Mark Holmquist 6363b90bd8 Add caption to the interface in place of description
Also include the description on the right side of the page, but the caption
generally is more relevant and so should have the place of honour.


Change-Id: I512b3dd99207878233d501135b4dda0d0bd9cdd6
2014-01-17 16:37:56 -08:00

356 lines
15 KiB

( function ( mw, $ ) {
var logTests = [
[ 'thumbnail-link-click', 'User clicked on thumbnail to open lightbox.' ],
[ 'enlarge-link-click', 'User clicked on enlarge link to open lightbox.' ],
[ 'fullscreen-link-click', 'User clicked on fullscreen button in lightbox.' ],
[ 'defullscreen-link-click', 'User clicked on button to return to normal lightbox view.' ],
[ 'close-link-click', 'User clicked on the lightbox close button.' ],
[ 'site-link-click', 'User clicked on the link to the file description page.' ],
[ 'Something happened', 'Something happened' ]
profileTests = [
[ 'image-load', 'Profiling image load with ID $1', 'Finished image load with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds', 200, 200, 120348, 'jpg' ],
[ 'image-resize', 'Profiling image resize with ID $1', 'Finished image resize with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds', 400, 400, 500000, 'png' ],
[ 'metadata-fetch', 'Profiling image metadata fetch with ID $1', 'Finished image metadata fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds' ],
[ 'gender-fetch', 'Profiling uploader gender fetch with ID $1', 'Finished uploader gender fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds' ]
QUnit.module( 'ext.multimediaViewer', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
function createGallery( imageSrc ) {
var div = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'gallery' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( div );
$( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', ( imageSrc || 'thumb.jpg' ) ).appendTo( link );
return div;
function createThumb( imageSrc, caption ) {
var div = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'thumb' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ),
link = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( div );
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'thumbcaption' ).appendTo( div ).text( caption );
$( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', ( imageSrc || 'thumb.jpg' ) ).appendTo( link );
return div;
QUnit.test( 'Check viewer invoked when clicking on an legit image links', 4, function ( assert ) {
// TODO: Is <div class="gallery"><span class="image"><img/></span></div> valid ???
var div, link, link2, link3, viewer;
// Create viewer, no images in page.
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
assert.strictEqual( viewer.lightbox, null, 'There are not legit links, a lightbox should not be created.' );
// Create gallery with legit link image
div = createGallery();
link = div.find( 'a.image' );
// Legit isolated thumbnail
link2 = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' );
$( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', 'thumb2.jpg' ).appendTo( link2 );
// Non-legit fragment
link3 = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'noImage' ).appendTo( div );
$( '<img>' ).attr( 'src', 'thumb3.jpg' ).appendTo( link3 );
// Create another viewer so link analysis happens now that we have some images.
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
// Mock clickLink callback
viewer.clickLinkCallback = function () {
assert.ok( true, 'click callback called.' );
// Click on legit link
link.trigger( 'click' );
// Click on legit link
link2.trigger( 'click' );
// Click on non-legit link
link3.trigger( 'click' );
assert.notStrictEqual( viewer.lightbox, null, 'There are legit links, a lightbox should be created.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Skip images with invalid extensions', 1, function ( assert ) {
var div, link, viewer;
// Create gallery with image that has invalid name extension
div = createGallery( 'thumb.badext' );
link = div.find( 'a.image' );
// Create viewer so link analysis happens now that we have some images.
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
// Mock clickLink callback
viewer.clickLinkCallback = function () {
assert.ok( false, 'Wrong, handling an image with bad extension !' );
// Click on legit link with wrong image extension
link.trigger( 'click' );
assert.strictEqual( viewer.lightbox, null, 'There are not legit links, a lightbox should not be created.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Accept only left clicks without modifier keys, skip the rest', 1, function ( assert ) {
var div, link, viewer, leftClick, ctrlLeftClick, rightClick;
// Create gallery with image that has invalid name extension
div = createGallery();
link = div.find( 'a.image' );
// Create viewer so link analysis happens now that we have some images.
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
// Mock loadImage() function call
viewer.loadImage = function () {
assert.ok( true, 'Handling legit click.' );
leftClick = $.Event( 'click' );
leftClick.which = 1;
// Handle valid left click, it should try to load the image
link.trigger( leftClick );
ctrlLeftClick = $.Event( 'click' );
ctrlLeftClick.which = 1;
ctrlLeftClick.ctrlKey = true;
// Skip Ctrl-left-click, no image is loaded
link.trigger( ctrlLeftClick );
rightClick = $.Event( 'click' );
rightClick.which = 2;
// Skip invalid right click, no image is loaded
link.trigger( rightClick );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Do not load the resized image if no data returning from the api', 1, function ( assert ) {
var ui,
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
// Calling loadResizedImage() with empty/undefined data should not fail.
viewer.loadResizedImage( ui, data );
assert.ok( true, 'Resized image is not replaced since we have not data.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Logging works as expected', 4 * logTests.length, function ( assert ) {
var i, test, msgName, expectedMsg,
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(),
backupLog = mw.log,
backupEventLog = mw.eventLog;
function checkLogging( msg ) {
assert.strictEqual( msg, expectedMsg, 'Message ' + msgName + ' is logged correctly.' );
function checkLoggingEventLog( type, event ) {
assert.strictEqual( type, 'MediaViewer', 'Eventlogging gets the right event type for message ' + msgName + '.' );
assert.strictEqual( event.version, '1.1', 'Eventlogging gets the right version number for message ' + msgName + '.' );
assert.strictEqual( event.action, msgName, 'Eventlogging gets the right action name for message ' + msgName + '.' );
mw.log = checkLogging;
mw.eventLog = mw.eventLog || {};
mw.eventLog.logEvent = checkLoggingEventLog;
for ( i = 0; i < logTests.length; i++ ) {
test = logTests[i];
msgName = test[0];
expectedMsg = test[1];
viewer.log( msgName );
mw.log = backupLog;
mw.eventLog = backupEventLog;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Profiling works as expected', ( 12 * profileTests.length ), function ( assert ) {
var i, pid, test, msgName, expectedMsg, expectedImageWidth,
expectedFileSize, expectedFileType, expectedImageHeight,
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(),
backupLog = mw.log,
backupEventLog = mw.eventLog;
function checkLogging( msg ) {
assert.strictEqual( msg, expectedMsg, 'Message ' + msgName + ' is logged correctly.' );
function checkProfileEventLog( type, msg ) {
assert.strictEqual( type, 'MediaViewerPerf', 'EventLogging gets the right event type for profile message ' + msgName + '.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.version, '1.1', 'EventLogging gets the right version number for profile message ' + msgName + '.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.action, msgName, 'EventLogging gets the right action name for message ' + msgName + '.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.start, undefined, 'MultimediaViewer#profileEnd deletes the event start time from ' + msgName + ' profiles sent to EventLogging.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.fileSize, expectedFileSize, 'EventLogging sees the correct file size for ' + msgName + ' profiles.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.fileType, expectedFileType, 'EventLogging sees the correct filetype for ' + msgName + ' profiles.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.imageHeight, expectedImageHeight, 'EventLogging sees the correct image height for ' + msgName + ' profiles.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.imageWidth, expectedImageWidth, 'EventLogging sees the correct image width for ' + msgName + ' profiles.' );
assert.strictEqual( msg.userAgent, navigator.userAgent, 'EventLogging logs the browser user-agent string for ' + msgName + ' profiles.' );
mw.log = checkLogging;
mw.eventLog = mw.eventLog || {};
mw.eventLog.logEvent = checkProfileEventLog;
for ( i = 0; i < profileTests.length; i++ ) {
test = profileTests[i];
msgName = test[0];
expectedMsg = test[1].replace( /\$1/g, i );
expectedImageWidth = test[3];
expectedImageHeight = test[4];
expectedFileSize = test[5];
expectedFileType = test[6];
pid = viewer.profileStart( msgName, { width: expectedImageWidth, height: expectedImageHeight, filesize: expectedFileSize }, expectedFileType );
assert.strictEqual( pid, i, 'nonce-style profile IDs come in order.' );
expectedMsg = test[2].replace( /\$1/g, i ).replace( /\$2/g, 0 );
viewer.profileEnd( pid, true );
mw.log = backupLog;
mw.eventLog = backupEventLog;
} );
QUnit.asyncTest( 'Make sure we get sane values for the eventlogging timing', 2, function ( assert ) {
var pid,
continuing = true,
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(),
backupEventLog = mw.eventLog;
mw.eventLog = {
logEvent: function ( schema, msg ) {
// msg.filesize has whatever value we set the timeout for.
assert.ok( msg.milliseconds >= msg.fileSize, 'Right amount of time elapsed for the ' + ( continuing ? 'first' : 'second' ) + ' profile.' );
if ( continuing ) {
continuing = false;
pid = viewer.profileStart( 'image-resize', { width: 20, height: 20, filesize: 80 }, 'png' );
window.setTimeout( function () { viewer.profileEnd( pid ); }, 80 );
} else {
mw.eventLog = backupEventLog;
pid = viewer.profileStart( 'image-load', { width: 10, height: 10, filesize: 40 }, 'jpg' );
window.setTimeout( function () { viewer.profileEnd( pid ); }, 40 );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Ensure that the click callback is getting the appropriate initial value for image loading', 1, function ( assert ) {
var imgSrc = '300px-valid.jpg',
div = createGallery( imgSrc ),
link = div.find( 'a.image' ),
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
viewer.clickLinkCallback = function ( e, clickedEle, $thumbContain ) {
assert.strictEqual( $thumbContain.find( 'img' ).prop( 'src' ).split( '/' ).pop(), imgSrc, 'The URL being used for the initial image load is correct' );
link.trigger( 'click' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Validate new LightboxImage object has sane constructor parameters', 6, function ( assert ) {
var viewer,
backup = mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage,
fname = 'valid',
imgSrc = '/' + fname + '.jpg/300px-' + fname + '.jpg',
imgRegex = new RegExp( imgSrc + '$' );
createGallery( imgSrc );
mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) {
assert.ok( fileLink.match( imgRegex ), 'Thumbnail URL used in creating new image object' );
assert.strictEqual( filePageLink, '', 'File page link is sane when creating new image object' );
assert.strictEqual( fileTitle.title, fname, 'Filename is correct when passed into new image constructor' );
assert.strictEqual( index, 0, 'The only image we created in the gallery is set at index 0 in the images array' );
assert.strictEqual( thumb.outerHTML, '<img src="' + imgSrc + '">', 'The image element passed in is the thumbnail we want.' );
assert.strictEqual( caption, undefined, 'The caption does not get passed in for a gallery' );
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage = backup;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Validate new LightboxImage object has sane constructor parameters', 6, function ( assert ) {
var viewer,
backup = mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage,
fname = 'valid',
imgSrc = '/' + fname + '.jpg/300px-' + fname + '.jpg',
imgRegex = new RegExp( imgSrc + '$' );
createThumb( imgSrc, 'Blah blah' );
mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) {
assert.ok( fileLink.match( imgRegex ), 'Thumbnail URL used in creating new image object' );
assert.strictEqual( filePageLink, '', 'File page link is sane when creating new image object' );
assert.strictEqual( fileTitle.title, fname, 'Filename is correct when passed into new image constructor' );
assert.strictEqual( index, 0, 'The only image we created in the gallery is set at index 0 in the images array' );
assert.strictEqual( thumb.outerHTML, '<img src="' + imgSrc + '">', 'The image element passed in is the thumbnail we want.' );
assert.strictEqual( caption, 'Blah blah', 'The caption passed in is correct' );
viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
mw.MultimediaViewer.prototype.createNewImage = backup;
} );
QUnit.test( 'We get sane image sizes when we ask for them', 5, function ( assert ) {
var viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer();
assert.strictEqual( viewer.findNextHighestImageSize( 200 ), 320, 'Low target size gives us lowest possible size bucket' );
assert.strictEqual( viewer.findNextHighestImageSize( 320 ), 320, 'Asking for a bucket size gives us exactly that bucket size' );
assert.strictEqual( viewer.findNextHighestImageSize( 320.00001 ), 640, 'Asking for greater than an image bucket definitely gives us the next size up' );
assert.strictEqual( viewer.findNextHighestImageSize( 2000 ), 2560, 'The image bucketing also works on big screens' );
assert.strictEqual( viewer.findNextHighestImageSize( 3000 ), 2880, 'The image bucketing also works on REALLY big screens' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Metadata div is only animated once', 4, function ( assert ) {
var viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(),
backupAnimation = $.fn.animate,
animationRan = false;
$.fn.animate = function () {
animationRan = true;
return this;
assert.strictEqual( viewer.hasAnimatedMetadata, true, 'The first call to animateMetadataDivOnce set hasAnimatedMetadata to true' );
assert.strictEqual( animationRan, true, 'The first call to animateMetadataDivOnce led to an animation' );
animationRan = false;
assert.strictEqual( viewer.hasAnimatedMetadata, true, 'The second call to animateMetadataDivOnce did not change the value of hasAnimatedMetadata' );
assert.strictEqual( animationRan, false, 'The second call to animateMetadataDivOnce did not lead to an animation' );
$.fn.animate = backupAnimation;
} );
QUnit.test( 'HTML whitelisting works', 2, function ( assert ) {
var viewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(),
okhtml = '<a href="/wiki/Blah">Blah</a> blah blah',
needswhitelisting = '<div>Blah<br />blah</div>',
whitelisted = 'Blahblah',
okjq = $.parseHTML( okhtml ),
nwljq = $.parseHTML( needswhitelisting ),
$sandbox = $( '<div>' );
viewer.whitelistHtml( $sandbox.empty().append( okjq ) );
assert.strictEqual( $sandbox.html(), okhtml, 'Whitelisted elements are let through.' );
viewer.whitelistHtml( $sandbox.empty().append( nwljq ) );
assert.strictEqual( $sandbox.html(), whitelisted, 'Not-whitelisted elements are removed.' );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );