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synced 2025-01-08 12:54:41 +00:00
This reverts parts of commit bb26bc47b4
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473 lines
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473 lines
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* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
( function () {
var C;
* UI component that contains the multimedia element to be displayed.
* This first version assumes an image but it can be extended to other
* media types (video, sound, presentation, etc.).
* @class mw.mmv.ui.Canvas
* @extends mw.mmv.ui.Element
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $container Canvas' container
* @param {jQuery} $imageWrapper
* @param {jQuery} $mainWrapper
function Canvas( $container, $imageWrapper, $mainWrapper ) {
mw.mmv.ui.Element.call( this, $container );
* @property {boolean}
* @private
this.dialogOpen = false;
* @property {mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator}
* @private
this.thumbnailWidthCalculator = new mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator();
* Contains image.
* @property {jQuery}
this.$imageDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-image' );
this.$imageDiv.appendTo( this.$container );
* Container of canvas and controls, needed for canvas size calculations.
* @property {jQuery}
* @private
this.$imageWrapper = $imageWrapper;
* Main container of image and metadata, needed to propagate events.
* @property {jQuery}
* @private
this.$mainWrapper = $mainWrapper;
* Raw metadata of current image, needed for canvas size calculations.
* @property {mw.mmv.LightboxImage}
* @private
this.imageRawMetadata = null;
OO.inheritClass( Canvas, mw.mmv.ui.Element );
C = Canvas.prototype;
* Maximum blownup factor tolerated
* @static
* Blowup factor threshold at which blurring kicks in
* @static
* Clears everything.
C.empty = function () {
this.$imageDiv.addClass( 'empty' ).removeClass( 'error' );
* Sets image on the canvas; does not resize it to fit. This is used to make the placeholder
* image available; it will be resized and displayed by #maybeDisplayPlaceholder().
* FIXME maybeDisplayPlaceholder() receives the placeholder so it is very unclear why this
* is necessary at all (apart from setting the LightboxImage, which is used in size calculations).
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} imageRawMetadata
* @param {jQuery} $imageElement
C.set = function ( imageRawMetadata, $imageElement ) {
this.$imageDiv.removeClass( 'empty' );
this.imageRawMetadata = imageRawMetadata;
this.$image = $imageElement;
this.$imageDiv.html( this.$image );
* Resizes image to the given dimensions and displays it on the canvas.
* This is used to display the actual image; it assumes set function was already called before.
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail} thumbnail thumbnail information
* @param {HTMLImageElement} imageElement
* @param {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths
C.setImageAndMaxDimensions = function ( thumbnail, imageElement, imageWidths ) {
var $image = $( imageElement );
// we downscale larger images but do not scale up smaller ones, that would look ugly
if ( thumbnail.width > imageWidths.cssWidth ) {
imageElement.width = imageWidths.cssWidth;
imageElement.height = imageWidths.cssHeight;
if ( !this.$image.is( imageElement ) ) { // http://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/4087
this.$image.replaceWith( $image );
this.$image = $image;
// Since the image element got replaced, we need to rescue the dialog-open class.
this.$image.toggleClass( 'mw-mmv-dialog-is-open', this.dialogOpen );
* Handles a "dialog open/close" event from dialogs on the page.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
C.handleDialogEvent = function ( e ) {
switch ( e.type ) {
case 'mmv-download-opened':
this.downloadOpen = true;
case 'mmv-download-closed':
this.downloadOpen = false;
case 'mmv-reuse-opened':
this.reuseOpen = true;
case 'mmv-reuse-closed':
this.reuseOpen = false;
case 'mmv-options-opened':
this.optionsOpen = true;
case 'mmv-options-closed':
this.optionsOpen = false;
this.dialogOpen = this.reuseOpen || this.downloadOpen || this.optionsOpen;
this.$image.toggleClass( 'mw-mmv-dialog-is-open', this.dialogOpen );
* Registers click listener on the image.
C.setUpImageClick = function () {
var canvas = this;
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-reuse-opened', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-reuse-closed', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-download-opened', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-download-closed', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-options-opened', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-options-closed', this.handleDialogEvent.bind( this ) );
this.$image.on( 'click.mmv-canvas', function ( e ) {
// ignore clicks if the metadata panel or one of the dialogs is open - assume the intent is to
// close it in this case; that will be handled elsewhere
if (
!canvas.dialogOpen &&
// FIXME a UI component should not know about its parents
canvas.$container.closest( '.metadata-panel-is-open' ).length === 0
) {
e.stopPropagation(); // don't let $imageWrapper handle this
mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'view-original-file' ).always( function () {
$( document ).trigger( 'mmv-viewfile' );
} );
} );
// open the download panel on right clicking the image
this.$image.on( 'mousedown.mmv-canvas', function ( e ) {
if ( e.which === 3 ) {
mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'right-click-image' );
if ( !canvas.downloadOpen ) {
$( document ).trigger( 'mmv-download-open', e );
} );
* Registers listeners.
C.attach = function () {
var canvas = this;
$( window ).on( 'resize.mmv-canvas', $.debounce( 100, function () {
canvas.$mainWrapper.trigger( $.Event( 'mmv-resize-end' ) );
} ) );
this.$imageWrapper.on( 'click.mmv-canvas', function () {
if ( canvas.$container.closest( '.metadata-panel-is-open' ).length > 0 ) {
canvas.$mainWrapper.trigger( 'mmv-panel-close-area-click' );
} );
* Clears listeners.
C.unattach = function () {
$( window ).off( 'resize.mmv-canvas' );
this.$imageWrapper.off( 'click.mmv-canvas' );
* Sets page thumbnail for display if blowupFactor <= MAX_BLOWUP_FACTOR. Otherwise thumb is not set.
* The image gets also blured to avoid pixelation if blowupFactor > BLUR_BLOWUP_FACTOR_THRESHOLD.
* We set SVG files to the maximum screen size available.
* Assumes set function called before.
* @param {{width: number, height: number}} size
* @param {jQuery} $imagePlaceholder Image placeholder to be displayed while the real image loads.
* @param {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths
* @return {boolean} Whether the image was blured or not
C.maybeDisplayPlaceholder = function ( size, $imagePlaceholder, imageWidths ) {
var targetWidth,
blurredThumbnailShown = false;
// Assume natural thumbnail size¸
targetWidth = size.width;
targetHeight = size.height;
// If the image is bigger than the screen we need to resize it
if ( size.width > imageWidths.cssWidth ) { // This assumes imageInfo.width in CSS units
targetWidth = imageWidths.cssWidth;
targetHeight = imageWidths.cssHeight;
blowupFactor = targetWidth / $imagePlaceholder.width();
// If the placeholder is too blown up, it's not worth showing it
if ( blowupFactor > Canvas.MAX_BLOWUP_FACTOR ) {
return blurredThumbnailShown;
$imagePlaceholder.width( targetWidth );
$imagePlaceholder.height( targetHeight );
// Only blur the placeholder if it's blown up significantly
if ( blowupFactor > Canvas.BLUR_BLOWUP_FACTOR_THRESHOLD ) {
this.blur( $imagePlaceholder );
blurredThumbnailShown = true;
this.set( this.imageRawMetadata, $imagePlaceholder.show() );
return blurredThumbnailShown;
* Blur image
* @param {jQuery} $image Image to be blurred.
C.blur = function ( $image ) {
// We have to apply the SVG filter here, it doesn't work when defined in the .less file
// We can't use an external SVG file because filters can't be accessed cross-domain
// We can't embed the SVG file because accessing the filter inside of it doesn't work
$image.addClass( 'blurred' ).css( 'filter', 'url("#gaussian-blur")' );
* Animates the image into focus
C.unblurWithAnimation = function () {
var self = this,
animationLength = 300;
// The blurred class has an opacity < 1. This animated the image to become fully opaque
// FIXME: Use CSS transition
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-animate
.addClass( 'blurred' )
.animate( { opacity: 1.0 }, animationLength );
// During the same amount of time (animationLength) we animate a blur value from 3.0 to 0.0
// We pass that value to an inline CSS Gaussian blur effect
// FIXME: Use CSS transition
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-animate
$( { blur: 3.0 } ).animate( { blur: 0.0 }, {
duration: animationLength,
step: function ( step ) {
self.$image.css( { '-webkit-filter': 'blur(' + step + 'px)',
filter: 'blur(' + step + 'px)' } );
complete: function () {
// When the animation is complete, the blur value is 0, clean things up
} );
C.unblur = function () {
// We apply empty CSS values to remove the inline styles applied by jQuery
// so that they don't get in the way of styles defined in CSS
this.$image.css( { '-webkit-filter': '', opacity: '', filter: '' } )
.removeClass( 'blurred' );
* Displays a message and error icon when loading the image fails.
* @param {string} error error message
C.showError = function ( error ) {
var errorDetails, description, errorUri, $retryLink, $reportLink,
canvasDimensions = this.getDimensions(),
thumbnailDimensions = this.getCurrentImageWidths(),
htmlUtils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils();
errorDetails = [
'error: ' + error,
'URL: ' + location.href,
'user agent: ' + navigator.userAgent,
'screen size: ' + screen.width + 'x' + screen.height,
'canvas size: ' + canvasDimensions.width + 'x' + canvasDimensions.height,
'image size: ' + this.imageRawMetadata.originalWidth + 'x' + this.imageRawMetadata.originalHeight,
'thumbnail size: CSS: ' + thumbnailDimensions.cssWidth + 'x' + thumbnailDimensions.cssHeight +
', screen width: ' + thumbnailDimensions.screen + ', real width: ' + thumbnailDimensions.real
// ** is bolding in Phabricator
description = '**' + mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-errorreport-privacywarning' ).text() + '**\n\n\n' +
'Error details:\n\n' + errorDetails.join( '\n' );
errorUri = mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-report-issue-url', encodeURIComponent( description ) );
$retryLink = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'mw-mmv-retry-link' ).text(
mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-thumbnail-error-retry' ) );
$reportLink = $( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', errorUri ).text(
mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-thumbnail-error-report' ) );
.addClass( 'error' )
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'error-box' ).append(
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-mmv-error-text' ).text(
mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-thumbnail-error' )
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'mw-mmv-error-description' ).append(
mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-thumbnail-error-description',
htmlUtils.jqueryToHtml( $retryLink ),
htmlUtils.jqueryToHtml( $reportLink )
this.$imageDiv.find( '.mw-mmv-retry-link' ).on( 'click', function () {
} );
* Returns width and height of the canvas area (i.e. the space available for the image).
* @param {boolean} forFullscreen if true, return size in fullscreen mode; otherwise, return current size
* (which might still be fullscreen mode).
* @return {Object} Width and height in CSS pixels
C.getDimensions = function ( forFullscreen ) {
var $window = $( window ),
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$aboveFold = $( '.mw-mmv-above-fold' ),
isFullscreened = !!$aboveFold.closest( '.jq-fullscreened' ).length,
// Don't rely on this.$imageWrapper's sizing because it's fragile.
// Depending on what the wrapper contains, its size can be 0 on some browsers.
// Therefore, we calculate the available space manually
availableWidth = $window.width(),
availableHeight = $window.height() - ( isFullscreened ? 0 : $aboveFold.outerHeight() );
if ( forFullscreen ) {
return {
width: screen.width,
height: screen.height
} else {
return {
width: availableWidth,
height: availableHeight
* Gets the widths for a given lightbox image.
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
* @return {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
C.getLightboxImageWidths = function ( image ) {
var thumb = image.thumbnail,
canvasDimensions = this.getDimensions();
return this.thumbnailWidthCalculator.calculateWidths(
canvasDimensions.width, canvasDimensions.height, thumb.width, thumb.height );
* Gets the fullscreen widths for a given lightbox image.
* Intended for use before the viewer is in fullscreen mode
* (in fullscreen mode getLightboxImageWidths() works fine).
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
* @return {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
C.getLightboxImageWidthsForFullscreen = function ( image ) {
var thumb = image.thumbnail,
canvasDimensions = this.getDimensions( true );
return this.thumbnailWidthCalculator.calculateWidths(
canvasDimensions.width, canvasDimensions.height, thumb.width, thumb.height );
* Gets the widths for the current lightbox image.
* @return {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
C.getCurrentImageWidths = function () {
return this.getLightboxImageWidths( this.imageRawMetadata );
mw.mmv.ui.Canvas = Canvas;
}() );