/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer. * * MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MediaViewer. If not, see . */ const { TaskQueue } = require( 'mmv' ); ( function () { QUnit.module( 'mmv.model.TaskQueue', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'TaskQueue constructor sense check', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(); assert.true( taskQueue instanceof TaskQueue, 'TaskQueue created successfully' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Queue length check', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(); assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.queue.length, 0, 'queue is initially empty' ); taskQueue.push( function () {} ); assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.queue.length, 1, 'queue length is incremented on push' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'State check', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), task = $.Deferred(), promise; taskQueue.push( () => task ); assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.state, TaskQueue.State.NOT_STARTED, 'state is initially NOT_STARTED' ); promise = taskQueue.execute().then( function () { assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.state, TaskQueue.State.FINISHED, 'state is FINISHED after execution finished' ); } ); assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.state, TaskQueue.State.RUNNING, 'state is RUNNING after execution started' ); task.resolve(); return promise; } ); QUnit.test( 'State check for cancellation', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), task = $.Deferred(); taskQueue.push( () => task ); taskQueue.execute(); taskQueue.cancel(); assert.strictEqual( taskQueue.state, TaskQueue.State.CANCELLED, 'state is CANCELLED after cancellation' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test executing empty queue', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(); return taskQueue.execute().done( function () { assert.true( true, 'Queue promise resolved' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Simple execution test', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), called = false; taskQueue.push( function () { called = true; } ); return taskQueue.execute().then( function () { assert.strictEqual( called, true, 'Task executed successfully' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Task execution order test', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), order = []; taskQueue.push( function () { order.push( 1 ); } ); taskQueue.push( function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); order.push( 2 ); setTimeout( function () { deferred.resolve(); }, 0 ); return deferred; } ); taskQueue.push( function () { order.push( 3 ); } ); return taskQueue.execute().then( function () { assert.deepEqual( order, [ 1, 2, 3 ], 'Tasks executed in order' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Double execution test', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), called = 0; taskQueue.push( function () { called++; } ); return taskQueue.execute().then( function () { return taskQueue.execute(); } ).then( function () { assert.strictEqual( called, 1, 'Task executed only once' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Parallel execution test', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), called = 0; taskQueue.push( function () { called++; } ); return $.when( taskQueue.execute(), taskQueue.execute() ).then( function () { assert.strictEqual( called, 1, 'Task executed only once' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test push after execute', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(); taskQueue.execute(); assert.throws( function () { taskQueue.push( function () {} ); }, 'Exception thrown when trying to push to an already running queue' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test failed task', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(); taskQueue.push( function () { return $.Deferred().reject(); } ); return taskQueue.execute().done( function () { assert.true( true, 'Queue promise resolved' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test that tasks wait for each other', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), longRunningTaskFinished = false, seenFinished = false; taskQueue.push( function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(); setTimeout( function () { longRunningTaskFinished = true; deferred.resolve(); }, 0 ); return deferred; } ); taskQueue.push( function () { seenFinished = longRunningTaskFinished; } ); return taskQueue.execute().then( function () { assert.true( seenFinished, 'Task waits for previous task to finish' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test cancellation before start', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), triggered = false, verificationTask = function () { triggered = true; }; taskQueue.push( verificationTask ); taskQueue.cancel(); taskQueue.execute() .done( function () { assert.true( false, 'Queue promise rejected' ); } ) .fail( function () { assert.true( true, 'Queue promise rejected' ); assert.strictEqual( triggered, false, 'Task was not triggered' ); } ) .always( assert.async() ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test cancellation within callback', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), triggered = false, verificationTask = function () { triggered = true; }; taskQueue.push( function () { taskQueue.cancel(); } ); taskQueue.push( verificationTask ); taskQueue.execute() .done( function () { assert.true( false, 'Queue promise rejected' ); } ) .fail( function () { assert.true( true, 'Queue promise rejected' ); assert.strictEqual( triggered, false, 'Task was not triggered' ); } ) .always( assert.async() ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Test cancellation from task', function ( assert ) { var taskQueue = new TaskQueue(), triggered = false, task1 = $.Deferred(), verificationTask = function () { triggered = true; }; taskQueue.push( function () { return task1; } ); taskQueue.push( verificationTask ); setTimeout( function () { taskQueue.cancel(); task1.resolve(); }, 0 ); taskQueue.execute() .done( function () { assert.true( false, 'Queue promise rejected' ); } ) .fail( function () { assert.true( true, 'Queue promise rejected' ); assert.strictEqual( triggered, false, 'Task was not triggered' ); } ) .always( assert.async() ); } ); }() );