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( function ( mw, $ ) {
var thingsShouldBeEmptied = [
thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass = [
QUnit.module( 'mmv.ui.metadataPanel', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'The panel is emptied properly when necessary', thingsShouldBeEmptied.length + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length, function ( assert ) {
var i,
$qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldBeEmptied.length; i++ ) {
assert.strictEqual( panel[thingsShouldBeEmptied[i]].text(), '', 'We successfully emptied the ' + thingsShouldBeEmptied[i] + ' element' );
for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length; i++ ) {
assert.strictEqual( panel[thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i]].hasClass( 'empty' ), true, 'We successfully applied the empty class to the ' + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i] + ' element' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Setting location information works as expected', 6, function ( assert ) {
var $qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) ),
fileName = 'Foobar.jpg',
latitude = 12.3456789,
longitude = 98.7654321,
imageData = {
latitude: latitude,
longitude: longitude,
hasCoords: function() { return true; },
title: mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:Foobar.jpg' )
panel.setLocationData( imageData );
'Location: 12° 20 44.44″ N, 98° 45 55.56″ E',
'Location text is set as expected - if this fails it may be due to i18n issues.'
panel.$location.prop( 'href' ),
'' + fileName + '&params=' + latitude + '_N_' + longitude + '_E_&language=en',
'Location URL is set as expected'
latitude = -latitude;
longitude = -longitude;
imageData.latitude = latitude;
imageData.longitude = longitude;
panel.setLocationData( imageData );
'Location: 12° 20 44.44″ S, 98° 45 55.56″ W',
'Location text is set as expected - if this fails it may be due to i18n issues.'
panel.$location.prop( 'href' ),
'' + fileName + '&params=' + ( - latitude) + '_S_' + ( - longitude ) + '_W_&language=en',
'Location URL is set as expected'
latitude = 0;
longitude = 0;
imageData.latitude = latitude;
imageData.longitude = longitude;
panel.setLocationData( imageData );
'Location: 0° 0 0″ N, 0° 0 0″ E',
'Location text is set as expected - if this fails it may be due to i18n issues.'
panel.$location.prop( 'href' ),
'' + fileName + '&params=' + latitude + '_N_' + longitude + '_E_&language=en',
'Location URL is set as expected'
} );
QUnit.test( 'Setting image information works as expected', 18, function ( assert ) {
var gender,
$qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) ),
title = 'Foo bar',
image = {
filePageTitle : mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:' + title + '.jpg' )
imageData = {
title: image.filePageTitle,
url: '',
descriptionUrl: '',
hasCoords: function() { return false; }
repoData = {
getArticlePath : function() { return 'Foo'; },
isCommons: function() { return false; }
oldMoment = window.moment;
/*window.moment = function( date ) {
// This has no effect for now, since writing this test revealed that our moment.js
// doesn't have any language configuration
return oldMoment( date ).lang( 'fr' );
panel.setImageInfo( image, imageData, repoData, gender );
assert.strictEqual( panel.$title.text(), title, 'Title is correctly set' );
assert.ok( panel.$credit.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Credit is empty' );
assert.strictEqual( panel.$license.prop( 'href' ), imageData.descriptionUrl,
'User is directed to file page for license information' );
assert.ok( !panel.$license.prop( 'target' ), 'License information opens in same window' );
assert.ok( panel.$usernameLi.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Username is empty' );
assert.ok( panel.$datetimeLi.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Date/Time is empty' );
assert.ok( panel.$locationLi.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Location is empty' );
imageData.creationDateTime = '2013-08-26T14:41:02Z';
imageData.uploadDateTime = '2013-08-25T14:41:02Z';
imageData.source = '<b>Lost</b><a href="foo">Bar</a>'; = 'Bob';
imageData.license = new mw.mmv.model.License( 'CC-BY-2.0', 'cc-by-2.0',
'Creative Commons Attribution - Share Alike 2.0',
'' );
gender = 'female';
imageData.lastUploader = 'Ursula';
panel.setImageInfo( image, imageData, repoData, gender );
assert.strictEqual( panel.$title.text(), title, 'Title is correctly set' );
assert.ok( !panel.$credit.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Credit is not empty' );
assert.ok( !panel.$datetimeLi.hasClass( 'empty' ), 'Date/Time is not empty' );
assert.strictEqual( panel.creditField.$element.find( '.mw-mmv-author' ).text(),, 'Author text is correctly set' );
assert.strictEqual( panel.creditField.$element.find( '.mw-mmv-source' ).html(), 'Lost<a href="foo">Bar</a>', 'Source text is correctly set' );
assert.strictEqual( panel.creditField.$element.attr( 'original-title' ), 'Author and source information', 'Source tooltip is correctly set' );
assert.ok( panel.$datetime.text().indexOf( 'August 26, 2013' ) > 0, 'Correct date is displayed' );
assert.strictEqual( panel.$license.text(), 'CC BY 2.0', 'License is correctly set' );
assert.ok( panel.$license.prop( 'target' ), 'License information opens in new window' );
assert.ok( panel.$username.text().indexOf( imageData.lastUploader ) > 0, 'Correct username is displayed' );
imageData.creationDateTime = undefined;
panel.setImageInfo( image, imageData, repoData, gender );
assert.ok( panel.$datetime.text().indexOf( 'August 25, 2013' ) > 0, 'Correct date is displayed' );
window.moment = oldMoment;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Setting permission information works as expected', 1, function ( assert ) {
var $qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
panel.setPermission( 'Look at me, I am a permission!' );
assert.ok( panel.$ ':visible' ) );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Date formatting', 1, function ( assert ) {
var $qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) ),
date1 = 'Garbage',
promise = panel.formatDate( date1 );
promise.then( function ( result ) {
assert.strictEqual( result, date1, 'Invalid date is correctly ignored' );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'About links', 9, function ( assert ) {
var panel,
$qf = $( '#qunit-fixture'),
oldWgMediaViewerIsInBeta = mw.config.get( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta' );
this.sandbox.stub( mw.user, 'isAnon' );
mw.config.set( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta', false );
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf.empty(), $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-about-link' ).length, 1, 'About link is created.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-discuss-link' ).length, 1, 'Discuss link is created.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-help-link' ).length, 1, 'Help link is created.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).length, 1, 'Opt-out link is created.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-preference-link' ).length, 0, 'Preferences link is not created when not in beta.' );
mw.config.set( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta', true );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( false );
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf.empty(), $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).length, 0, 'Opt-out link is not created when in beta.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-preference-link' ).length, 1, 'Preferences link is created for logged-in user.' );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( true );
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf.empty(), $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).length, 0, 'Opt-out link is not created when in beta.' );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-preference-link' ).length, 0, 'Preferences link is not created for anon user.' );
mw.config.set( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta', oldWgMediaViewerIsInBeta );
} );
QUnit.test( 'About links', 12, function ( assert ) {
var panel,
$qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ),
config = {
isMediaViewerEnabledOnClick: this.sandbox.stub(),
setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick: this.sandbox.stub(),
canSetMediaViewerEnabledOnClick: this.sandbox.stub()
oldWgMediaViewerIsInBeta = mw.config.get( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta' );
this.sandbox.stub( mw.user, 'isAnon' );
this.sandbox.stub( mw.mmv.actionLogger, 'log' );
this.sandbox.stub( $.fn, 'tipsy' ).returnsThis(); // interferes with the fake clock in other tests
mw.config.set( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta', false );
panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( $qf, $( '<div>' ).appendTo( $qf ), window.localStorage, new mw.mmv.Config( {}, mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ) );
panel.config = config;
// FIXME should not do work in the constructor
panel.$mmvOptOutLink = undefined;
config.canSetMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( false );
assert.strictEqual( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).length, 0, 'Optout link is hidden when option cannot be set' );
config.canSetMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( true );
config.isMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( true );
assert.ok( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).text().match( /disable/i ), 'Optout link is visible when MediaViewer can be disabled' );
deferred = $.Deferred();
config.setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( deferred );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( true );
$qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).click();
assert.ok( config.setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.calledWith( false ), 'When MediaViewer is active, it is disabled on click' );
assert.ok( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).is( '.pending' ), 'Pending class is set while disabling in progress' );
$qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).click();
assert.ok( !config.setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.called, 'click has no effect when another request is pending' );
assert.ok( !$qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).is( '.pending' ), 'Pending class removed after change has finished' );
assert.ok( mw.mmv.actionLogger.log.called, 'The optout action is logged' );
assert.strictEqual( mw.mmv.actionLogger.log.firstCall.args[0], 'optout-anon' , 'The correct event is logged' );
config.isMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( false );
mw.user.isAnon.returns( false );
assert.ok( $qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).text().match( /enable/i ), 'Optin link is visible when MediaViewer can be enabled' );
config.setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.returns( deferred );
$qf.find( '.mw-mmv-optout-link' ).click();
assert.ok( config.setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick.calledWith( true ), 'When MediaViewer is inactive, it is enabled on click' );
assert.ok( mw.mmv.actionLogger.log.called, 'The optin action is logged' );
assert.ok( mw.mmv.actionLogger.log.firstCall.args[0], 'optin-loggedin', 'The correct event is logged' );
mw.config.set( 'wgMediaViewerIsInBeta', oldWgMediaViewerIsInBeta );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );