Mark Holmquist 9ded203080 Clear entire interface
In the future, I'll have a nicer UI creation helper method that will
mark these as clearable and empty them for me. Until then...

Change-Id: I8a03040a294a4fec19cd7714d4219f5d571b0c48
2013-10-30 13:22:25 -07:00

648 lines
16 KiB
Executable file

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function ( mw, $ ) {
var MultiLightbox, LightboxImage, lightboxHooks,
validExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'jpeg': true,
'gif': true,
'svg': true,
'png': true,
'tiff': true,
'tif': true
iiprops = [
mmvLogActions = {
'thumbnail-link-click': 'User clicked on thumbnail to open lightbox.',
'enlarge-link-click': 'User clicked on enlarge link to open lightbox.',
'fullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on fullscreen button in lightbox.',
'defullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on button to return to normal lightbox view.',
'close-link-click': 'User clicked on the lightbox close button.'
function MultimediaViewer() {
var $thumbs = $( '.thumbimage' ),
urls = [],
viewer = this;
this.api = new mw.Api();
this.imageInfo = {};
$thumbs.each( function ( i, thumb ) {
var fileLink,
$thumb = $( thumb ),
$link = $thumb.closest( 'a.image' ),
$thumbContain = $link.closest( '.thumb' ),
$enlarge = $thumbContain.find( '.magnify a' ),
$links = $link.add( $enlarge ),
filePageLink = $link.prop( 'href' ),
fileTitle = mw.Title.newFromImg( $thumb ),
index = urls.length;
if ( !validExtensions[fileTitle.getExtension().toLowerCase()] ) {
// Not a valid extension, skip this one
$ 'filePageLink', filePageLink );
urls.push( new LightboxImage( fileLink ) );
urls[index].filePageLink = filePageLink;
$ function ( e ) {
var $this = $( this );
if ( $ 'a.image' ) ) {
viewer.log( 'thumbnail-link-click' );
} else if ( $ '.magnify a' ) ) {
viewer.log( 'enlarge-link-click' );
viewer.lightbox.currentIndex = index;
// Open with a basic thumbnail and no information - fill in async
viewer.lightbox.images[index].src = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath', '' ) + '/resources/jquery/images/spinner-large.gif';;
viewer.fetchImageInfo( fileTitle, function ( imageInfo ) {
var imageEle = new Image();
imageEle.onload = function () {
viewer.lightbox.iface.replaceImageWith( imageEle );
viewer.setImageInfo( fileTitle, imageInfo );
imageEle.src = imageInfo.imageinfo[0].thumburl || imageInfo.imageinfo[0].url;
} );
return false;
} );
} );
if ( $thumbs.length > 0 ) {
this.lightbox = new MultiLightbox( urls );
lightboxHooks.register( 'imageResize', function () {
var api = new mw.Api(),
ratio = this.isFullScreen ? 0.9 : 0.5,
filename = viewer.currentImageFilename,
ui = this;
api.get( {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
titles: filename,
prop: 'imageinfo',
iiprop: 'url',
iiurlwidth: Math.floor( ratio * $( window ).width() * 1.1 ),
iiurlheight: Math.floor( ratio * $( window ).height() * 1.1 )
} ).done( function ( data ) {
var imageInfo, innerInfo,
image = new Image();
$.each( data.query.pages, function ( i, page ) {
imageInfo = page;
return false;
} );
innerInfo = imageInfo.imageinfo[0];
image.onload = function () {
ui.replaceImageWith( image );
image.src = innerInfo.thumburl || innerInfo.url;
} );
return false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'imageLoaded', function () {
// Add link wrapper to the image div, put image inside it
this.$imageLink = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-link' )
.html( this.$image.detach() );
this.$imageDiv.append( this.$imageLink );
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'modifyInterface', function () {
var ui = this;
this.$imageDesc = $( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-desc' );
this.$imageDescDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-desc-div' )
.html( this.$imageDesc );
this.$imageLinks = $( '<ul>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-links' );
this.$imageLinkDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-links-div' )
.html( this.$imageLinks );
this.$imageMetadata = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-image-metadata' )
.html( this.$imageDescDiv )
.append( this.$imageLinkDiv );
this.$postDiv.append( this.$imageMetadata );
this.$repo = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-repo' )
.prop( 'href', '#' );
this.$repoLi = $( '<li>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-repo-li' )
.addClass( 'empty' )
.append( this.$repo );
this.$imageLinks.append( this.$repoLi );
this.$datetime = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-datetime' );
this.$datetimeLi = $( '<li>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-datetime-li' )
.addClass( 'empty' )
.html( this.$datetime );
this.$imageLinks.append( this.$datetimeLi );
this.$username = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-username' )
.prop( 'href', '#' );
this.$usernameLi = $( '<li>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-username-li' )
.addClass( 'empty' )
.html( this.$username );
this.$imageLinks.append( this.$usernameLi );
this.$license = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-license' )
.addClass( 'empty' )
.prop( 'href', '#' );
this.$licensePara = $( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-license-contain' )
.html( this.$license );
this.$title = $( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-title' );
this.$source = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-source' );
this.$author = $( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-author' );
this.$credit = $( '<p>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-credit' )
.addClass( 'empty' )
this.$author.get( 0 ).outerHTML,
this.$source.get( 0 ).outerHTML
this.$titleAndCredit = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-title-credit' )
this.$titleDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mlb-title-contain' )
this.$controlBar.append( this.$titleDiv );
this.$ function () {
viewer.log( 'close-link-click' );
} );
this.$ function () {
if ( ui.isFullScreen ) {
viewer.log( 'fullscreen-link-click' );
} else {
viewer.log( 'defullscreen-link-click' );
} );
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'fullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'defullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'clearInterface', function () {
this.$imageDesc.empty().addClass( 'empty' );
this.$title.empty().addClass( 'empty' );
this.$credit.empty().addClass( 'empty' );
this.$usernameLi.addClass( 'empty' );
this.$repoLi.addClass( 'empty' );
this.$datetimeLi.addClass( 'empty' );
this.$license.empty().addClass( 'empty' );
viewer.currentImageFilename = null;
} );
MultimediaViewer.prototype.fetchRepoInfo = function ( cb ) {
var viewer = this;
if ( this.repoInfo !== undefined ) {
cb( this.repoInfo );
} else {
this.api.get( {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
meta: 'filerepoinfo'
}, function ( data ) {
if ( !data || !data.query ) {
// Damn, failure. Do it gracefully-ish.
cb( {} );
viewer.setRepoInfo( data.query.repos );
cb( viewer.repoInfo );
} );
MultimediaViewer.prototype.setRepoInfo = function ( repos ) {
var i, repo;
repos = repos || [];
if ( this.repoInfo === undefined ) {
this.repoInfo = {};
for ( i = 0; i < repos.length; i++ ) {
repo = repos[i];
this.repoInfo[] = repo;
MultimediaViewer.prototype.setImageInfo = function ( fileTitle, imageInfo ) {
function whitelistHtml( $el ) {
var child, $prev, $child = $el.children().first();
while ( $child && $child.length ) {
child = $child.get( 0 );
if ( child.nodeType !== child.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
whitelistHtml( $child );
if ( !$ 'a' ) ) {
$prev = $child.prev();
$child.replaceWith( $child.contents() );
} else {
$prev = $child;
if ( $prev && $prev.length === 1 ) {
$child = $;
} else {
$child = $el.children().first();
function setUserpageLink( username, gender ) {
var userpage = 'User:' + username,
userTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( userpage );
mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-userpage-link', username, gender ).text()
.prop( 'href', userTitle.getUrl() );
if ( articlePath ) {
.prop( 'href', articlePath.replace( '$1', userTitle.getPrefixedText() ) );
ui.$usernameLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !Boolean( username ) );
var extmeta,
repoInfo, articlePath,
datetime, dtmsg,
license, msgname,
source, author,
ui = this.lightbox.iface,
innerInfo = imageInfo.imageinfo[0] || {};
ui.$title.text( fileTitle.getNameText() );
if ( this.repoInfo ) {
repoInfo = this.repoInfo[imageInfo.imagerepository];
if ( repoInfo ) {
if ( repoInfo.displayname ) {
mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-repository', repoInfo.displayname ).text()
} else {
mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-repository', mw.config.get( 'wgSiteName' ) ).text()
if ( repoInfo.server && repoInfo.articlepath ) {
articlePath = repoInfo.server + repoInfo.articlepath;
} else {
articlePath = mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' );
.prop( 'href', articlePath.replace( '$1', fileTitle.getPrefixedText() ) );
ui.$repoLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !Boolean( repoInfo ) );
username = innerInfo.user;
if ( username ) {
// Fetch the gender from the uploader's home wiki
// TODO this is ugly as hell, let's fix this in core.
new mw.Api( {
ajax: {
url: repoInfo.apiurl || mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' )
} ).get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'users',
ususers: username,
usprop: 'gender'
} ).done( function ( data ) {
var gender = data.query.users[0].gender;
setUserpageLink( username, gender );
} ).fail( function () {
setUserpageLink( username, 'unknown' );
} );
extmeta = innerInfo.extmetadata;
if ( extmeta ) {
desc = extmeta.ImageDescription;
if ( desc ) {
desc = desc.value;
whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.append( $.parseHTML( desc ) ) );
datetime = extmeta.DateTimeOriginal || extmeta.DateTime;
if ( datetime ) {
// get rid of HTML tags
datetime = datetime.value.replace( /<.*?>/g, '' );
// try to use built in date formatting
if ( new Date( datetime ) ) {
datetime = ( new Date( datetime ) ).toLocaleDateString();
dtmsg = (
'multimediaviewer-datetime-' +
( extmeta.DateTimeOriginal ? 'created' : 'uploaded' )
mw.message( dtmsg, datetime ).text()
ui.$datetimeLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !Boolean( datetime ) );
source = extmeta.Credit;
author = extmeta.Artist;
if ( source ) {
source = source.value;
whitelistHtml( ui.$source.empty().append( $.parseHTML( source ) ) );
if ( author ) {
author = author.value;
whitelistHtml( ui.$author.empty().append( $.parseHTML( author ) ) );
if ( source && author ) {
ui.$author.get( 0 ).outerHTML,
ui.$source.get( 0 ).outerHTML
} else {
// Clobber the contents and only have one of the fields
if ( source ) {
ui.$credit.html( ui.$source );
} else if ( author ) {
ui.$credit.html( ui.$author );
ui.$credit.toggleClass( 'empty', !Boolean( source ) && !Boolean( author ) );
license = extmeta.License;
if ( license ) {
license = license.value;
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-' + ( license || '' );
if ( !license || !mw.messages.exists( msgname ) ) {
// Cannot display, fallback or fail
license = 'default';
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-default';
if ( license ) {
articlePath = articlePath || mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath', '' );
.text( mw.message( msgname ).text() )
.prop( 'href', articlePath.replace( '$1', fileTitle.getPrefixedText() ) )
.toggleClass( 'cc-license', license.substr( 0, 2 ) === 'cc' );
ui.$license.toggleClass( 'empty', !license );
MultimediaViewer.prototype.fetchImageInfo = function ( fileTitle, cb ) {
function apiCallback( sitename ) {
return function ( data ) {
if ( !data || !data.query ) {
// No information, oh well
viewer.setRepoInfo( data.query.repos );
if ( data.query.pages ) {
$.each( data.query.pages, function ( i, page ) {
imageInfo = page;
return false;
} );
viewer.currentImageFilename = filename;
if ( viewer.imageInfo[filename] === undefined ) {
if ( sitename === null ) {
viewer.imageInfo[filename] = imageInfo;
} else {
viewer.imageInfo[filename] = {};
viewer.imageInfo[filename].sites = {};
if ( !viewer.imageInfo[filename].imageinfo ||
viewer.imageInfo[filename].imageinfo.length === 0 ) {
viewer.imageInfo[filename].imageinfo = [{}];
viewer.imageInfo[filename].sites[sitename] = imageInfo;
if ( viewer.imageInfo[filename] ) {
// Give back the information we have
cb( viewer.imageInfo[filename], viewer.repoInfo );
function fetchImageInfoCallback() {
var repoInfo;
if ( viewer.repoInfo !== undefined ) {
repoInfo = viewer.repoInfo;
if ( repoInfo === undefined ) {
apiArgs.meta = 'filerepoinfo';
viewer.api.get( apiArgs ).done( apiCallback( null ) );
var imageInfo,
filename = fileTitle.getPrefixedText(),
ratio = this.lightbox.iface.isFullScreen ? 0.9 : 0.5,
apiArgs = {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
titles: filename,
prop: 'imageinfo',
iiprop: iiprops.join( '|' ),
iiurlwidth: Math.floor( ratio * $( window ).width() * 1.1 ),
iiurlheight: Math.floor( ratio * $( window ).height() * 1.1 ),
// Short-circuit, don't fallback, to save some tiny amount of time
iiextmetadatalanguage: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage', false ) || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage', 'en' )
viewer = this;
if ( this.imageInfo[filename] === undefined ) {
// Fetch it in the same API query as the image info
} else {
this.fetchRepoInfo( function ( res ) {
cb( viewer.imageInfo[filename], res );
} );
MultimediaViewer.prototype.log = function ( action ) {
mw.log( mmvLogActions[action] || action );
if ( mw.eventLog ) {
mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'MediaViewer', {
version: '1.0',
action: action,
userId: mw.user.getId(),
editCount: mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount', 0 )
} );
$( function () {
MultiLightbox = window.MultiLightbox;
LightboxImage = window.LightboxImage;
lightboxHooks = window.lightboxHooks;
var viewer = new MultimediaViewer();
mw.mediaViewer = viewer;
} );
mw.MultimediaViewer = MultimediaViewer;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );