Mark Holmquist 6363b90bd8 Add caption to the interface in place of description
Also include the description on the right side of the page, but the caption
generally is more relevant and so should have the place of honour.


Change-Id: I512b3dd99207878233d501135b4dda0d0bd9cdd6
2014-01-17 16:37:56 -08:00

923 lines
26 KiB
Executable file

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function ( mw, $, moment ) {
var MultiLightbox, lightboxHooks, MMVP,
comingFromPopstate = false,
imgsSelector = '.gallery .image img, a.image img',
validExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'jpeg': true,
'gif': true,
'svg': true,
'png': true,
'tiff': true,
'tif': true
iiprops = [
mmvLogActions = {
'thumbnail-link-click': 'User clicked on thumbnail to open lightbox.',
'enlarge-link-click': 'User clicked on enlarge link to open lightbox.',
'fullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on fullscreen button in lightbox.',
'defullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on button to return to normal lightbox view.',
'close-link-click': 'User clicked on the lightbox close button.',
'site-link-click': 'User clicked on the link to the file description page.',
// Profiling events start messages, $1 replaced with profile ID
'profile-image-load-start': 'Profiling image load with ID $1',
'profile-image-resize-start': 'Profiling image resize with ID $1',
'profile-metadata-fetch-start': 'Profiling image metadata fetch with ID $1',
'profile-gender-fetch-start': 'Profiling uploader gender fetch with ID $1',
// Profiling events end messages, $1 replaced with profile ID, $2 replaced with time it took in ms
'profile-image-load-end': 'Finished image load with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-image-resize-end': 'Finished image resize with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-metadata-fetch-end': 'Finished image metadata fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-gender-fetch-end': 'Finished uploader gender fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds'
* Class that analyses the page, looks for image content and sets up the hooks
* to manage the viewing experience of such content.
* @constructor
function MultimediaViewer() {
* MultiLightbox object used to display the pictures in the page.
* @property {mw.MultiLightbox}
* @private
this.lightbox = null;
* Whether we've fired an animation for the metadata div.
* @property {boolean}
* @private
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
var $thumbs = $( imgsSelector ),
urls = [],
viewer = this;
* @property {number[]}
* @private
* List of acceptable image sizes...used to bucket
this.imageWidthBuckets = [
* @property {mw.Api}
* @private
this.api = new mw.Api();
* imageInfo object, used for caching - promises will resolve with
* an mw.mmv.model.Image object, a repoInfo object, the best width for
* the current screen configuration, and the width requested from
* the server (if any).
* @property {jQuery.Promise[]}
* @private
this.imageInfo = {};
// Traverse DOM, looking for potential thumbnails
$thumbs.each( function ( i, thumb ) {
var thisImage, $thumbCaption, caption,
$thumb = $( thumb ),
$link = $thumb.closest( 'a.image' ),
$thumbContain = $link.closest( '.thumb' ),
$enlarge = $thumbContain.find( '.magnify a' ),
$links = $link.add( $enlarge ),
filePageLink = $link.prop( 'href' ),
fileTitle = mw.Title.newFromImg( $thumb ),
index = urls.length;
if ( !validExtensions[fileTitle.getExtension().toLowerCase()] ) {
// Not a valid extension, skip this one
if ( $thumbContain.length === 0 ) {
// This isn't a thumbnail! Just use the link.
$thumbContain = $link;
} else if ( $ '.thumb' ) ) {
$thumbCaption = $thumbContain.find( '.thumbcaption' ).clone();
$thumbCaption.find( '.magnify' ).remove();
viewer.whitelistHtml( $thumbCaption );
caption = $thumbCaption.html();
$thumbContain = $thumbContain.find( '.image' );
$ 'filePageLink', filePageLink );
// Create a LightboxImage object for each legit image
thisImage = viewer.createNewImage( $thumb.prop( 'src' ), filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
urls.push( thisImage );
// Register callback that launches modal image viewer if valid click
$ function ( e ) {
return viewer.clickLinkCallback( e, this, $thumbContain, thisImage );
} );
} );
if ( urls.length === 0 ) {
// No legit images found, no need to continue
// Only if we find legit images, create a MultiLightbox object
this.lightbox = new MultiLightbox( urls, 0, mw.LightboxInterface );
// Register various event hooks. TODO: Make this a function that's only called once.
lightboxHooks.register( 'closeInterface', function () {
this.$nextButton.add( this.$prevButton ).css( 'top', '-999px' );
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
if ( comingFromPopstate === false ) {
history.pushState( {}, '', '#' );
} else {
comingFromPopstate = false;
viewer.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'imageResize', function () {
var ui = this;
viewer.resize( ui );
return false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'fullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'defullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
MMVP = MultimediaViewer.prototype;
* Helper function for whitelisting HTML to only keep links and text. Works in-place.
* @param {jQuery} $el
MMVP.whitelistHtml = function ( $el ) {
var child, $prev, $child = $el.children().first();
while ( $child && $child.length ) {
child = $child.get( 0 );
if ( child.nodeType !== child.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
this.whitelistHtml( $child );
if ( !$ 'a' ) ) {
$prev = $child.prev();
$child.replaceWith( $child.contents() );
} else {
$prev = $child;
if ( $prev && $prev.length === 1 ) {
$child = $;
} else {
$child = $el.children().first();
* Create an image object for the lightbox to use.
* @protected
* @param {string} fileLink Link to the file - generally a thumb URL
* @param {string} filePageLink Link to the File: page
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Represents the File: page
* @param {number} index Which number file this is
* @param {HTMLImageElement} thumb The thumbnail that represents this image on the page
* @param {string} [caption] The caption, if any.
* @returns {mw.LightboxImage}
MMVP.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) {
var thisImage = new mw.LightboxImage( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
thisImage.filePageLink = filePageLink;
thisImage.filePageTitle = fileTitle;
thisImage.index = index;
thisImage.thumbnail = thumb;
return thisImage;
* Finds the next highest image size given a target size.
* Searches the bucketed sizes configured in the class.
* @param {number} target
* @return {number}
MMVP.findNextHighestImageSize = function ( target ) {
var i, bucket,
buckets = this.imageWidthBuckets,
len = buckets.length;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
bucket = buckets[i];
if ( bucket >= target ) {
return bucket;
// If we failed to find a high enough size...good luck
return bucket;
* Gets the API arguments for various calls to the API to find sized thumbnails.
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui
* @returns {Object}
* @returns {number} return.requested The width that should be requested from the API
* @returns {number} The ideal width we would like to have - should be the width of the image element later.
MMVP.getImageSizeApiArgs = function ( ui ) {
var requestedWidth, calculatedMaxWidth,
thumb = ui.currentImage.thumbnail,
density = $.devicePixelRatio(),
targetWidth = density * ui.$imageWrapper.width(),
targetHeight = density * ui.$imageWrapper.height();
if ( ( targetWidth / targetHeight ) > ( thumb.width / thumb.height ) ) {
// Need to find width corresponding to highest height we can have.
calculatedMaxWidth = ( thumb.width / thumb.height ) * targetHeight;
requestedWidth = this.findNextHighestImageSize( calculatedMaxWidth );
} else {
// Simple case, ratio tells us we're limited by width
requestedWidth = this.findNextHighestImageSize( targetWidth );
return {
requested: requestedWidth,
target: calculatedMaxWidth || targetWidth
* Handles clicks on legit image links.
* @protected
* @VisibleForTesting
* @param {jQuery.Event} e click event
* @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} clickedEle clicked element
* @param {jQuery} $thumbContain thumbnail container element
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} thisImage lightboximage object
MMVP.clickLinkCallback = function ( e, clickedEle, $thumbContain, thisImage ) {
// Do not interfere with non-left clicks or if modifier keys are pressed.
if ( e.which !== 1 || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey ) {
var $clickedEle = $( clickedEle ),
initial = $thumbContain.find( 'img' ).prop( 'src' );
if ( $ 'a.image' ) ) {
this.log( 'thumbnail-link-click' );
} else if ( $ '.magnify a' ) ) {
this.log( 'enlarge-link-click' );
this.loadImage( thisImage, initial );
return false;
* Handles resize events in viewer.
* @protected
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized
MMVP.resize = function ( ui ) {
var viewer = this,
fileTitle = this.currentImageFileTitle;
this.fetchImageInfo( fileTitle, [ 'url' ] ).done( function ( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth ) {
viewer.loadResizedImage( ui, imageData, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} );
* Replaces the resized image in the viewer providing we actually got some data.
* @protected
* @param {LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageData information regarding the new resized image
* @param {number} targetWidth
* @param {number} requestedWidth
MMVP.loadResizedImage = function ( ui, imageData, targetWidth, requestedWidth ) {
var rpid, viewer, image, maybeThumb;
// Replace image only if data was returned.
if ( imageData ) {
viewer = this;
image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
viewer.profileEnd( rpid );
rpid = this.profileStart( 'image-resize', {
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height,
fileSize: imageData.size
}, imageData.mimeType );
maybeThumb = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth );
image.src = maybeThumb || imageData.url;
if ( maybeThumb && requestedWidth > targetWidth || !maybeThumb && imageData.width > targetWidth ) {
image.width = targetWidth;
ui.replaceImageWith( image );
MMVP.updateControls = function () {
var ui = this.ui,
prevNextTop = ( ( ui.$imageWrapper.height() / 2 ) - 60 ) + 'px';
ui.$postDiv.css( 'top', ui.$imageWrapper.height() );
ui.$nextButton.add( ui.$prevButton ).css( {
top: prevNextTop
} );
ui.$nextButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', this.lightbox.currentIndex >= ( this.lightbox.images.length - 1 ) );
ui.$prevButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', this.lightbox.currentIndex <= 0 );
MMVP.registerLogging = function () {
var viewer = this;
this.ui.$ function () {
if ( viewer.ui.$dialog ) {
viewer.ui.$dialog.dialog( 'close' );
viewer.log( 'close-link-click' );
} );
this.ui.$ function () {
if ( viewer.ui.isFullScreen ) {
viewer.log( 'fullscreen-link-click' );
} else {
viewer.log( 'defullscreen-link-click' );
} );
MMVP.cacheRepoInfo = function ( repos ) {
var i, repo;
repos = repos || [];
if ( this.repoInfo === undefined ) {
this.repoInfo = {};
for ( i = 0; i < repos.length; i++ ) {
repo = repos[i];
this.repoInfo[] = repo;
* @method
* Get first (hopefully only) member of an object.
* @param {Array|Object} things
* @returns {Mixed}
MMVP.getFirst = function ( things ) {
var thing;
if ( things ) {
$.each( things, function ( i, thisone ) {
thing = thisone;
return false;
} );
return thing;
* @method
* Set the image information in the UI.
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} image
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageData
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repoData
MMVP.setImageInfo = function ( image, imageData, repoData ) {
var gfpid,
fileTitle = image.filePageTitle,
caption = image.caption,
viewer = this,
ui = this.lightbox.iface;
ui.$title.text( fileTitle.getNameText() );
ui.initUseFileData( fileTitle, imageData.url, repoData.isLocal );
ui.$useFileLi.removeClass( 'empty' );
ui.setRepoDisplay( repoData.displayName, repoData.favIcon, repoData.isLocal );
ui.setFilePageLink( imageData.descriptionUrl );
ui.$repoLi.removeClass( 'empty' );
if ( imageData.lastUploader ) {
gfpid = this.profileStart( 'gender-fetch' );
// TODO: Reuse the api member, fix everywhere.
// Fetch the gender from the uploader's home wiki
// TODO this is ugly as hell, let's fix this in core.
new mw.Api( {
ajax: {
url: repoData.apiUrl || mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
dataType: 'jsonp'
} ).get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'users',
ususers: imageData.lastUploader,
usprop: 'gender'
} ).done( function ( data ) {
var gender = 'unknown';
viewer.profileEnd( gfpid );
if ( data && data.query && data.query.users &&
data.query.users[0] && data.query.users[0].gender ) {
gender = data.query.users[0].gender;
ui.setUserPageLink( repoData, imageData.lastUploader, gender );
} ).fail( function () {
mw.log( 'Gender fetch with ID ' + gfpid + ' failed, probably due to cross-domain API request.' );
ui.setUserPageLink( repoData, imageData.lastUploader, 'unknown' );
} );
if ( imageData.creationDateTime ) {
this.formatDate( imageData.creationDateTime )
} else if ( imageData.uploadDateTime ) {
this.formatDate( imageData.uploadDateTime )
ui.$datetimeLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.uploadDateTime && !imageData.creationDateTime );
if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.empty().append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
} else {
ui.$imageDesc.append( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-desc-nil' ).text() );
ui.$imageDescDiv.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.description );
if ( imageData.source ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$source.empty().append( $.parseHTML( imageData.source ) ) );
if ( ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$author.empty().append( $.parseHTML( ) ) );
if ( imageData.source && ) {
ui.$author.get( 0 ).outerHTML,
ui.$source.get( 0 ).outerHTML
} else {
// Clobber the contents and only have one of the fields
if ( imageData.source ) {
ui.$credit.empty().append( ui.$source );
} else if ( ) {
ui.$credit.empty().append( ui.$author );
ui.$credit.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.source && ! );
ui.$imageDescDiv.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.description && !caption );
if ( caption ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.append( $.parseHTML( caption ) ) );
if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageBackupDesc.append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
} else if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-' + ( imageData.license || '' );
if ( !imageData.license || !mw.messages.exists( msgname ) ) {
// Cannot display, fallback or fail
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-default';
} else {
// License found, store the license data
ui.$ 'license', mw.message( msgname ).text() );
.text( mw.message( msgname ).text() )
.toggleClass( 'cc-license', imageData.isCcLicensed() );
ui.$license.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.license );
* @method
* Loads a specified image.
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} image
* @param {string} initialSrc The string to set the src attribute to at first.
MMVP.loadImage = function ( image, initialSrc ) {
var mdpid,
viewer = this;
this.lightbox.currentIndex = image.index;
// Open with the already-loaded thumbnail
// Avoids trying to load /wiki/Undefined and doesn't
// cost any network time - the library currently needs
// some src attribute to work. Will fix.
image.initialSrc = initialSrc;
this.currentImageFilename = image.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText();
this.currentImageFileTitle = image.filePageTitle;
this.lightbox.iface.comingFromPopstate = comingFromPopstate;;
$( document.body ).addClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
mdpid = this.profileStart( 'metadata-fetch' );
this.fetchImageInfo( image.filePageTitle ).done( function ( imageData, repoInfo, size, requestedWidth ) {
var pid,
repoData = mw.mmv.model.Repo.newFromRepoInfo( repoInfo[imageData.repo] ),
imageEle = new Image(),
targetWidth = size;
imageEle.onload = function () {
if ( imageEle.width > targetWidth ) {
imageEle.width = targetWidth;
viewer.profileEnd( pid );
viewer.profileEnd( mdpid );
pid = viewer.profileStart( 'image-load', {
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height,
fileSize: imageData.size
}, imageData.mimeType );
imageEle.src = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth ) || imageData.url;
viewer.lightbox.iface.$imageDiv.removeClass( 'empty' );
viewer.lightbox.iface.replaceImageWith( imageEle );
viewer.setImageInfo( image, imageData, repoData );
} );
comingFromPopstate = false;
MMVP.animateMetadataDivOnce = function () {
if ( !this.hasAnimatedMetadata ) {
$.scrollTo( 40, 400, { onAfter: function() { $.scrollTo( 0, 400 ); } } );
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = true;
* @method
* Fetches image information from the API.
* Will resolve the promise with two objects (imageData and repoData), the
* target width - basically the screen size - that the caller should resize
* the image to eventually, and the requested width - that is, what we asked
* for from the API - that should be used to fetch the thumbnail URL from
* the imageData object.
* The target
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Title of the file page for the image.
* @param {string[]} [props] List of properties to get from imageinfo
* @returns {jQuery.Promise}
MMVP.fetchImageInfo = function ( fileTitle, props ) {
var filename = fileTitle.getPrefixedText(),
apiArgs = {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
titles: filename,
prop: 'imageinfo',
// Short-circuit, don't fallback, to save some tiny amount of time
iiextmetadatalanguage: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage', false ) || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage', 'en' )
viewer = this,
widths = this.getImageSizeApiArgs( this.ui ),
targetWidth =,
requestedWidth = widths.requested;
function handleApiData( data ) {
var imageInfo, imageData;
if ( !data || !data.query ) {
// No information, oh well
return $.Deferred().reject();
viewer.cacheRepoInfo( data.query.repos );
imageInfo = viewer.getFirst( data.query.pages );
if ( imageInfo ) {
imageData = mw.mmv.model.Image.newFromImageInfo( fileTitle, imageInfo );
// Give back the information we have
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, viewer.repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} else {
return $.Deferred().reject();
function makeImageInfoRequest( args ) {
if ( viewer.repoInfo === undefined ) {
args.meta = 'filerepoinfo';
return viewer.api.get( args ).then( handleApiData );
props = props || iiprops;
apiArgs.iiprop = props.join( '|' );
apiArgs.iiurlwidth = requestedWidth;
if ( this.imageInfo[filename] === undefined ) {
// Fetch all image info in the same API query, save a request later
apiArgs.iiprop = iiprops.join( '|' );
this.imageInfo[filename] = makeImageInfoRequest( apiArgs );
return this.imageInfo[filename];
} else if ( props.indexOf( 'url' ) === -1 ) {
// Just return the cached promise, because we don't need to
// fetch this information again.
return this.imageInfo[filename];
} else {
// Fetch the new thumb url but nothing else, because it's
// the only non-cacheable thing
apiArgs.iiprop = 'url';
return this.imageInfo[filename].then( function ( imageData, repoInfo ) {
var maybeThumb = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth );
// Thumbnail caching! Woo!
if ( maybeThumb ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
return viewer.api.get( apiArgs ).then( function ( data ) {
var imageInfo, innerInfo;
imageInfo = viewer.getFirst( data.query.pages );
innerInfo = viewer.getFirst( imageInfo.imageinfo );
if ( innerInfo.thumburl ) {
imageData.addThumbUrl( innerInfo.thumbwidth, innerInfo.thumburl );
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} );
} );
MMVP.loadIndex = function ( index ) {
var $clicked = $( imgsSelector ).eq( index );
if ( index < this.lightbox.images.length && index >= 0 ) {
this.loadImage( this.lightbox.images[index], $clicked.prop( 'src' ) );
this.resize( this.lightbox.iface );
MMVP.nextImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex + 1 );
MMVP.prevImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex - 1 );
MMVP.log = function ( action ) {
mw.log( mmvLogActions[action] || action );
if ( mw.eventLog ) {
mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'MediaViewer', {
version: '1.1',
action: action
} );
( function () {
var profiling = {},
nonce = 0;
* Start profiling an event
* @param {string} type Can be image-load, image-resize, metadata-fetch, gender-fetch
* @param {object} [imgSize] Size of image (for image related events)
* @param {number} [imgSize.width] In pixels
* @param {number} [imgSize.height] In pixels
* @param {number} [imgSize.filesize] In bytes
* @param {string} [fileType] File type (for image related events)
* @param {number} [timeout] Optional timeout for the event.
* @returns {number} The id used to finish the profiling
MMVP.profileStart = function ( type, imgSize, fileType, timeout ) {
var thisid = nonce++;
imgSize = imgSize || {};
profiling[thisid] = {
/* Changelog:
* 1.1 fixed the issue with zeros in every message
* 1.0 first release
version: '1.1',
action: type,
imageWidth: imgSize.width,
imageHeight: imgSize.height,
fileSize: imgSize.filesize,
fileType: fileType,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
mw.log( mmvLogActions['profile-' + type + '-start'].replace( /\$1/g, thisid ) );
if ( timeout ) {
window.setTimeout( function () {
profiling[thisid] = undefined;
}, timeout );
return thisid;
* Signal the end of an event being profiled and send the
* eventlogging message.
* @param {number} id Should be the value returned from profileStart
* @param {boolean} [fakeTime] For testing, whether to fake the time in the message. Time is zero if so.
MMVP.profileEnd = function ( id, fakeTime ) {
var msg;
if ( profiling[id] ) {
msg = profiling[id];
msg.milliseconds = - msg.start;
delete msg.start;
mmvLogActions['profile-' + msg.action + '-end']
.replace( /\$1/g, id )
.replace( /\$2/g, fakeTime ? 0 : msg.milliseconds )
if ( mw.eventLog ) {
mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'MediaViewerPerf', msg );
}() );
* Transforms a date string into localized, human-readable format.
* Unrecognized strings are returned unchanged.
* @param {string} dateString
* @return {string}
MMVP.formatDate = function ( dateString ) {
var date = moment( dateString );
if ( !date.isValid() ) {
return dateString;
return date.format( 'LL' );
function handleHash( hash ) {
var statedIndex, $foundElement, linkState = hash.split( '/' );
comingFromPopstate = true;
if ( linkState[0] === '#mediaviewer' ) {
statedIndex = mw.mediaViewer.lightbox.images[linkState[2]];
if ( statedIndex.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText() === linkState[1] ) {
$foundElement = $( imgsSelector ).eq( linkState[2] );
mw.mediaViewer.loadImage( statedIndex, $foundElement.prop( 'src' ) );
} else {
if ( mw.mediaViewer.lightbox ) {
$( function () {
MultiLightbox = window.MultiLightbox;
lightboxHooks = window.lightboxHooks;
var viewer = new MultimediaViewer();
mw.mediaViewer = viewer;
handleHash( document.location.hash );
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function () { handleHash( document.location.hash ); } );
} );
mw.MultimediaViewer = MultimediaViewer;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery, moment ) );