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* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
const { ImageInfo } = require( 'mmv' );
( function () {
QUnit.module( 'mmv.provider.ImageInfo', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( {
// mw.Title relies on these three config vars
// Restore them after each test run
config: {
wgFormattedNamespaces: {
'-2': 'Media',
'-1': 'Special',
0: '',
1: 'Talk',
2: 'User',
3: 'User talk',
4: 'Wikipedia',
5: 'Wikipedia talk',
6: 'File',
7: 'File talk',
8: 'MediaWiki',
9: 'MediaWiki talk',
10: 'Template',
11: 'Template talk',
12: 'Help',
13: 'Help talk',
14: 'Category',
15: 'Category talk',
// testing custom / localized namespace
100: 'Penguins'
wgNamespaceIds: {
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
media: -2,
special: -1,
'': 0,
talk: 1,
user: 2,
user_talk: 3,
wikipedia: 4,
wikipedia_talk: 5,
file: 6,
file_talk: 7,
mediawiki: 8,
mediawiki_talk: 9,
template: 10,
template_talk: 11,
help: 12,
help_talk: 13,
category: 14,
category_talk: 15,
image: 6,
image_talk: 7,
project: 4,
project_talk: 5,
// Testing custom namespaces and aliases
penguins: 100,
antarctic_waterfowl: 100
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
wgCaseSensitiveNamespaces: []
} ) );
QUnit.test( 'ImageInfo constructor sense check', function ( assert ) {
const api = { get: function () {} };
const imageInfoProvider = new ImageInfo( api );
assert.true( imageInfoProvider instanceof ImageInfo );
} );
QUnit.test( 'ImageInfo get test', function ( assert ) {
let apiCallCount = 0;
const api = { get: function () {
return $.Deferred().resolve( {
query: {
pages: [
ns: 6,
title: 'File:Stuff.jpg',
missing: true,
imagerepository: 'shared',
imageinfo: [
timestamp: '2013-08-25T14:41:02Z',
userid: '3053121',
size: 346684,
width: 720,
height: 1412,
comment: 'User created page with UploadWizard',
url: 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Stuff.jpg',
descriptionurl: 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stuff.jpg',
sha1: 'a1ba23d471f4dad208b71c143e2e105a0e3032db',
metadata: [],
extmetadata: {
ObjectName: {
value: 'Some stuff',
source: 'commons-templates'
License: {
value: 'cc0',
source: 'commons-templates',
hidden: ''
LicenseShortName: {
value: 'CC0',
source: 'commons-templates'
UsageTerms: {
value: 'Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication',
source: 'commons-templates'
LicenseUrl: {
value: 'http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/',
source: 'commons-templates'
GPSLatitude: {
value: '90.000000',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
GPSLongitude: {
value: ' 180.000000',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
ImageDescription: {
value: 'Wikis stuff',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
DateTimeOriginal: {
value: '<time class="dtstart" datetime="2009-02-18">18 February 2009</time>\u00a0(according to <a href="//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exchangeable_image_file_format" class="extiw" title="en:Exchangeable image file format">EXIF</a> data)',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
DateTime: {
value: '2013-08-25T14:41:02Z',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
Credit: {
value: 'Wikipedia',
source: 'commons-desc-page',
hidden: ''
Artist: {
value: 'John Smith',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
AuthorCount: {
value: '2',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
Attribution: {
value: 'By John Smith',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
Permission: {
value: 'Do not use. Ever.',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
AttributionRequired: {
value: 'no',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
NonFree: {
value: 'yes',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
Restrictions: {
value: 'trademarked|insignia',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
DeletionReason: {
value: 'copyvio',
source: 'commons-desc-page'
mime: 'image/jpeg',
mediatype: 'BITMAP'
} );
} };
const file = new mw.Title( 'File:Stuff.jpg' );
const imageInfoProvider = new ImageInfo( api );
return imageInfoProvider.get( file ).then( function ( image ) {
assert.strictEqual( image.title.getPrefixedDb(), 'File:Stuff.jpg', 'title is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.name, 'Some stuff', 'name is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.size, 346684, 'size is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.width, 720, 'width is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.height, 1412, 'height is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.mimeType, 'image/jpeg', 'mimeType is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.url, 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Stuff.jpg', 'url is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.descriptionUrl, 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Stuff.jpg', 'descriptionUrl is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.repo, 'shared', 'repo is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.uploadDateTime, '2013-08-25T14:41:02Z', 'uploadDateTime is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.anonymizedUploadDateTime, '20130825000000', 'anonymizedUploadDateTime is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.creationDateTime, '2009-02-18', 'creationDateTime is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.description, 'Wikis stuff', 'description is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.source, 'Wikipedia', 'source is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.author, 'John Smith', 'author is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.authorCount, 2, 'author count is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.attribution, 'By John Smith', 'attribution is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.shortName, 'CC0', 'license short name is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.internalName, 'cc0', 'license internal name is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.longName, 'Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication', 'license long name is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.deedUrl, 'http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/', 'license URL is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.attributionRequired, false, 'Attribution required flag is honored' );
assert.strictEqual( image.license.nonFree, true, 'Non-free flag is honored' );
assert.strictEqual( image.permission, 'Do not use. Ever.', 'permission is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.deletionReason, 'copyvio', 'permission is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.latitude, 90, 'latitude is set correctly' );
assert.strictEqual( image.longitude, 180, 'longitude is set correctly' );
assert.deepEqual( image.restrictions, [ 'trademarked', 'insignia' ], 'restrictions is set correctly' );
} ).then( function () {
// call the data provider a second time to check caching
return imageInfoProvider.get( file );
} ).then( function () {
assert.strictEqual( apiCallCount, 1 );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'ImageInfo fail test', function ( assert ) {
const api = { get: function () {
return $.Deferred().resolve( {} );
} };
const file = new mw.Title( 'File:Stuff.jpg' );
const done = assert.async();
const imageInfoProvider = new ImageInfo( api );
imageInfoProvider.get( file ).fail( function () {
assert.true( true, 'promise rejected when no data is returned' );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'ImageInfo fail test 2', function ( assert ) {
const api = { get: function () {
return $.Deferred().resolve( {
query: {
pages: [
title: 'File:Stuff.jpg'
} );
} };
const file = new mw.Title( 'File:Stuff.jpg' );
const done = assert.async();
const imageInfoProvider = new ImageInfo( api );
imageInfoProvider.get( file ).fail( function () {
assert.true( true, 'promise rejected when imageinfo is missing' );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'ImageInfo missing page test', function ( assert ) {
const api = { get: function () {
return $.Deferred().resolve( {
query: {
pages: [
title: 'File:Stuff.jpg',
missing: true,
imagerepository: ''
} );
} };
const file = new mw.Title( 'File:Stuff.jpg' );
const done = assert.async();
const imageInfoProvider = new ImageInfo( api );
imageInfoProvider.get( file ).fail( function ( errorMessage ) {
assert.strictEqual( errorMessage, 'file does not exist: File:Stuff.jpg',
'error message is set correctly for missing file' );
} );
} );
}() );