Aaron Arcos efaae84a4f WIP Fix resize issues (Part I)
After a few false starts trying to fix LIP.autoResize(),
I noticed that it has become obsolete by our latest
improvements (bucketing and cashing), so I decided to
get rid of it and let the browser do the resizing.
I tested in Chrome/Safari/FF and this approach seems
to work fine.

Still work in progress and there are many things that should
be cleaned up regarding the image object logic but please take
a look and let me know if you have any objections if I go
this route.

Bug: 56454
Change-Id: I08207d0f1fcc9dcb69ec31c03e96cfd0c0a6c522
Mingle: 239
2014-02-26 10:22:47 +01:00

611 lines
16 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function ( mw, $ ) {
var LIP;
* Represents the main interface of the lightbox
* @class mw.mmv.LightboxInterface
* @constructor
function LightboxInterface( viewer ) {
this.viewer = viewer;
this.eventsRegistered = {};
* @property {mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator}
* @private
this.thumbnailWidthCalculator = new mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator();
LIP = LightboxInterface.prototype;
* The currently selected LightboxImage.
* @type {mw.mmv.LightboxImage}
* @protected
LIP.currentImage = null;
* Initialize the entire interface - helper method.
LIP.init = function () {
var addToPre = [],
addToPost = [],
lbinterface = this;
// Staging area for image resizes
this.$staging = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-staging-area' );
$( document.body ).append( this.$staging );
this.$overlay = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-overlay' );
this.$wrapper = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-wrapper' );
this.$main = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-main' );
this.$imageDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-image' );
// I blame CSS for this
this.$innerWrapper = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-image-inner-wrapper' )
.append( this.$imageDiv );
this.$imageWrapper = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-image-wrapper' )
.append( this.$innerWrapper );
this.$preDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-pre-image' );
this.setupPreDiv( addToPre );
this.$postDiv = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-post-image' );
this.setupPostDiv( addToPost );
window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( e ) {
if ( e.keyCode === 27 ) {
// Escape button pressed
} );
this.panel = new mw.mmv.ui.MetadataPanel( this.$postDiv, this.$controlBar );
this.buttons = new mw.mmv.ui.Buttons( this.$imageWrapper, this.$closeButton, this.$fullscreenButton );
* Empties the interface.
LIP.empty = function () {
if ( this.resizeListener ) {
window.removeEventListener( 'resize', this.resizeListener );
this.resizeListener = null;
* Add event handler in a way that will be auto-cleared on lightbox close
* NOTE: If you're changing this method you should probably do it in the
* mw.mmv.ui.Element version, which is where we'll be handling events
* from now on.
* @param {string} name Name of event, like 'keydown'
* @param {Function} handler Callback for the event
LIP.handleEvent = function ( name, handler ) {
if ( this.eventsRegistered[name] === undefined ) {
this.eventsRegistered[name] = [];
this.eventsRegistered[name].push( handler );
$( document ).on( name, handler );
* Remove all events that have been registered.
LIP.clearEvents = function () {
var i, handlers, thisevent,
events = Object.keys( this.eventsRegistered );
for ( i = 0; i < events.length; i++ ) {
thisevent = events[i];
handlers = this.eventsRegistered[thisevent];
while ( handlers.length > 0 ) {
$( document ).off( thisevent, handlers.pop() );
* Attaches the interface to the DOM.
* @param {string} [parentId] parent id where we want to attach the UI. Defaults to document
* element, override is mainly used for testing.
LIP.attach = function ( parentId ) {
var lbinterface = this,
// Advanced description needs to be below the fold when the lightbox opens
// regardless of what the scroll value was prior to opening the lightbox
// Only scroll and save the position if it's the first attach
// Otherwise it could be an attach event happening because of prev/next
if ( this.scrollTopBeforeAttach === undefined ) {
// Save the scrollTop value because we want below to be back to where they were
// before opening the lightbox
this.scrollTopBeforeAttach = $.scrollTo().scrollTop();
$.scrollTo( 0, 0 );
// Make sure that the metadata is going to be at the bottom when it appears
// 83 is the height of the top metadata area. Which can't be measured by
// reading the DOM at this point of the execution, unfortunately
this.$postDiv.css( 'top', ( $( window ).height() - 83 ) + 'px' );
// Re-appending the same content can have nasty side-effects
// Such as the browser leaving fullscreen mode if the fullscreened element is part of it
if ( this.currentlyAttached ) {
$( document ).on( 'jq-fullscreen-change.lip', function( e ) {
lbinterface.fullscreenChange( e );
} );
$parent = $( parentId || document.body );
// Clean up fullscreen data because hard-existing fullscreen might have left
// jquery.fullscreen unable to remove the class and attribute, since $main wasn't
// attached to the DOM anymore at the time the jq-fullscreen-change event triggered
this.$ 'isFullscreened', false ).removeClass( 'jq-fullscreened' );
this.isFullscreen = false;
this.currentlyAttached = true;
// Buttons fading might not had been reset properly after a hard fullscreen exit
// This needs to happen after the parent attach() because the buttons need to be attached
// to the DOM for $.fn.stop() to work
* Detaches the interface from the DOM.
LIP.unattach = function () {
// We trigger this event on the document because unattach() can run
// when the interface is unattached
$( document ).trigger( $.Event( 'mmv-close' ) )
.off( 'jq-fullscreen-change.lip' );
this.currentlyAttached = false;
// Restore the scrollTop as it was before opening the lightbox
if ( this.scrollTopBeforeAttach !== undefined ) {
$.scrollTo( this.scrollTopBeforeAttach, 0 );
this.scrollTopBeforeAttach = undefined;
* Resize callback
* @protected
LIP.resizeCallback = function () {
if ( this.currentlyAttached ) {
this.$wrapper.trigger( $.Event( 'mmv-resize') );
* Displays an already loaded image.
* This is an alternative to load() when we have an image element with the image already loaded.
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
* @param {jQuery} $imageElement
LIP.showImage = function ( image, $imageElement ) {
var iface = this;
this.currentImage = image;
this.$image = $imageElement;
// Capture listener so we can remove it later, otherwise
// we are going to leak listeners !
// FIXME should use clearEvents, probably
if ( !this.resizeListener ) {
this.resizeListener = function () { iface.resizeCallback(); };
window.addEventListener( 'resize', this.resizeListener );
* Loads the image, then calls the load callback of the interface.
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
LIP.load = function ( image ) {
var iface = this;
this.currentImage = image;
image.getImageElement().done( function( image, ele ) {
iface.showImage( image, $( ele ) );
} );
* FIXME A bunch of stuff ripped out of #load, because load tries to actually load the image
* and causes the small-thumbnail-for-a-moment bug in the process. Needs severe refactoring.
LIP.setupForLoad = function () {
var hashFragment = '#mediaviewer/' + this.viewer.currentImageFilename,
ui = this;
this.viewer.ui = this;
if ( !this.comingFromHashChange ) {
$( document ).trigger( $.Event( 'mmv.hash', { hash : hashFragment } ) );
this.handleEvent( 'keydown', function ( e ) { ui.keydown( e ); } );
// mousemove generates a ton of events, which is why we throttle it
this.handleEvent( 'mousemove.lip', $.throttle( 250, function( e ) {
ui.mousemove( e );
} ) );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-faded-out', function ( e ) { ui.fadedOut( e ); } );
this.handleEvent( 'mmv-fade-stopped', function ( e ) { ui.fadeStopped( e ); } );
* FIXME refactor and document
LIP.autoResizeImage = function () {
this.$staging.append( this.$image );
this.$imageDiv.append( this.$image );
* Changes what image is being displayed.
* @param {HTMLImageElement} imageEle
LIP.replaceImageWith = function ( imageEle ) {
function makeMaxMatchParent ( $image ) {
$image.css( {
maxHeight : $image.parent().height(),
maxWidth : $image.parent().width()
} );
if ( this.$ imageEle ) ) { //
// Update the max dimensions otherwise the image gets distorted
makeMaxMatchParent( this.$image );
var $image = $( imageEle );
this.$image.replaceWith( $image );
this.currentImage.src = imageEle.src;
this.$image = $image;
makeMaxMatchParent( this.$image );
* Exits fullscreen mode.
LIP.exitFullscreen = function () {
this.fullscreenButtonJustPressed = true;
* Enters fullscreen mode.
LIP.enterFullscreen = function () {
* Setup for DOM elements which come before the main image
* @param {Array.<HTMLElement|jQuery>} toAdd
LIP.setupPreDiv = function ( toAdd ) {
var lbinterface = this;
this.$controlBar = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'mlb-controls' );
this.$closeButton = $( '<div>' )
.text( ' ' )
.addClass( 'mlb-close' )
.click( function () {
} );
this.$fullscreenButton = $( '<div>' )
.text( ' ' )
.addClass( 'mlb-fullscreen' )
.click( function () {
if ( lbinterface.isFullscreen ) {
} else {
} );
this.$preDiv.append( this.$controlBar );
this.addElementsToDiv( this.$preDiv, toAdd );
* Sets up the fullscreen button
LIP.setupFullscreenButton = function () {
// If the browser doesn't support fullscreen mode, hide the fullscreen button
if ( $.support.fullscreen ) {
} else {
* Setup for DOM elements which come before the main image
* @param {Array.<HTMLElement|jQuery>} toAdd
LIP.setupPostDiv = function ( toAdd ) {
this.addElementsToDiv( this.$postDiv, toAdd );
LIP.addElementsToDiv = function ( $div, toAdd ) {
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < toAdd.length; i++ ) {
$div.append( toAdd[i] );
* Animates the image into focus
LIP.unblur = function () {
var self = this,
animationLength = 300;
// The blurred class has an opacity < 1. This animated the image to become fully opaque
.addClass( 'blurred' )
.animate( { opacity: 1.0 }, animationLength );
// During the same amount of time (animationLength) we animate a blur value from 3.0 to 0.0
// We pass that value to an inline CSS Gaussian blur effect
$( { blur: 3.0 } ).animate( { blur: 0.0 }, {
duration: animationLength,
step: function ( step ) {
self.$image.css( { '-webkit-filter' : 'blur(' + step + 'px)',
'filter' : 'blur(' + step + 'px)' } );
complete: function () {
// When the animation is complete, the blur value is 0
// We apply empty CSS values to remove the inline styles applied by jQuery
// so that they don't get in the way of styles defined in CSS
self.$image.css( { '-webkit-filter' : '', 'opacity' : '' } )
.removeClass( 'blurred' );
} );
* Handle a fullscreen change event.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e The fullscreen change event.
LIP.fullscreenChange = function ( e ) {
this.isFullscreen = e.fullscreen;
if ( !this.fullscreenButtonJustPressed && !e.fullscreen ) {
// Close the interface all the way if the user pressed 'esc'
} else if ( this.fullscreenButtonJustPressed ) {
this.fullscreenButtonJustPressed = false;
// Fullscreen change events can happen after unattach(), in which
// case we shouldn't do anything UI-related
if ( !this.currentlyAttached ) {
if ( this.isFullscreen ) {
// When entering fullscreen without a mousemove, the browser
// still thinks that the cursor is where it was prior to entering
// fullscreen. I.e. on top of the fullscreen button
// Thus, we purposefully reset the saved position, so that
// the fade out really takes place (otherwise it's cancelled
// by updateControls which is called a few times when fullscreen opens)
this.mousePosition = { x: 0, y: 0 };
* Handles keydown events on the document
* @param {jQuery.Event} e The jQuery keypress event object
LIP.keydown = function ( e ) {
var isRtl = $( document.body ).hasClass( 'rtl' );
switch ( e.which ) {
case 37:
// Left arrow
if ( isRtl ) {
} else {
case 39:
// Right arrow
if ( isRtl ) {
} else {
* Handles mousemove events on the document
* @param {jQuery.Event} e The mousemove event object
LIP.mousemove = function ( e ) {
if ( e ) {
// Saving the mouse position is useful whenever we need to
// run LIP.mousemove manually, such as when going to the next/prev
// element
this.mousePosition = { x: e.pageX, y: e.pageY };
if ( this.isFullscreen ) {
this.buttons.revealAndFade( this.mousePosition );
* @method
* Gets the widths for a given lightbox image.
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
* @returns {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
LIP.getLightboxImageWidths = function ( image ) {
var thumb = image.thumbnail;
return this.thumbnailWidthCalculator.calculateWidths(
this.$imageWrapper.width(), this.$imageWrapper.height(), thumb.width, thumb.height );
* Gets the fullscreen widths for a given lightbox image.
* Intended for use before the viewer is in fullscreen mode
* (in fullscreen mode getLightboxImageWidths() works fine).
* @param {mw.mmv.LightboxImage} image
* @returns {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
LIP.getLightboxImageWidthsForFullscreen = function ( image ) {
var thumb = image.thumbnail;
return this.thumbnailWidthCalculator.calculateWidths(
screen.width, screen.height, thumb.width, thumb.height );
* Gets the widths for the current lightbox image.
* @returns {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth}
LIP.getCurrentImageWidths = function () {
return this.getLightboxImageWidths( this.currentImage );
* Called when the buttons have completely faded out and disappeared
LIP.fadedOut = function () {
this.$main.addClass( 'cursor-hidden' );
* Called when the buttons have stopped fading and are back into view
LIP.fadeStopped = function () {
this.$main.removeClass( 'cursor-hidden' );
* Updates the next and prev buttons
* @param {boolean} showPrevButton Whether the prev button should be revealed or not
* @param {boolean} showNextButton Whether the next button should be revealed or not
LIP.updateControls = function ( showPrevButton, showNextButton ) {
var prevNextTop = ( ( this.$imageWrapper.height() / 2 ) - 60 ) + 'px';
if ( this.$ 'isFullscreened' ) ) {
this.$postDiv.css( 'top', '' );
} else {
this.$postDiv.css( 'top', this.$imageWrapper.height() );
this.buttons.setOffset( prevNextTop );
this.buttons.toggle( showPrevButton, showNextButton );
mw.mmv.LightboxInterface = LightboxInterface;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );