@mediawiki.org @firefox Feature: Multimedia Viewer performance Background: Given I am using a custom user agent And I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures Scenario: Commons with warm cache Given I visit an unrelated Commons page to warm up the browser cache And I visit the Commons page Then the File: page image is loaded Scenario: MMV with warm cache and small browser window Given I have a small browser window When I click on an unrelated image in the article to warm up the browser cache When I close MMV When I click on the first image in the article Then the MMV image is loaded in 125 percent of the time with a warm cache and an average browser window Scenario: MMV with cold cache and average browser window Given I have an average browser window When I click on the first image in the article Then the MMV image is loaded in 210 percent of the time with a cold cache and an average browser window Scenario: MMV with warm cache and average browser window Given I have an average browser window When I click on an unrelated image in the article to warm up the browser cache When I close MMV When I click on the first image in the article Then the MMV image is loaded in 125 percent of the time with a warm cache and an average browser window Scenario: MMV with cold cache and large browser window Given I have a large browser window When I click on the first image in the article Then the MMV image is loaded in 240 percent of the time with a cold cache and a large browser window Scenario: MMV with warm cache and large browser window Given I have a large browser window When I click on an unrelated image in the article to warm up the browser cache When I close MMV When I click on the first image in the article Then the MMV image is loaded in 125 percent of the time with a warm cache and a large browser window