Ed Sanders 551a0561fe Always load MMV on Flow pages
We can't tell if there are images on the page, so just always
load. The code will likely be in the client cache anyway.

Bug: T62014
Change-Id: Idaec22c3fd7126c1818c5febbccd6a0cfac7b721
2019-03-13 21:56:02 +00:00

258 lines
8.4 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @ingroup extensions
* @author Mark Holmquist <>
* @copyright Copyright © 2013, Mark Holmquist
class MultimediaViewerHooks {
/** Link to more information about this module */
protected static $infoLink =
/** Link to a page where this module can be discussed */
protected static $discussionLink =
/** Link to help about this module */
protected static $helpLink =
public static function onUserGetDefaultOptions( &$defaultOptions ) {
global $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault;
if ( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault ) {
$defaultOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] = 1;
return true;
* Checks the context for whether to load the viewer.
* @param User $user
* @return bool
protected static function shouldHandleClicks( $user ) {
global $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta, $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous,
if ( $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta && ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'BetaFeatures' ) ) {
return BetaFeatures::isFeatureEnabled( $user, 'multimedia-viewer' );
if ( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous === null ) {
$enableByDefaultForAnons = $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault;
} else {
$enableByDefaultForAnons = $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous;
if ( !$user->isLoggedIn() ) {
return (bool)$enableByDefaultForAnons;
} else {
return (bool)$user->getOption( 'multimediaviewer-enable' );
* Handler for all places where we add the modules
* Could be on article pages or on Category pages
* @param OutputPage &$out
* @return bool
protected static function getModules( &$out ) {
$out->addModules( [ 'mmv.head', 'mmv.bootstrap.autostart' ] );
return true;
* Handler for BeforePageDisplay hook
* Add JavaScript to the page when an image is on it
* and the user has enabled the feature if BetaFeatures is installed
* @param OutputPage &$out
* @param Skin &$skin
* @return bool
public static function getModulesForArticle( &$out, &$skin ) {
$pageHasThumbnails = count( $out->getFileSearchOptions() ) > 0;
$pageIsFilePage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_FILE );
// TODO: Have Flow work out if there are any images on the page
$pageIsFlowPage = ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Flow' ) &&
$out->getTitle()->getContentModel() === 'flow-board';
$fileRelatedSpecialPages = [ 'NewFiles', 'ListFiles', 'MostLinkedFiles',
'MostGloballyLinkedFiles', 'UncategorizedFiles', 'UnusedFiles', 'Search' ];
$pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_SPECIAL )
&& in_array( $out->getTitle()->getText(), $fileRelatedSpecialPages );
if ( $pageHasThumbnails || $pageIsFilePage || $pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage || $pageIsFlowPage ) {
return self::getModules( $out );
return true;
* Handler for CategoryPageView hook
* Add JavaScript to the page if there are images in the category
* @param CategoryPage &$catPage
* @return bool
public static function getModulesForCategory( &$catPage ) {
$title = $catPage->getTitle();
$cat = Category::newFromTitle( $title );
if ( $cat->getFileCount() > 0 ) {
$out = $catPage->getContext()->getOutput();
return self::getModules( $out );
return true;
* Add a beta preference to gate the feature
* @param User $user
* @param array &$prefs
* @return true
public static function getBetaPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) {
global $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta;
if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) {
return true;
$prefs['multimedia-viewer'] = [
'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref',
'desc-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref-desc',
'info-link' => self::$infoLink,
'discussion-link' => self::$discussionLink,
'help-link' => self::$helpLink,
'screenshot' => [
'ltr' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-ltr.svg",
'rtl' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-rtl.svg",
return true;
* Adds a default-enabled preference to gate the feature on non-beta sites
* @param User $user
* @param array &$prefs
* @return true
public static function getPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) {
global $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta;
if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) {
$prefs['multimediaviewer-enable'] = [
'type' => 'toggle',
'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-optin-pref',
'section' => 'rendering/files',
return true;
* Export variables used in both PHP and JS to keep DRY
* @param array &$vars
* @return bool
public static function resourceLoaderGetConfigVars( &$vars ) {
global $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap,
$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta, $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing, $wgMediaViewerExtensions,
$wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter, $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI;
$vars['wgMultimediaViewer'] = [
'infoLink' => self::$infoLink,
'discussionLink' => self::$discussionLink,
'helpLink' => self::$helpLink,
'useThumbnailGuessing' => (bool)$wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing,
'durationSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor,
'durationSamplingFactorLoggedin' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor,
'networkPerformanceSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor,
'actionLoggingSamplingFactorMap' => $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap,
'attributionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor,
'dimensionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor,
'imageQueryParameter' => $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter,
'recordVirtualViewBeaconURI' => $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI,
'tooltipDelay' => 1000,
'extensions' => $wgMediaViewerExtensions,
$vars['wgMediaViewer'] = true;
$vars['wgMediaViewerIsInBeta'] = $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta;
return true;
* Export variables which depend on the current user
* @param array &$vars
* @param OutputPage $out
public static function makeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $out ) {
$defaultUserOptions = User::getDefaultOptions();
$user = $out->getUser();
$vars['wgMediaViewerOnClick'] = self::shouldHandleClicks( $user );
// needed because of bug 69942; could be different for anon and logged-in
$vars['wgMediaViewerEnabledByDefault'] =
!empty( $defaultUserOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] );
* Modify thumbnail DOM
* @param ThumbnailImage $thumbnail
* @param array &$attribs Attributes of the <img> element
* @param array|bool &$linkAttribs Attributes of the wrapping <a> element
* @return true
public static function thumbnailBeforeProduceHTML( ThumbnailImage $thumbnail, array &$attribs,
) {
$file = $thumbnail->getFile();
if ( $file ) {
// At the moment all classes that extend File have getWidth() and getHeight()
// but since the File class doesn't have these methods defined, this check
// is more future-proof
if ( method_exists( $file, 'getWidth' ) ) {
$attribs['data-file-width'] = $file->getWidth();
if ( method_exists( $file, 'getHeight' ) ) {
$attribs['data-file-height'] = $file->getHeight();
return true;