Gilles Dubuc 204d582a3a Add site/language conditions for feedback button
Only show the survey button if the user's language matches and the site is
enabled, and log which site we are on.

The corresponding site configuration commit is

Change-Id: I575bb286f4289489b80505c901f5a9e7aeecec8b
2014-04-08 11:37:24 +02:00

114 lines
4.1 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function( mw, $ ) {
var oldShowSurvey;
QUnit.module( 'mmv.ui.StripeButtons', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( {
setup: function () {
// pretend surveys are enabled for this site
oldShowSurvey = mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey;
mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey = true;
teardown: function () {
mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey = oldShowSurvey;
} ) );
function createStripeButtons() {
var fixture = $( '#qunit-fixture' );
return new mw.mmv.ui.StripeButtons( fixture );
QUnit.test( 'Sanity test, object creation and UI construction', 4, function ( assert ) {
var buttons,
oldMwUserIsAnon = mw.user.isAnon;
// first pretend we are anonymous
mw.user.isAnon = function () { return true; };
buttons = createStripeButtons();
assert.ok( buttons, 'UI element is created.' );
assert.strictEqual( buttons.buttons.$reuse.length, 1, 'Reuse button created.' );
assert.ok( !buttons.buttons.$descriptionPage, 'File page button not created for anon.' );
// now pretend we are logged in
mw.user.isAnon = function () { return false; };
buttons = createStripeButtons();
assert.strictEqual( buttons.buttons.$descriptionPage.length, 1, 'File page button created for logged in.' );
mw.user.isAnon = oldMwUserIsAnon;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Survey conditions', 3, function ( assert ) {
var buttons,
oldLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
// pretend surveys are disabled for this site
mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey = false;
mw.config.set( 'wgUserLanguage', 'en' );
buttons = createStripeButtons();
assert.ok( !buttons.buttons.$feedback, 'No survey button by default.' );
// pretend surveys are enabled for this site
mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey = true;
buttons = createStripeButtons();
assert.ok( buttons.buttons.$feedback, 'Survey button shown when enabled.' );
// now pretend we don't speak English
mw.config.set( 'wgUserLanguage', 'el' );
buttons = createStripeButtons();
assert.ok( !buttons.buttons.$feedback, 'No survey for non-english speakers.' );
mw.config.set( 'wgUserLanguage', oldLanguage );
} );
QUnit.test( 'set()/empty() sanity test:', 1, function ( assert ) {
var buttons = createStripeButtons(),
fakeImageInfo = { descriptionUrl: '//' },
fakeRepoInfo = { displayName: 'Wikimedia Commons' };
buttons.set( fakeImageInfo, fakeRepoInfo );
assert.ok( true, 'No error on set()/empty().' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'attach()/unattach():', 4, function ( assert ) {
var buttons = createStripeButtons();
$( document ).on( 'mmv-reuse-open.test', function ( e ) {
assert.ok( e, 'Reuse panel opened.' );
} );
buttons.buttons.$reuse.trigger( 'click.mmv-stripeButtons' );
$( document ).trigger( 'mmv-reuse-opened' );
assert.ok( buttons.buttons.$reuse.hasClass( 'open' ), 'open event is handled when attached' );
$( document ).trigger( 'mmv-reuse-closed' );
assert.ok( !buttons.buttons.$reuse.hasClass( 'open' ), 'close event is handled when attached' );
buttons.buttons.$reuse.trigger( 'click.mmv-stripeButtons' );
$( document ).trigger( 'mmv-reuse-opened' );
assert.ok( !buttons.buttons.$reuse.hasClass( 'open' ), 'open event is not handled when unattached' );
$( document ).off( 'mmv-reuse-open.test' );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );