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synced 2025-01-08 12:54:41 +00:00
Bug: T208951 Change-Id: Ice695dfb489974faa23ba19d74cf17b06e3f6075
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* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
( function () {
QUnit.module( 'mmv.routing.Router', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'Constructor sanity checks', function ( assert ) {
var router;
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
assert.ok( router, 'Router created successfully' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isMediaViewerHash()', function ( assert ) {
var router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( 'mediaviewer/foo' ), true, 'Legacy hash' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '#mediaviewer/foo' ), true, 'Legacy hash with #' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( 'mediaviewer' ), true, 'Bare legacy hash' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '#mediaviewer' ), true, 'Bare legacy hash with #' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '/media/foo' ), true, 'Normal hash' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '#/media/foo' ), true, 'Normal hash with #' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '/media' ), true, 'Bare hash' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '#/media' ), true, 'Bare hash with #' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( 'foo/media' ), false, 'Foreign hash' );
assert.strictEqual( router.isMediaViewerHash( '' ), false, 'Empty hash' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'createHash()/parseHash()', function ( assert ) {
var route, parsedRoute, hash, title,
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
route = new mw.mmv.routing.MainFileRoute();
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.deepEqual( parsedRoute, route, 'Bare hash' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo.png' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Normal hash' );
assert.ok( hash.match( /File:Foo.png/ ), 'Simple filenames remain readable' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo.png' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
assert.notEqual( hash[ 0 ], '#', 'Leading # is not included in the returned hash' );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( '#' + hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Leading # is accepted when parsing a hash' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo.png' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Normal hash' );
assert.ok( hash.match( /File:Foo.png/ ), 'Simple filenames remain readable' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo/bar.png' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Filename with /' );
assert.notOk( hash.match( 'Foo/bar' ), '/ is encoded' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo bar.png' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Filename with space' );
assert.notOk( hash.match( 'Foo bar' ), 'space is replaced...' );
assert.ok( hash.match( 'Foo_bar' ), '...with underscore' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:看門狗 (遊戲).jpg' );
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Unicode filename' );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:%!"$&\'()*,-./:;=?@\\^_`~+.jpg' );
if ( title ) {
route = new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title );
hash = router.createHash( route );
parsedRoute = router.parseHash( hash );
assert.strictEqual( parsedRoute.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(),
title.getPrefixedDb(), 'Special characters' );
} else {
// mw.Title depends on $wgLegalTitleChars - do not fail test if it is non-standard
assert.ok( true, 'Skipped' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'createHash() error handling', function ( assert ) {
var router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
assert.ok( mw.mmv.testHelpers.getException( function () { return new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute(); } ),
'Exception thrown then ThumbnailRoute has no title' );
assert.ok( mw.mmv.testHelpers.getException( function () {
router.createHash( this.sandbox.createStubInstance( mw.mmv.routing.Route ) );
} ), 'Exception thrown for unknown Route subclass' );
assert.ok( mw.mmv.testHelpers.getException( function () {
router.createHash( {} );
} ), 'Exception thrown for non-Route class' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'parseHash() with invalid hashes', function ( assert ) {
var router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
assert.notOk( router.parseHash( 'foo' ), 'Non-MMV hash is rejected.' );
assert.notOk( router.parseHash( '#foo' ), 'Non-MMV hash is rejected (with #).' );
assert.notOk( router.parseHash( '/media/foo/bar' ), 'Invalid MMV hash is rejected.' );
assert.notOk( router.parseHash( '#/media/foo/bar' ), 'Invalid MMV hash is rejected (with #).' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'parseHash() backwards compatibility', function ( assert ) {
var route,
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
route = router.parseHash( '#mediaviewer/File:Foo bar.png' );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Foo_bar.png',
'Old urls (with space) are handled' );
route = router.parseHash( '#mediaviewer/File:Mexican \'Alien\' Piñata.jpg' );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Mexican_\'Alien\'_Piñata.jpg',
'Old urls (without percent-encoding) are handled' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'createHashedUrl()', function ( assert ) {
var url,
route = new mw.mmv.routing.MainFileRoute(),
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
url = router.createHashedUrl( route, 'http://example.com/' );
assert.strictEqual( url, 'http://example.com/#/media', 'Url generation works' );
url = router.createHashedUrl( route, 'http://example.com/#foo' );
assert.strictEqual( url, 'http://example.com/#/media', 'Urls with fragments are handled' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'parseLocation()', function ( assert ) {
var location, route,
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
location = { href: 'http://example.com/foo#mediaviewer/File:Foo.png' };
route = router.parseLocation( location );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Foo.png', 'Reading location works' );
location = { href: 'http://example.com/foo#/media/File:Foo.png' };
route = router.parseLocation( location );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Foo.png', 'Reading location works' );
location = { href: 'http://example.com/foo' };
route = router.parseLocation( location );
assert.notOk( route, 'Reading location without fragment part works' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'parseLocation() with real location', function ( assert ) {
var route, title, hash,
router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
// mw.Title does not accept % in page names
this.sandbox.stub( mw, 'Title', function ( name ) {
return {
name: name,
getMain: function () { return name.replace( /^File:/, '' ); }
} );
title = new mw.Title( 'File:%40.png' );
hash = router.createHash( new mw.mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute( title ) );
window.location.hash = hash;
route = router.parseLocation( window.location );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getMain(), '%40.png',
'Reading location set via location.hash works' );
if ( window.history ) {
window.history.pushState( null, null, '#' + hash );
route = router.parseLocation( window.location );
assert.strictEqual( route.fileTitle.getMain(), '%40.png',
'Reading location set via pushState() works' );
} else {
assert.ok( true, 'Skipped pushState() test, not supported on this browser' );
// reset location, might interfere with other tests
window.location.hash = '#';
} );
QUnit.test( 'tokenizeHash()', function ( assert ) {
var router = new mw.mmv.routing.Router();
router.legacyPrefix = 'legacy';
router.applicationPrefix = 'prefix';
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#foo/bar' ), [], 'No known prefix' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#prefix' ), [ 'prefix' ], 'Current prefix, with #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'prefix' ), [ 'prefix' ], 'Current prefix, without #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#prefix/bar' ), [ 'prefix', 'bar' ], 'Current prefix, with # and element' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'prefix/bar' ), [ 'prefix', 'bar' ], 'Current prefix, with element without #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#prefix/bar/baz' ), [ 'prefix', 'bar', 'baz' ], 'Current prefix, with # and 2 elements' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'prefix/bar/baz' ), [ 'prefix', 'bar', 'baz' ], 'Current prefix, with 2 elements without #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#legacy' ), [ 'legacy' ], 'Legacy prefix, with #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'legacy' ), [ 'legacy' ], 'Legacy prefix, without #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#legacy/bar' ), [ 'legacy', 'bar' ], 'Legacy prefix, with # and element' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'legacy/bar' ), [ 'legacy', 'bar' ], 'Legacy prefix, with element without #' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( '#legacy/bar/baz' ), [ 'legacy', 'bar', 'baz' ], 'Legacy prefix, with # and 2 elements' );
assert.deepEqual( router.tokenizeHash( 'legacy/bar/baz' ), [ 'legacy', 'bar', 'baz' ], 'Legacy prefix, with 2 elements without #' );
} );
}() );