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synced 2024-12-19 11:21:35 +00:00

Use the eslint rule "no-var": "error" in resources/.eslintrc.json and in .eslintrc.json to require the use of `const` and `let` instead of `var`. Bug: T337102 Change-Id: I3b3d6d426966a97c13f62494443f62bd5b790920
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* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const { HtmlUtils } = require( 'mmv.bootstrap' );
( function () {
/* eslint-disable no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal */
QUnit.module( 'mmv.HtmlUtils', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for single node', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $el = $( '<span>' );
const el = $( '<span>' ).get( 0 );
const html = '<span></span>';
const invalid = {};
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), '<span></span>', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( el ).html(), '<span></span>', 'HTMLElement' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), '<span></span>', 'HTML string' );
assert.throws( function () {
utils.wrapAndJquerify( invalid );
}, 'throws exception for invalid type' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for multiple nodes', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $el = $( '<span></span><span></span>' );
const html = '<span></span><span></span>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), '<span></span><span></span>', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), '<span></span><span></span>', 'HTML string' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for text', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $el = $( document.createTextNode( 'foo' ) );
const html = 'foo';
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), 'foo', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), 'foo', 'HTML string' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() does not change original', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $el = $( '<span>' );
const el = $( '<span>' ).get( 0 );
utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).find( 'span' ).prop( 'data-x', 1 );
utils.wrapAndJquerify( el ).find( 'span' ).prop( 'data-x', 1 );
assert.strictEqual( $el.prop( 'data-x' ), undefined, 'wrapped jQuery element is not the same as original' );
assert.strictEqual( $( el ).prop( 'data-x' ), undefined, 'wrapped HTMLElement is not the same as original' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'filterInvisible()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $visibleChild = $( '<div><span></span></div>' );
const $invisibleChild = $( '<div><span style="display: none"></span></div>' );
const $styleChild = $( '<div><style></style></div>' );
const $invisibleChildInVisibleChild = $( '<div><span><abbr style="display: none"></abbr></span></div>' );
const $visibleChildInInvisibleChild = $( '<div><span style="display: none"><abbr></abbr></span></div>' );
const $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings = $( '<div><span></span><abbr style="display: none"></abbr><b></b></div>' );
utils.filterInvisible( $visibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $styleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChildInVisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $visibleChildInInvisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings );
assert.strictEqual( $visibleChild.has( 'span' ).length, 1, 'visible child is not filtered' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'invisible child is filtered' );
assert.strictEqual( $styleChild.has( 'style' ).length, 0, '<style> child is filtered' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChildInVisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length, 1, 'visible child is not filtered...' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChildInVisibleChild.has( 'abbr' ).length, 0, '... but its invisible child is' );
assert.strictEqual( $visibleChildInInvisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'invisible child is filtered...' );
assert.strictEqual( $visibleChildInInvisibleChild.has( 'abbr' ).length, 0, '...and its children too' );
assert.strictEqual( $visibleChild.has( 'span' ).length, 1, 'visible child is not filtered' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'abbr' ).length, 0, 'invisible sibling is filtered...' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'span' ).length, 1, '...but its visible siblings are not' );
assert.strictEqual( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'b' ).length, 1, '...but its visible siblings are not' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'whitelistHtml()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $whitelisted = $( '<div>abc<a>def</a>ghi</div>' );
const $nonWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<span>def</span>ghi</div>' );
const $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<a>d<span>e</span>f</a>ghi</div>' );
const $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<span>d<a>e</a>f</span>ghi</div>' );
const $siblings = $( '<div>ab<span>c</span>d<a>e</a>f<span>g</span>hi</div>' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $whitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $nonWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $siblings, 'a' );
assert.strictEqual( $whitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 1, 'Whitelisted elements are kept.' );
assert.strictEqual( $nonWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'Non-whitelisted elements are removed.' );
assert.strictEqual( $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 1, 'Whitelisted parents are kept.' );
assert.strictEqual( $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'Non-whitelisted children are removed.' );
assert.strictEqual( $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'Non-whitelisted parents are removed.' );
assert.strictEqual( $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 1, 'Whitelisted children are kept.' );
assert.strictEqual( $siblings.has( 'span' ).length, 0, 'Non-whitelisted siblings are removed.' );
assert.strictEqual( $siblings.has( 'a' ).length, 1, 'Whitelisted siblings are kept.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'appendWhitespaceToBlockElements()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const $noBlockElement = $( '<div>abc<i>def</i>ghi</div>' );
const $blockElement = $( '<div>abc<p>def</p>ghi</div>' );
const $linebreak = $( '<div>abc<br>def</div>' );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $noBlockElement );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $blockElement );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $linebreak );
assert.true( /abcdefghi/.test( $noBlockElement.text() ), 'Non-block elemens are not whitespaced.' );
assert.true( /abc\s+def\s+ghi/.test( $blockElement.text() ), 'Block elemens are whitespaced.' );
assert.true( /abc\s+def/.test( $linebreak.text() ), 'Linebreaks are whitespaced.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'jqueryToHtml()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<a>' ) ), '<a></a>',
'works for single element' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<b><a>foo</a></b>' ) ), '<b><a>foo</a></b>',
'works for complex element' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<a>foo</a>' ).contents() ), 'foo',
'works for text nodes' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'mergeWhitespace()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( ' x \n' ), 'x',
'leading/trainling whitespace is trimmed' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( 'x \n\n \n y' ), 'x\ny',
'whitespace containing a newline is collapsed into a single newline' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( 'x y' ), 'x y',
'multiple spaces are collapsed into a single one' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'htmlToText()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const html = '<table><tr><td>Foo</td><td><a>bar</a></td><td style="display: none">baz</td></tr></table>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.htmlToText( html ), 'Foo bar', 'works' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'htmlToTextWithLinks()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const html = '<table><tr><td><b>F</b>o<i>o</i></td><td><a>bar</a></td><td style="display: none">baz</td></tr></table>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.htmlToTextWithLinks( html ), 'Foo <a>bar</a>', 'works' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'htmlToTextWithTags()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
const html = '<table><tr><td><b>F</b>o<i>o</i><sub>o</sub><sup>o</sup></td><td><a>bar</a></td><td style="display: none">baz</td></tr></table>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.htmlToTextWithTags( html ), '<b>F</b>o<i>o</i><sub>o</sub><sup>o</sup> <a>bar</a>', 'works' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'isJQueryOrHTMLElement()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.isJQueryOrHTMLElement( $( '<span>' ) ), true, 'Recognizes jQuery objects correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.isJQueryOrHTMLElement( $( '<span>' ).get( 0 ) ), true, 'Recognizes HTMLElements correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.isJQueryOrHTMLElement( '<span></span>' ), false, 'Doesn\'t recognize HTML string' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'makeLinkText()', function ( assert ) {
const utils = new HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.makeLinkText( 'foo', {
href: 'http://example.com',
title: 'h<b>t</b><i>m</i>l'
} ), '<a href="http://example.com" title="html">foo</a>', 'works' );
} );
/* eslint-enable no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal */
}() );