Derk-Jan Hartman 2a8b140ed3 MMV square buttons
- Use square cdx icon only buttons
- gray transparent brackground
- opaque background on hover, active, focus
- Some fixes to the positioning and offsets of buttons and dialogs
- Move the dialogs to be in the same container as the buttons
  This is better for accessibility but also fixes the z-index issue

Bug: T365192
Change-Id: Idbc2a309fbca15bd528aaed7ca9bed584487c4f3
2024-06-26 20:28:38 +02:00

69 lines
1.3 KiB

@import '';
@import '../mmv.variables.less';
@import '../mmv.mixins.less';
@background-color: @background-color-base;
@dialog-width: 450px;
/* Flexbox gap not supported in all browsers */
/* stylelint-disable-next-line plugin/no-unsupported-browser-features */
.mw-mmv-dialog {
position: fixed;
right: @buttons-offset-edge + @buttons-offset-each + ( @arrow-size / 2 );
display: none;
width: @dialog-width;
height: @dialog-height;
background-color: @background-color;
box-shadow: @box-shadow-drop-xx-large;
z-index: 1004;
.mw-mmv-dialog-down-arrow {
right: @buttons-offset-edge + @buttons-offset-each;
background-color: @background-color;
width: @arrow-size;
height: @arrow-size;
transform: rotate( -45deg );
position: fixed;
.mw-mmv-dialog-warning {
background-color: @background-color-warning-subtle;
.mw-mmv-pt-0 {
padding-top: 0;
.mw-mmv-pb-0 {
padding-bottom: 0;
.mw-mmv-mt-75 {
margin-top: @spacing-75;
.mw-mmv-mb-75 {
margin-bottom: @spacing-75;
.mw-mmv-pb-150 {
padding-bottom: @spacing-150;
.mw-mmv-gap-50 {
gap: @spacing-50;
.mw-mmv-flex {
display: flex;
.mw-mmv-flex-grow-1 {
flex-grow: 1;
.cdx-button__icon--copy {
.cdx-mixin-css-icon( @cdx-icon-copy, @param-is-button-icon: true );