
// Since we define both, the test works regardless of RTL settings
viewer.nextImage = function () {
assert.ok( true, 'Next image was open' );
viewer.prevImage = function () {
assert.ok( true, 'Prev image was open' );
// 37 is left arrow, 39 is right arrow
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 37 } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 39 } ) );
viewer.nextImage = function () {
assert.ok( false, 'Next image should not have been open' );
viewer.prevImage = function () {
assert.ok( false, 'Prev image should not have been open' );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 37, altKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 39, altKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 37, ctrlKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 39, ctrlKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 37, shiftKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 39, shiftKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 37, metaKey : true } ) );
lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which : 39, metaKey : true } ) );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );