Gilles Dubuc 5d47d1da3d Fix the "view all uses" link when there are both local and global results
The code was incorrectly adding the link to the first section
no matter what. This wasn't caught by the existing assertions,
so these are being improved as well.

Change-Id: I4dcbf44b504bd4cb875b4058fe5604f2a3c871b7
2014-01-31 09:30:26 +01:00

152 lines
7.4 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
QUnit.module( 'mmv.ui.fileUsage', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'File usage panel with no usage', 1, function( assert ) {
var fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [] ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'File usage panel with local usage', 8, function( assert ) {
var $list,
fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) }
] ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( ! $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is not empty' );
$list = $( '#qunit-fixture li:not([class])' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.length, 2 );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 0 ).text(), 'Bar' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 1 ).text(), 'Baz' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section' ).length, 1, 'There is a local section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section' ).length, 0, 'There is no global section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 0, 'The local section has no "view all uses" link' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 0, 'The global section has no "view all uses" link' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'File usage panel with local usage and overflow', 6, function( assert ) {
var $list,
fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Boom' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Boing' ) }
] ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( ! $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is not empty' );
$list = $( '#qunit-fixture li:not([class])' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.length, fileUsage.MAX_LOCAL );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section' ).length, 1, 'There is a local section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section' ).length, 0, 'There is no global section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 1, 'The local section has its "view all uses" link' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 0, 'The global section has no "view all uses" link' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'File usage panel with global usage', 10, function( assert ) {
var $list,
fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [] ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) }
] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( ! $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is not empty' );
$list = $( '#qunit-fixture li:not([class])' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.length, 2 );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 0 ).find( 'a' ).text(), 'Bar' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 1 ).find( 'a' ).text(), 'Baz' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 0 ).find( 'aside' ).text(), '' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.eq( 1 ).find( 'aside' ).text(), '' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section' ).length, 0, 'There is no local section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section' ).length, 1, 'There is a global section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 0, 'The local section has no "view all uses" link' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 0, 'The global section has no "view all uses" link' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'File usage panel with lots of uses', 7, function( assert ) {
var $list,
totalCount = 100,
fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Boom' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Boing' ) }
], totalCount, true ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) },
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: '', page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) }
] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( ! $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is not empty' );
$list = $( '#qunit-fixture li:not([class])' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.length, fileUsage.MAX_LOCAL + fileUsage.MAX_GLOBAL, 'Total amount of results is correctly capped' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section' ).length, 1, 'There is a local section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section' ).length, 1, 'There is a global section' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-local-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 1, 'The local section has its "view all uses" link' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-global-section .mw-mlb-fileusage-view-all' ).length, 1, 'The global section has its "view all uses" link' );
assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture h3' ).text().match( totalCount ), 'The "Used in" counter has the right total' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'The interface is emptied properly when necessary', 4, function( assert ) {
var $list,
fileUsage = new mw.mmv.ui.FileUsage( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) ),
file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ),
localUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'local', [
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Bar' ) },
{ wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) }
] ),
globalUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, 'global', [] );
fileUsage.set( localUsage, globalUsage );
assert.ok( ! $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is not empty' );
assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture' ).hasClass( 'empty' ), 'The container is empty' );
$list = $( '#qunit-fixture li:not([class])' );
assert.strictEqual( $list.length, 0, 'The list is empty' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mlb-fileusage-container h3' ).text(), '', 'The "Used in" counter is empty' );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );