Cmcmahon 711e2837fc QA: update navigation test for rspec
This should be pretty straightforward

* use RSpec3 expect() syntax
* prefer string to regex as argument to match() when appropriate
* use Selenium $browser.back instead of inline javascript

Change-Id: I2e214752224397859a00f11bf9acc5bdc7685464
2014-12-17 15:02:38 -07:00

152 lines
7 KiB

# encoding: utf-8
Given /^I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).image1_in_article_element.should be_visible
Given /^I am viewing an image using MMV$/ do
step "I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures"
step "I click on the second image in the article"
step "the image metadata and the image itself should be there"
When /^I click on the first image in the article$/ do
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# We store the offset of the image as the scroll position and scroll to it, because cucumber/selenium
# sometimes automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it (seems to depend on timing)
@articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("var scrollTop = Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Sunrise_over_fishing_boats_in_Kerala.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top); window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return scrollTop;")
# Scrolls to the image and clicks on it
# This is a global variable that can be used to measure performance
@image_click_time =
When /^I click on the second image in the article$/ do
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# We store the offset of the image as the scroll position and scroll to it, because cucumber/selenium
# sometimes automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it (seems to depend on timing)
@articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("var scrollTop = Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Wikimedia_Foundation_2013_All_Hands_Offsite_-_Day_2_-_Photo_24.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top); window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return scrollTop;")
# Scrolls to the image and clicks on it
# This is a global variable that can be used to measure performance
@image_click_time =
When /^I close MMV$/ do
When /^I click the image$/ do
Then /^the image metadata and the image itself should be there$/ do
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# MMV was launched, article is not visible now
page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible
check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2 page
# Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer
# while looking at image1 (Kerala)
def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1(page)
# Check basic MMV elements are present
expect(page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element).to be_visible
# Check image content
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src')).to match /Kerala/
# Check basic metadata is present
# Title
expect(page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text).to match /^Sunrise over fishing boats$/
# License
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text).to match 'CC BY-SA 3.0'
# Credit
expect(page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text).to match 'Own work'
# Image metadata
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Description
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text).to match 'Sunrise over fishing boats on the beach south of Kovalam'
# Image metadata links
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Details link
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text).to match 'More details'
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /boats_in_Kerala.jpg$/
# Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer
# while looking at image2 (Aquarium)
def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2(page)
# Check basic MMV elements are present
expect(page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element).to be_visible
# Check image content
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src')).to match 'Offsite'
# Check basic metadata is present
# Title
expect(page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text).to match /^Tropical Fish Aquarium$/
# License
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text).to match 'CC BY-SA 3.0'
# Credit
expect(page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text).to match 'Wikimedia Foundation'
# Image metadata
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Description
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text).to match 'Photo from Wikimedia Foundation'
# Image metadata links
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Details link
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text).to match 'More details'
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /All_Hands_Offsite.*\.jpg$/
# Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer
# while looking at image3 (Hong Kong)
def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image3(page)
# Check basic MMV elements are present
expect(page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element).to be_visible
# Check image content
expect(page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src')).to match 'Hong_Kong'
# Check basic metadata is present
# Title
expect(page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text).to match /^Hong Kong Harbor at night$/
# License
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/
expect(page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text).to match 'CC BY-SA 3.0'
# Credit
expect(page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present).to be_visible
expect(page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text).to match 'Wikimedia Foundation'
# Image metadata
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Description
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text).to match /Photos from our product team's talks at Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong./
# Image metadata links
expect(page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present).to be_visible
# Details link
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text).to match 'More details'
expect(page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href')).to match /Wikimania_2013_-_Hong_Kong_-_Photo_090\.jpg$/