gladoscc db01284c6e Ignore events with modifier keys
I've combed through the entire codebase for keydown, keyup, keypress
and .which and I've only found one case where modifier keys are not
ignored for keyboard shortcuts.

Bug: T68329
Change-Id: I10ca2b89b9eb5addd7c706cf796331b5206d6bef
2014-12-29 17:52:44 +11:00

241 lines
7.8 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function( mw, $, oo ) {
var MPSP;
* @class mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanelScroller
* @extends mw.mmv.ui.Element
* Handles scrolling behavior of the metadata panel.
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $container The container for the panel (.mw-mmv-post-image).
* @param {jQuery} $aboveFold The control bar element (.mw-mmv-above-fold).
* @param {Object} localStorage the localStorage object, for dependency injection
function MetadataPanelScroller( $container, $aboveFold, localStorage ) { this, $container );
this.$aboveFold = $aboveFold;
/** @property {Object} localStorage the window.localStorage object */
this.localStorage = localStorage;
/** @property {boolean} panelWasOpen state flag which will be used to detect open <-> closed transitions */
this.panelWasOpen = null;
* Whether this user has ever opened the metadata panel.
* Based on a localstorage flag; will be set to true if the client does not support localstorage.
* @type {boolean}
this.hasOpenedMetadata = undefined;
* Whether we've already fired an animation for the metadata div in this lightbox session.
* @property {boolean}
* @private
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
oo.inheritClass( MetadataPanelScroller, mw.mmv.ui.Element );
MPSP = MetadataPanelScroller.prototype;
MPSP.toggleScrollDuration = 400;
MPSP.attach = function() {
var panel = this;
this.handleEvent( 'keydown', function ( e ) {
panel.keydown( e );
} );
$.scrollTo().on( 'scroll.mmvp', $.throttle( 250, function() {
} ) );
this.$container.on( 'mmv-metadata-open', function () {
if ( !panel.hasOpenedMetadata && panel.localStorage ) {
panel.hasOpenedMetadata = true;
try {
panel.localStorage.setItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata', true );
} catch ( e ) {
// localStorage is full or disabled
} );
// reset animation flag when the viewer is reopened
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
MPSP.unattach = function() {
$.scrollTo().off( 'scroll.mmvp' );
this.$ 'mmv-metadata-open' );
MPSP.empty = function () {
// need to remove this to avoid animating again when reopening lightbox on same page
this.$container.removeClass( 'invite' );
this.panelWasOpen = this.panelIsOpen();
* Returns scroll top position when the panel is fully open.
* (In other words, the height of the area that is outside the screen, in pixels.)
* @return {number}
MPSP.getScrollTopWhenOpen = function () {
return this.$container.outerHeight() - parseInt( this.$aboveFold.css( 'min-height' ), 10 )
- parseInt( this.$aboveFold.css( 'padding-bottom' ), 10 );
* Makes sure the panel does not contract when it is emptied and thus keeps its position as much as possible.
* This should be called when switching images, before the panel is emptied, and should be undone with
* unfreezeHeight after the panel has been populeted with the new metadata.
MPSP.freezeHeight = function () {
if ( !this.$ ':visible' ) ) {
var scrollTop = $.scrollTo().scrollTop(),
scrollTopWhenOpen = this.getScrollTopWhenOpen();
this.panelWasFullyOpen = ( scrollTop === scrollTopWhenOpen );
this.$container.css( 'min-height', this.$container.height() );
MPSP.unfreezeHeight = function () {
if ( !this.$ ':visible' ) ) {
this.$container.css( 'min-height', '' );
if ( this.panelWasFullyOpen ) {
$.scrollTo( this.getScrollTopWhenOpen() );
MPSP.initialize = function () {
this.hasOpenedMetadata = !this.localStorage || this.localStorage.getItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata' );
* Animates the metadata area when the viewer is first opened.
MPSP.animateMetadataOnce = function () {
if ( !this.hasOpenedMetadata && !this.hasAnimatedMetadata ) {
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = true;
this.$container.addClass( 'invite' );
* Toggles the metadata div being totally visible.
* @param {string} [forceDirection] 'up' or 'down' makes the panel move on that direction (and is a noop
* if the panel is already at the upmost/bottommost position); without the parameter, the panel position
* is toggled. (Partially open counts as open.)
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} a deferred which resolves after the animation has finished.
MPSP.toggle = function ( forceDirection ) {
var deferred = $.Deferred(),
scrollTopWhenOpen = this.getScrollTopWhenOpen(),
scrollTopWhenClosed = 0,
scrollTop = $.scrollTo().scrollTop(),
panelIsOpen = scrollTop > scrollTopWhenClosed,
direction = forceDirection || ( panelIsOpen ? 'down' : 'up' ),
scrollTopTarget = ( direction === 'up' ) ? scrollTopWhenOpen : scrollTopWhenClosed;
// don't log / animate if the panel is already in the end position
if ( scrollTopTarget === scrollTop ) {
} else {
mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( direction === 'up' ? 'metadata-open' : 'metadata-close' );
if ( direction === 'up' && !panelIsOpen ) {
// FIXME nasty. This is not really an event but a command sent to the metadata panel;
// child UI elements should not send commands to their parents. However, there is no way
// to calculate the target scrollTop accurately without revealing the text, and the event
// which does that (metadata-open) is only triggered later in the process, when the panel
// actually scrolled, so we cannot use it here without risking triggering it multiple times.
this.$container.trigger( 'mmv-metadata-reveal-truncated-text' );
scrollTopTarget = this.getScrollTopWhenOpen();
$.scrollTo( scrollTopTarget, this.toggleScrollDuration, {
onAfter: function () {
} );
return deferred;
* Handles keydown events for this element.
MPSP.keydown = function ( e ) {
if ( e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) {
switch ( e.which ) {
case 40: // Down arrow
// fall through
case 38: // Up arrow
* Returns whether the metadata panel is open. (Partially open is considered to be open.)
* @return {boolean}
MPSP.panelIsOpen = function () {
return $.scrollTo().scrollTop() > 0;
* Receives the window's scroll events and and turns them into business logic events
* @fires mmv-metadata-open
* @fires mmv-metadata-close
MPSP.scroll = function () {
var panelIsOpen = this.panelIsOpen();
if ( panelIsOpen && !this.panelWasOpen ) { // just opened
this.$container.trigger( 'mmv-metadata-open' );
// This will include keyboard- and mouseclick-initiated open events as well,
// since the panel is anomated, which counts as scrolling.
// Filtering these seems too much trouble to be worth it.
mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'metadata-scroll-open' );
} else if ( !panelIsOpen && this.panelWasOpen ) { // just closed
this.$container.trigger( 'mmv-metadata-close' );
mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'metadata-scroll-close' );
this.panelWasOpen = panelIsOpen;
mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanelScroller = MetadataPanelScroller;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );