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synced 2024-12-01 11:16:14 +00:00
Change-Id: I774303ce4f756637bea3821ae2b2ff724351b3bb
964 lines
28 KiB
Executable file
964 lines
28 KiB
Executable file
* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
( function ( mw, $, moment ) {
var MultiLightbox, lightboxHooks, MMVP,
comingFromPopstate = false,
imgsSelector = '.gallery .image img, a.image img',
validExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'jpeg': true,
'gif': true,
'svg': true,
'png': true,
'tiff': true,
'tif': true
iiprops = [
mmvLogActions = {
'thumbnail-link-click': 'User clicked on thumbnail to open lightbox.',
'enlarge-link-click': 'User clicked on enlarge link to open lightbox.',
'fullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on fullscreen button in lightbox.',
'defullscreen-link-click': 'User clicked on button to return to normal lightbox view.',
'close-link-click': 'User clicked on the lightbox close button.',
'site-link-click': 'User clicked on the link to the file description page.',
// Profiling events start messages, $1 replaced with profile ID
'profile-image-load-start': 'Profiling image load with ID $1',
'profile-image-resize-start': 'Profiling image resize with ID $1',
'profile-metadata-fetch-start': 'Profiling image metadata fetch with ID $1',
'profile-gender-fetch-start': 'Profiling uploader gender fetch with ID $1',
// Profiling events end messages, $1 replaced with profile ID, $2 replaced with time it took in ms
'profile-image-load-end': 'Finished image load with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-image-resize-end': 'Finished image resize with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-metadata-fetch-end': 'Finished image metadata fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds',
'profile-gender-fetch-end': 'Finished uploader gender fetch with ID $1 in $2 milliseconds'
* @class mw.MultimediaViewer
* Analyses the page, looks for image content and sets up the hooks
* to manage the viewing experience of such content.
* @constructor
function MultimediaViewer() {
* MultiLightbox object used to display the pictures in the page.
* @property {mlb.MultiLightbox}
* @private
this.lightbox = null;
* Whether we've fired an animation for the metadata div.
* @property {boolean}
* @private
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
var $thumbs = $( imgsSelector ),
urls = [],
viewer = this;
* @property {number[]}
* @private
* List of acceptable image sizes...used to bucket
this.imageWidthBuckets = [
* @property {mw.Api}
* @private
this.api = new mw.Api();
* imageInfo object, used for caching - promises will resolve with
* an mw.mmv.model.Image object, a repoInfo object, the best width for
* the current screen configuration, and the width requested from
* the server (if any).
* @property {jQuery.Promise[]}
* @private
this.imageInfo = {};
// Traverse DOM, looking for potential thumbnails
$thumbs.each( function ( i, thumb ) {
var thisImage, $thumbCaption, caption,
$thumb = $( thumb ),
$link = $thumb.closest( 'a.image' ),
$thumbContain = $link.closest( '.thumb' ),
$enlarge = $thumbContain.find( '.magnify a' ),
$links = $link.add( $enlarge ),
filePageLink = $link.prop( 'href' ),
fileTitle = mw.Title.newFromImg( $thumb ),
index = urls.length;
if ( !validExtensions[fileTitle.getExtension().toLowerCase()] ) {
// Not a valid extension, skip this one
if ( $thumbContain.length === 0 ) {
// This isn't a thumbnail! Just use the link.
$thumbContain = $link;
} else if ( $thumbContain.is( '.thumb' ) ) {
$thumbCaption = $thumbContain.find( '.thumbcaption' ).clone();
$thumbCaption.find( '.magnify' ).remove();
viewer.whitelistHtml( $thumbCaption );
caption = $thumbCaption.html();
$thumbContain = $thumbContain.find( '.image' );
$links.data( 'filePageLink', filePageLink );
// Create a LightboxImage object for each legit image
thisImage = viewer.createNewImage( $thumb.prop( 'src' ), filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
urls.push( thisImage );
// Register callback that launches modal image viewer if valid click
$links.click( function ( e ) {
return viewer.clickLinkCallback( e, this, $thumbContain, thisImage );
} );
} );
if ( urls.length === 0 ) {
// No legit images found, no need to continue
// Only if we find legit images, create a MultiLightbox object
this.lightbox = new MultiLightbox( urls, 0, mw.LightboxInterface );
// Register various event hooks. TODO: Make this a function that's only called once.
lightboxHooks.register( 'closeInterface', function () {
this.$nextButton.add( this.$prevButton ).css( 'top', '-999px' );
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
if ( comingFromPopstate === false ) {
history.pushState( {}, '', '#' );
} else {
comingFromPopstate = false;
viewer.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'imageResize', function () {
var ui = this;
viewer.resize( ui );
return false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'fullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'defullscreen', function () {
if ( this.$imageMetadata ) {
} );
MMVP = MultimediaViewer.prototype;
* Helper function for whitelisting HTML to only keep links and text. Works in-place.
* @param {jQuery} $el
MMVP.whitelistHtml = function ( $el ) {
var child, $prev, $child = $el.children().first();
while ( $child && $child.length ) {
child = $child.get( 0 );
if ( child.nodeType !== child.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
this.whitelistHtml( $child );
if ( !$child.is( 'a' ) ) {
$prev = $child.prev();
$child.replaceWith( $child.contents() );
} else {
$prev = $child;
if ( $prev && $prev.length === 1 ) {
$child = $prev.next();
} else {
$child = $el.children().first();
* Create an image object for the lightbox to use.
* @protected
* @param {string} fileLink Link to the file - generally a thumb URL
* @param {string} filePageLink Link to the File: page
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Represents the File: page
* @param {number} index Which number file this is
* @param {HTMLImageElement} thumb The thumbnail that represents this image on the page
* @param {string} [caption] The caption, if any.
* @returns {mw.LightboxImage}
MMVP.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) {
var thisImage = new mw.LightboxImage( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
thisImage.filePageLink = filePageLink;
thisImage.filePageTitle = fileTitle;
thisImage.index = index;
thisImage.thumbnail = thumb;
return thisImage;
* Finds the next highest image size given a target size.
* Searches the bucketed sizes configured in the class.
* @param {number} target
* @return {number}
MMVP.findNextHighestImageSize = function ( target ) {
var i, bucket,
buckets = this.imageWidthBuckets,
len = buckets.length;
for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
bucket = buckets[i];
if ( bucket >= target ) {
return bucket;
// If we failed to find a high enough size...good luck
return bucket;
* Gets the API arguments for various calls to the API to find sized thumbnails.
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui
* @returns {Object}
* @returns {number} return.requested The width that should be requested from the API
* @returns {number} return.target The ideal width we would like to have - should be the width of the image element later.
MMVP.getImageSizeApiArgs = function ( ui ) {
var requestedWidth, calculatedMaxWidth,
thumb = ui.currentImage.thumbnail,
density = $.devicePixelRatio(),
targetWidth = density * ui.$imageWrapper.width(),
targetHeight = density * ui.$imageWrapper.height();
if ( ( targetWidth / targetHeight ) > ( thumb.width / thumb.height ) ) {
// Need to find width corresponding to highest height we can have.
calculatedMaxWidth = ( thumb.width / thumb.height ) * targetHeight;
requestedWidth = this.findNextHighestImageSize( calculatedMaxWidth );
} else {
// Simple case, ratio tells us we're limited by width
requestedWidth = this.findNextHighestImageSize( targetWidth );
return {
requested: requestedWidth,
target: calculatedMaxWidth || targetWidth
* Handles clicks on legit image links.
* @protected
* @param {jQuery.Event} e click event
* @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} clickedEle clicked element
* @param {jQuery} $thumbContain thumbnail container element
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} thisImage lightboximage object
MMVP.clickLinkCallback = function ( e, clickedEle, $thumbContain, thisImage ) {
// Do not interfere with non-left clicks or if modifier keys are pressed.
if ( e.which !== 1 || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey ) {
var $clickedEle = $( clickedEle ),
initial = $thumbContain.find( 'img' ).prop( 'src' );
if ( $clickedEle.is( 'a.image' ) ) {
this.log( 'thumbnail-link-click' );
} else if ( $clickedEle.is( '.magnify a' ) ) {
this.log( 'enlarge-link-click' );
this.loadImage( thisImage, initial );
return false;
* Handles resize events in viewer.
* @protected
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized
MMVP.resize = function ( ui ) {
var viewer = this,
fileTitle = this.currentImageFileTitle;
this.fetchImageInfo( fileTitle, [ 'url' ] ).done( function ( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth ) {
viewer.loadResizedImage( ui, imageData, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} );
* Replaces the resized image in the viewer providing we actually got some data.
* @protected
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageData information regarding the new resized image
* @param {number} targetWidth
* @param {number} requestedWidth
MMVP.loadResizedImage = function ( ui, imageData, targetWidth, requestedWidth ) {
var rpid, viewer, image, maybeThumb;
// Replace image only if data was returned.
if ( imageData ) {
viewer = this;
image = new Image();
image.onload = function () {
viewer.profileEnd( rpid );
rpid = this.profileStart( 'image-resize', {
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height,
fileSize: imageData.size
}, imageData.mimeType );
maybeThumb = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth );
image.src = maybeThumb || imageData.url;
if ( maybeThumb && requestedWidth > targetWidth || !maybeThumb && imageData.width > targetWidth ) {
image.width = targetWidth;
ui.replaceImageWith( image );
MMVP.updateControls = function () {
var ui = this.ui,
prevNextTop = ( ( ui.$imageWrapper.height() / 2 ) - 60 ) + 'px';
ui.$postDiv.css( 'top', ui.$imageWrapper.height() );
ui.$nextButton.add( ui.$prevButton ).css( {
top: prevNextTop
} );
ui.$nextButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', this.lightbox.currentIndex >= ( this.lightbox.images.length - 1 ) );
ui.$prevButton.toggleClass( 'disabled', this.lightbox.currentIndex <= 0 );
MMVP.registerLogging = function () {
var viewer = this;
this.ui.$closeButton.click( function () {
if ( viewer.ui.$dialog ) {
viewer.ui.$dialog.dialog( 'close' );
viewer.log( 'close-link-click' );
} );
this.ui.$fullscreenButton.click( function () {
if ( viewer.ui.isFullScreen ) {
viewer.log( 'fullscreen-link-click' );
} else {
viewer.log( 'defullscreen-link-click' );
} );
MMVP.cacheRepoInfo = function ( repos ) {
var i, repo;
repos = repos || [];
if ( this.repoInfo === undefined ) {
this.repoInfo = {};
for ( i = 0; i < repos.length; i++ ) {
repo = repos[i];
this.repoInfo[repo.name] = repo;
* @method
* Get first (hopefully only) member of an object.
* @param {Array|Object} things
* @returns {Mixed}
MMVP.getFirst = function ( things ) {
var thing;
if ( things ) {
$.each( things, function ( i, thisone ) {
thing = thisone;
return false;
} );
return thing;
* @method
* Set the image information in the UI.
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} image
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageData
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repoData
MMVP.setImageInfo = function ( image, imageData, repoData ) {
var gfpid,
fileTitle = image.filePageTitle,
caption = image.caption,
viewer = this,
ui = this.lightbox.iface;
ui.$title.text( fileTitle.getNameText() );
ui.initUseFileData( fileTitle, imageData.url, repoData.isLocal );
ui.$useFileLi.removeClass( 'empty' );
ui.setRepoDisplay( repoData.displayName, repoData.favIcon, repoData.isLocal );
ui.setFilePageLink( imageData.descriptionUrl );
ui.$repoLi.removeClass( 'empty' );
if ( imageData.lastUploader ) {
gfpid = this.profileStart( 'gender-fetch' );
// TODO: Reuse the api member, fix everywhere.
// Fetch the gender from the uploader's home wiki
// TODO this is ugly as hell, let's fix this in core.
new mw.Api( {
ajax: {
url: repoData.apiUrl || mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
dataType: 'jsonp'
} ).get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'users',
ususers: imageData.lastUploader,
usprop: 'gender'
} ).done( function ( data ) {
var gender = 'unknown';
viewer.profileEnd( gfpid );
if ( data && data.query && data.query.users &&
data.query.users[0] && data.query.users[0].gender ) {
gender = data.query.users[0].gender;
ui.setUserPageLink( repoData, imageData.lastUploader, gender );
} ).fail( function () {
mw.log( 'Gender fetch with ID ' + gfpid + ' failed, probably due to cross-domain API request.' );
ui.setUserPageLink( repoData, imageData.lastUploader, 'unknown' );
} );
if ( imageData.creationDateTime ) {
this.formatDate( imageData.creationDateTime )
} else if ( imageData.uploadDateTime ) {
this.formatDate( imageData.uploadDateTime )
ui.$datetimeLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.uploadDateTime && !imageData.creationDateTime );
if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.empty().append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
} else {
ui.$imageDesc.append( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-desc-nil' ).text() );
ui.$imageDescDiv.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.description );
if ( imageData.source ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$source.empty().append( $.parseHTML( imageData.source ) ) );
if ( imageData.author ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$author.empty().append( $.parseHTML( imageData.author ) ) );
if ( imageData.source && imageData.author ) {
ui.$author.get( 0 ).outerHTML,
ui.$source.get( 0 ).outerHTML
} else {
// Clobber the contents and only have one of the fields
if ( imageData.source ) {
ui.$credit.empty().append( ui.$source );
} else if ( imageData.author ) {
ui.$credit.empty().append( ui.$author );
ui.$credit.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.source && !imageData.author );
ui.$imageDescDiv.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.description && !caption );
if ( caption ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.append( $.parseHTML( caption ) ) );
if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageBackupDesc.append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
} else if ( imageData.description ) {
this.whitelistHtml( ui.$imageDesc.append( $.parseHTML( imageData.description ) ) );
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-' + ( imageData.license || '' );
if ( !imageData.license || !mw.messages.exists( msgname ) ) {
// Cannot display, fallback or fail
msgname = 'multimediaviewer-license-default';
} else {
// License found, store the license data
ui.$license.data( 'license', mw.message( msgname ).text() );
.text( mw.message( msgname ).text() )
.toggleClass( 'cc-license', imageData.isCcLicensed() );
ui.$license.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.license );
this.setLocationData( imageData );
ui.$locationLi.toggleClass( 'empty', !imageData.hasCoords() );
* @method
* Sets location data in the interface.
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageData
MMVP.setLocationData = function ( imageData ) {
var latsec, latitude, latmsg, latdeg, latremain, latmin,
longsec, longitude, longmsg, longdeg, longremain, longmin;
if ( !imageData.hasCoords() ) {
latitude = imageData.latitude >= 0 ? imageData.latitude : imageData.latitude * -1;
latmsg = 'multimediaviewer-geoloc-' + ( imageData.latitude >= 0 ? 'north' : 'south' );
latdeg = Math.floor( latitude );
latremain = latitude - latdeg;
latmin = Math.floor( ( latremain ) * 60 );
longitude = imageData.longitude >= 0 ? imageData.longitude : imageData.longitude * -1;
longmsg = 'multimediaviewer-geoloc-' + ( imageData.longitude >= 0 ? 'east' : 'west' );
longdeg = Math.floor( longitude );
longremain = longitude - longdeg;
longmin = Math.floor( ( longremain ) * 60 );
longremain -= longmin / 60;
latremain -= latmin / 60;
latsec = Math.round( latremain * 100 * 60 * 60 ) / 100;
longsec = Math.round( longremain * 100 * 60 * 60 ) / 100;
latdeg, latmin, latsec, latmsg,
longdeg, longmin, longsec, longmsg,
imageData.latitude, imageData.longitude,
this.getFirst( Object.keys( mw.language.data ) ),
* @method
* Loads a specified image.
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} image
* @param {string} initialSrc The string to set the src attribute to at first.
MMVP.loadImage = function ( image, initialSrc ) {
var mdpid,
viewer = this;
this.lightbox.currentIndex = image.index;
// Open with the already-loaded thumbnail
// Avoids trying to load /wiki/Undefined and doesn't
// cost any network time - the library currently needs
// some src attribute to work. Will fix.
image.initialSrc = initialSrc;
this.currentImageFilename = image.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText();
this.currentImageFileTitle = image.filePageTitle;
this.lightbox.iface.comingFromPopstate = comingFromPopstate;
$( document.body ).addClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
mdpid = this.profileStart( 'metadata-fetch' );
this.fetchImageInfo( image.filePageTitle ).done( function ( imageData, repoInfo, size, requestedWidth ) {
var pid,
repoData = mw.mmv.model.Repo.newFromRepoInfo( repoInfo[imageData.repo] ),
imageEle = new Image(),
targetWidth = size;
imageEle.onload = function () {
if ( imageEle.width > targetWidth ) {
imageEle.width = targetWidth;
viewer.profileEnd( pid );
viewer.profileEnd( mdpid );
pid = viewer.profileStart( 'image-load', {
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height,
fileSize: imageData.size
}, imageData.mimeType );
imageEle.src = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth ) || imageData.url;
viewer.lightbox.iface.$imageDiv.removeClass( 'empty' );
viewer.lightbox.iface.replaceImageWith( imageEle );
viewer.setImageInfo( image, imageData, repoData );
} );
comingFromPopstate = false;
MMVP.animateMetadataDivOnce = function () {
if ( !this.hasAnimatedMetadata ) {
$.scrollTo( 40, 400, { onAfter: function() { $.scrollTo( 0, 400 ); } } );
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = true;
* @method
* Fetches image information from the API.
* Will resolve the promise with two objects (imageData and repoData), the
* target width - basically the screen size - that the caller should resize
* the image to eventually, and the requested width - that is, what we asked
* for from the API - that should be used to fetch the thumbnail URL from
* the imageData object.
* The target
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Title of the file page for the image.
* @param {string[]} [props] List of properties to get from imageinfo
* @returns {jQuery.Promise}
MMVP.fetchImageInfo = function ( fileTitle, props ) {
var filename = fileTitle.getPrefixedText(),
apiArgs = {
action: 'query',
format: 'json',
titles: filename,
prop: 'imageinfo',
// Short-circuit, don't fallback, to save some tiny amount of time
iiextmetadatalanguage: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage', false ) || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage', 'en' )
viewer = this,
widths = this.getImageSizeApiArgs( this.ui ),
targetWidth = widths.target,
requestedWidth = widths.requested;
function handleApiData( data ) {
var imageInfo, imageData;
if ( !data || !data.query ) {
// No information, oh well
return $.Deferred().reject();
viewer.cacheRepoInfo( data.query.repos );
imageInfo = viewer.getFirst( data.query.pages );
if ( imageInfo ) {
imageData = mw.mmv.model.Image.newFromImageInfo( fileTitle, imageInfo );
// Give back the information we have
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, viewer.repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} else {
return $.Deferred().reject();
function makeImageInfoRequest( args ) {
if ( viewer.repoInfo === undefined ) {
args.meta = 'filerepoinfo';
return viewer.api.get( args ).then( handleApiData );
props = props || iiprops;
apiArgs.iiprop = props.join( '|' );
apiArgs.iiurlwidth = requestedWidth;
if ( this.imageInfo[filename] === undefined ) {
// Fetch all image info in the same API query, save a request later
apiArgs.iiprop = iiprops.join( '|' );
this.imageInfo[filename] = makeImageInfoRequest( apiArgs );
return this.imageInfo[filename];
} else if ( props.indexOf( 'url' ) === -1 ) {
// Just return the cached promise, because we don't need to
// fetch this information again.
return this.imageInfo[filename];
} else {
// Fetch the new thumb url but nothing else, because it's
// the only non-cacheable thing
apiArgs.iiprop = 'url';
return this.imageInfo[filename].then( function ( imageData, repoInfo ) {
var maybeThumb = imageData.getThumbUrl( requestedWidth );
// Thumbnail caching! Woo!
if ( maybeThumb ) {
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
return viewer.api.get( apiArgs ).then( function ( data ) {
var imageInfo, innerInfo;
imageInfo = viewer.getFirst( data.query.pages );
innerInfo = viewer.getFirst( imageInfo.imageinfo );
if ( innerInfo.thumburl ) {
imageData.addThumbUrl( innerInfo.thumbwidth, innerInfo.thumburl );
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageData, repoInfo, targetWidth, requestedWidth );
} );
} );
MMVP.loadIndex = function ( index ) {
var $clicked = $( imgsSelector ).eq( index );
if ( index < this.lightbox.images.length && index >= 0 ) {
this.loadImage( this.lightbox.images[index], $clicked.prop( 'src' ) );
this.resize( this.lightbox.iface );
MMVP.nextImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex + 1 );
MMVP.prevImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex - 1 );
MMVP.log = function ( action ) {
mw.log( mmvLogActions[action] || action );
if ( mw.eventLog ) {
mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'MediaViewer', {
version: '1.1',
action: action
} );
( function () {
var profiling = {},
nonce = 0;
* Start profiling an event
* @param {string} type Can be image-load, image-resize, metadata-fetch, gender-fetch
* @param {Object} [imgSize] Size of image (for image related events)
* @param {number} [imgSize.width] In pixels
* @param {number} [imgSize.height] In pixels
* @param {number} [imgSize.filesize] In bytes
* @param {string} [fileType] File type (for image related events)
* @param {number} [timeout] Optional timeout for the event.
* @returns {number} The id used to finish the profiling
MMVP.profileStart = function ( type, imgSize, fileType, timeout ) {
var thisid = nonce++;
imgSize = imgSize || {};
profiling[thisid] = {
/* Changelog:
* 1.1 fixed the issue with zeros in every message
* 1.0 first release
version: '1.1',
action: type,
imageWidth: imgSize.width,
imageHeight: imgSize.height,
fileSize: imgSize.filesize,
fileType: fileType,
userAgent: navigator.userAgent,
start: Date.now()
mw.log( mmvLogActions['profile-' + type + '-start'].replace( /\$1/g, thisid ) );
if ( timeout ) {
window.setTimeout( function () {
profiling[thisid] = undefined;
}, timeout );
return thisid;
* Signal the end of an event being profiled and send the
* eventlogging message.
* @param {number} id Should be the value returned from profileStart
* @param {boolean} [fakeTime] For testing, whether to fake the time in the message. Time is zero if so.
MMVP.profileEnd = function ( id, fakeTime ) {
var msg;
if ( profiling[id] ) {
msg = profiling[id];
msg.milliseconds = Date.now() - msg.start;
delete msg.start;
mmvLogActions['profile-' + msg.action + '-end']
.replace( /\$1/g, id )
.replace( /\$2/g, fakeTime ? 0 : msg.milliseconds )
if ( mw.eventLog ) {
mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'MediaViewerPerf', msg );
}() );
* Transforms a date string into localized, human-readable format.
* Unrecognized strings are returned unchanged.
* @param {string} dateString
* @return {string}
MMVP.formatDate = function ( dateString ) {
var date = moment( dateString );
if ( !date.isValid() ) {
return dateString;
return date.format( 'LL' );
function handleHash( hash ) {
var statedIndex, $foundElement, linkState = hash.split( '/' );
comingFromPopstate = true;
if ( linkState[0] === '#mediaviewer' ) {
statedIndex = mw.mediaViewer.lightbox.images[linkState[2]];
if ( statedIndex.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText() === linkState[1] ) {
$foundElement = $( imgsSelector ).eq( linkState[2] );
mw.mediaViewer.loadImage( statedIndex, $foundElement.prop( 'src' ) );
} else {
if ( mw.mediaViewer.lightbox ) {
$( function () {
MultiLightbox = window.MultiLightbox;
lightboxHooks = window.lightboxHooks;
var viewer = new MultimediaViewer();
mw.mediaViewer = viewer;
handleHash( document.location.hash );
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', function () { handleHash( document.location.hash ); } );
} );
mw.MultimediaViewer = MultimediaViewer;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery, moment ) );