Gergő Tisza d85e7bf32e Utilities to transform HTML to plain or filtered text
This takes care of several minor annoyances:
* centralizes all the text processing functions which have been
  floating all around the code, and adds proper tests
* filters out invisible elements (sometimes used for metadata)
* avoids merging separate words on HTML->text transformation
* adds caching since doing all this transformations could be
  processing-intensive for big chunks of HTML. (This might or
  might not be a good idea. I haven't done performance tests, so
  this might be premature optimization, and increases memory use.
  OTOH these functions are often called in situations where an
  immediate UI response is expected (such as selecting a size
  from the list) so even small delays would be perceivable.

Bug: 63126
Change-Id: I1ef1e3a33efdfea17612df00da6b629bf39e07aa
2014-03-27 19:11:09 +00:00

170 lines
8.1 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer.
* MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function( mw, $ ) {
QUnit.module( 'mmv.HtmlUtils', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for single node', 4, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$el = $( '<span>' ),
el = $( '<span>' ).get(0 ),
html = '<span></span>',
invalid = {};
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), '<span></span>', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( el ).html(), '<span></span>', 'HTMLElement' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), '<span></span>', 'HTML string' );
try {
utils.wrapAndJquerify( invalid );
} catch ( e ) {
assert.ok( e, 'throws exception for invalid type' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for multiple nodes', 2, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$el = $( '<span></span><span></span>' ),
html = '<span></span><span></span>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), '<span></span><span></span>', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), '<span></span><span></span>', 'HTML string' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() for text', 2, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$el = $( document.createTextNode( 'foo' ) ),
html = 'foo';
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).html(), 'foo', 'jQuery' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.wrapAndJquerify( html ).html(), 'foo', 'HTML string' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'wrapAndJquerify() does not change original', 2, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$el = $( '<span>' ),
el = $( '<span>' ).get(0 );
utils.wrapAndJquerify( $el ).find( 'span' ).prop( 'data-x', 1 );
utils.wrapAndJquerify( el ).find( 'span' ).prop( 'data-x', 1 );
assert.strictEqual( $el.prop( 'data-x' ), undefined, 'wrapped jQuery element is not the same as original' );
assert.strictEqual( $( el ).prop( 'data-x' ), undefined, 'wrapped HTMLElement is not the same as original' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'filterInvisible()', 10, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$visibleChild = $( '<div><span></span></div>' ),
$invisibleChild = $( '<div><span style="display: none"></span></div>' ),
$invisibleChildInVisibleChild = $( '<div><span><abbr style="display: none"></abbr></span></div>' ),
$visibleChildInInvisibleChild = $( '<div><span style="display: none"><abbr></abbr></span></div>' ),
$invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings = $( '<div><span></span><abbr style="display: none"></abbr><b></b></div>' );
utils.filterInvisible( $visibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChildInVisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $visibleChildInInvisibleChild );
utils.filterInvisible( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings );
assert.ok( $visibleChild.has( 'span' ).length , 'visible child is not filtered' );
assert.ok( !$invisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length , 'invisible child is filtered' );
assert.ok( $invisibleChildInVisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length , 'visible child is not filtered...' );
assert.ok( !$invisibleChildInVisibleChild.has( 'abbr' ).length , '... but its invisible child is' );
assert.ok( !$visibleChildInInvisibleChild.has( 'span' ).length , 'invisible child is filtered...' );
assert.ok( !$visibleChildInInvisibleChild.has( 'abbr' ).length , '...and its children too' );
assert.ok( $visibleChild.has( 'span' ).length , 'visible child is not filtered' );
assert.ok( !$invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'abbr' ).length , 'invisible sibling is filtered...' );
assert.ok( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'span' ).length , '...but its visible siblings are not' );
assert.ok( $invisibleChildWithVisibleSiblings.has( 'b' ).length , '...but its visible siblings are not' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'whitelistHtml()', 8, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$whitelisted = $( '<div>abc<a>def</a>ghi</div>' ),
$nonWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<span>def</span>ghi</div>' ),
$nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<a>d<span>e</span>f</a>ghi</div>' ),
$whitelistedInNonWhitelisted = $( '<div>abc<span>d<a>e</a>f</span>ghi</div>' ),
$siblings = $('<div>ab<span>c</span>d<a>e</a>f<span>g</span>hi</div>' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $whitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $nonWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted, 'a' );
utils.whitelistHtml( $siblings, 'a' );
assert.ok( $whitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 'Whitelisted elements are kept.' );
assert.ok( !$nonWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 'Non-whitelisted elements are removed.' );
assert.ok( $nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 'Whitelisted parents are kept.' );
assert.ok( !$nonWhitelistedInWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 'Non-whitelisted children are removed.' );
assert.ok( !$whitelistedInNonWhitelisted.has( 'span' ).length, 'Non-whitelisted parents are removed.' );
assert.ok( $whitelistedInNonWhitelisted.has( 'a' ).length, 'Whitelisted children are kept.' );
assert.ok( !$siblings.has( 'span' ).length, 'Non-whitelisted siblings are removed.' );
assert.ok( $siblings.has( 'a' ).length, 'Whitelisted siblings are kept.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'appendWhitespaceToBlockElements()', 3, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
$noBlockElement = $( '<div>abc<i>def</i>ghi</div>' ),
$blockElement = $( '<div>abc<p>def</p>ghi</div>' ),
$linebreak = $( '<div>abc<br>def</div>' );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $noBlockElement );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $blockElement );
utils.appendWhitespaceToBlockElements( $linebreak );
assert.ok( $noBlockElement.text().match( /abcdefghi/ ), 'Non-block elemens are not whitespaced.' );
assert.ok( $blockElement.text().match( /abc\s+def\s+ghi/ ), 'Block elemens are whitespaced.' );
assert.ok( $linebreak.text().match( /abc\s+def/ ), 'Linebreaks are whitespaced.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'jqueryToHtml()', 3, function( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<a>' ) ), '<a></a>',
'works for single element' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<b><a>foo</a></b>' ) ), '<b><a>foo</a></b>',
'works for complex element' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.jqueryToHtml( $( '<a>foo</a>' ).contents() ), 'foo',
'works for text nodes' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'mergeWhitespace()', 3, function( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils();
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( ' x \n' ), 'x',
'leading/trainling whitespace is trimmed' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( 'x \n\n \n y' ), 'x\ny',
'whitespace containing a newline is collapsed into a single newline' );
assert.strictEqual( utils.mergeWhitespace( 'x y' ), 'x y',
'multiple spaces are collapsed into a single one' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'htmlToText()', 1, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
html = '<table><tr><td>Foo</td><td><a>bar</a></td><td style="display: none">baz</td></tr></table>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.htmlToText( html ), 'Foo bar', 'works' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'htmlToTextWithLinks()', 1, function ( assert ) {
var utils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(),
html = '<table><tr><td>Foo</td><td><a>bar</a></td><td style="display: none">baz</td></tr></table>';
assert.strictEqual( utils.htmlToTextWithLinks( html ), 'Foo <a>bar</a>', 'works' );
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );