' ).text( text ).append( $( '
' ) ).append( $link );
mw.notify( $message );
* Resets the cross-request states needed to handle the blurred thumbnail logic.
resetBlurredThumbnailStates() {
this.realThumbnailShown = false;
this.blurredThumbnailShown = false;
* Display the real, full-resolution, thumbnail that was fetched with fetchThumbnail
* @param {Thumbnail} thumbnail
* @param {HTMLImageElement} imageElement
* @param {ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths
* @param {number} loadTime Time it took to load the thumbnail
displayRealThumbnail( thumbnail, imageElement, imageWidths, loadTime ) {
this.realThumbnailShown = true;
this.setImage( this.ui, thumbnail, imageElement, imageWidths );
// We only animate unblurWithAnimation if the image wasn't loaded from the cache
// A load in < 100ms is fast enough (maybe even browser cache hit) that
// using a 300ms animation would needlessly deter from a fast experience.
if ( this.blurredThumbnailShown && loadTime > 100 ) {
} else {
this.viewLogger.attach( thumbnail.url );
* Display the blurred thumbnail from the page
* @param {LightboxImage} image
* @param {jQuery} $initialImage The thumbnail from the page
* @param {ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths
* @param {boolean} [recursion=false] for internal use, never set this when calling from outside
displayPlaceholderThumbnail( image, $initialImage, imageWidths, recursion ) {
const size = { width: image.originalWidth, height: image.originalHeight };
// If the actual image has already been displayed, there's no point showing the blurry one.
// This can happen if the API request to get the original image size needed to show the
// placeholder thumbnail takes longer then loading the actual thumbnail.
if ( this.realThumbnailShown ) {
// Width/height of the original image are added to the HTML by MediaViewer via a PHP hook,
// and can be missing in exotic circumstances, e. g. when the extension has only been
// enabled recently and the HTML cache has not cleared yet. If that is the case, we need
// to fetch the size from the API first.
if ( !size.width || !size.height ) {
if ( recursion ) {
// this should not be possible, but an infinite recursion is nasty
// business, so we make a sense check
throw new Error( 'MediaViewer internal error: displayPlaceholderThumbnail recursion' );
this.imageInfoProvider.get( image.filePageTitle ).done( ( imageInfo ) => {
// Make sure the user has not navigated away while we were waiting for the size
if ( this.currentIndex === image.index ) {
image.originalWidth = imageInfo.width;
image.originalHeight = imageInfo.height;
this.displayPlaceholderThumbnail( image, $initialImage, imageWidths, true );
} );
} else {
this.blurredThumbnailShown = this.ui.canvas.maybeDisplayPlaceholder(
size, $initialImage, imageWidths );
* Displays a progress bar for the image loading, if necessary, and sets up handling of
* all the related callbacks.
* @param {LightboxImage} image
* @param {jQuery.Promise.
} imagePromise
* @param {number} imageWidth needed for caching progress (FIXME)
setupProgressBar( image, imagePromise, imageWidth ) {
const progressBar = this.ui.panel.progressBar;
const key = `${image.filePageTitle.getPrefixedDb()}|${imageWidth}`;
if ( !this.progressCache[ key ] ) {
// Animate progress bar to 5 to give a sense that something is happening, and make sure
// the progress bar is noticeable, even if we're sitting at 0% stuck waiting for
// server-side processing, such as thumbnail (re)generation
progressBar.jumpTo( 0 );
progressBar.animateTo( 5 );
this.progressCache[ key ] = 5;
} else {
progressBar.jumpTo( this.progressCache[ key ] );
// FIXME would be nice to have a "filtered" promise which does not fire when the image is not visible
// done
( thumbnail, imageElement ) => {
this.progressCache[ key ] = 100;
if ( this.currentIndex === image.index ) {
// Fallback in case the browser doesn't have fancy progress updates
progressBar.animateTo( 100 );
// Hide progress bar, we're done
return $.Deferred().resolve( thumbnail, imageElement );
// fail
( error ) => {
this.progressCache[ key ] = 100;
if ( this.currentIndex === image.index ) {
// Hide progress bar on error
return $.Deferred().reject( error );
// progress
( progress ) => {
// We pretend progress is always at least 5%, so progress events below 5% should be ignored
// 100 will be handled by the done handler, do not mix two animations
if ( progress >= 5 && progress < 100 ) {
this.progressCache[ key ] = progress;
// Touch the UI only if the user is looking at this image
if ( this.currentIndex === image.index ) {
progressBar.animateTo( progress );
return progress;
* Orders lightboximage indexes for preloading. Works similar to $.each, except it only takes
* the callback argument. Calls the callback with each lightboximage index in some sequence
* that is ideal for preloading.
* @private
* @param {function(number, LightboxImage)} callback
eachPreloadableLightboxIndex( callback ) {
let i;
for ( i = 0; i <= this.preloadDistance; i++ ) {
if ( this.currentIndex + i < this.thumbs.length ) {
this.currentIndex + i,
this.thumbs[ this.currentIndex + i ].image,
this.thumbs[ this.currentIndex + i ].extraStatsDeferred
if ( i && this.currentIndex - i >= 0 ) { // skip duplicate for i==0
this.currentIndex - i,
this.thumbs[ this.currentIndex - i ].image,
this.thumbs[ this.currentIndex - i ].extraStatsDeferred
* A helper function to fill up the preload queues.
* taskFactory(lightboxImage) should return a preload task for the given lightboximage.
* @private
* @param {function(LightboxImage)} taskFactory
* @return {TaskQueue}
pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue( taskFactory ) {
const queue = new TaskQueue();
this.eachPreloadableLightboxIndex( ( i, lightboxImage, extraStatsDeferred ) => {
queue.push( taskFactory( lightboxImage, extraStatsDeferred ) );
} );
return queue;
* Cancels in-progress image metadata preloading.
cancelImageMetadataPreloading() {
if ( this.metadataPreloadQueue ) {
* Cancels in-progress image thumbnail preloading.
cancelThumbnailsPreloading() {
if ( this.thumbnailPreloadQueue ) {
* Preload metadata for next and prev N image (N = MMVP.preloadDistance).
* Two images will be loaded at a time (one forward, one backward), with closer images
* being loaded sooner.
preloadImagesMetadata() {
this.metadataPreloadQueue = this.pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue( ( lightboxImage, extraStatsDeferred ) => {
return () => {
const metadataPromise = this.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo( lightboxImage.filePageTitle );
metadataPromise.done( ( imageInfo ) => {
extraStatsDeferred.resolve( { uploadTimestamp: imageInfo.anonymizedUploadDateTime } );
} ).fail( () => {
} );
return metadataPromise;
} );
* Preload thumbnails for next and prev N image (N = MMVP.preloadDistance).
* Two images will be loaded at a time (one forward, one backward), with closer images
* being loaded sooner.
preloadThumbnails() {
this.thumbnailPreloadQueue = this.pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue( ( lightboxImage, extraStatsDeferred ) => {
return () => {
// viewer.ui.canvas.getLightboxImageWidths needs the viewer to be open
// because it needs to read the size of visible elements
if ( !this.isOpen ) {
const imageWidths = this.ui.canvas.getLightboxImageWidths( lightboxImage );
return this.fetchThumbnailForLightboxImage( lightboxImage, imageWidths.real, extraStatsDeferred );
} );
* Preload the fullscreen size of the current image.
* @param {LightboxImage} image
preloadFullscreenThumbnail( image ) {
const imageWidths = this.ui.canvas.getLightboxImageWidthsForFullscreen( image );
this.fetchThumbnailForLightboxImage( image, imageWidths.real );
* Loads all the size-independent information needed by the lightbox (image metadata, repo
* information).
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Title of the file page for the image.
* @return {jQuery.Promise.}
fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo( fileTitle ) {
const imageInfoPromise = this.imageInfoProvider.get( fileTitle );
const repoInfoPromise = this.fileRepoInfoProvider.get( fileTitle );
return $.when(
imageInfoPromise, repoInfoPromise
).then( ( imageInfo, repoInfoHash ) => {
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageInfo, repoInfoHash[ imageInfo.repo ] );
} );
* Loads size-dependent components of a lightbox - the thumbnail model and the image itself.
* @param {LightboxImage} image
* @param {number} width the width of the requested thumbnail
* @param {jQuery.Deferred.} [extraStatsDeferred] Promise that resolves to the image's upload timestamp when the metadata is loaded
* @return {jQuery.Promise.}
fetchThumbnailForLightboxImage( image, width, extraStatsDeferred ) {
return this.fetchThumbnail(
* Loads size-dependent components of a lightbox - the thumbnail model and the image itself.
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle
* @param {number} width the width of the requested thumbnail
* @param {string} [sampleUrl] a thumbnail URL for the same file (but with different size) (might be missing)
* @param {number} [originalWidth] the width of the original, full-sized file (might be missing)
* @param {number} [originalHeight] the height of the original, full-sized file (might be missing)
* @param {jQuery.Deferred.} [extraStatsDeferred] Promise that resolves to the image's upload timestamp when the metadata is loaded
* @return {jQuery.Promise.} A promise resolving to
* a thumbnail model and an element. It might or might not have progress events which
* return a single number.
fetchThumbnail( fileTitle, width, sampleUrl, originalWidth, originalHeight, extraStatsDeferred ) {
let guessing = false;
const combinedDeferred = $.Deferred();
let thumbnailPromise;
let imagePromise;
if ( fileTitle.getExtension().toLowerCase() !== 'svg' && originalWidth && width > originalWidth ) {
// Do not request images larger than the original image
width = originalWidth;
if ( sampleUrl && originalWidth && originalHeight && this.config.useThumbnailGuessing() ) {
guessing = true;
thumbnailPromise = this.guessedThumbnailInfoProvider.get(
fileTitle, sampleUrl, width, originalWidth, originalHeight
).then( null, () => this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width ) );
} else {
thumbnailPromise = this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width );
// Add thumbnail width to the extra stats passed to the performance log
extraStatsDeferred = $.when( extraStatsDeferred || {} ).then( ( extraStats ) => {
extraStats.imageWidth = width;
return extraStats;
} );
imagePromise = thumbnailPromise.then( ( thumbnail ) => this.imageProvider.get( thumbnail.url, extraStatsDeferred ) );
if ( guessing ) {
// If we guessed wrong, need to retry with real URL on failure.
// As a side effect this introduces an extra (harmless) retry of a failed thumbnailInfoProvider.get call
// because thumbnailInfoProvider.get is already called above when guessedThumbnailInfoProvider.get fails.
imagePromise = imagePromise
.then( null, () => this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width )
.then( ( thumbnail ) => this.imageProvider.get( thumbnail.url, extraStatsDeferred ) ) );
// In jQuery<3, $.when used to also relay notify, but that is no longer
// the case - but we still want to pass it along...
$.when( thumbnailPromise, imagePromise ).then( combinedDeferred.resolve, combinedDeferred.reject );
imagePromise.then( null, null, ( arg, progress ) => {
combinedDeferred.notify( progress );
} );
return combinedDeferred;
* Loads an image at a specified index in the viewer's thumbnail array.
* @param {number} index
loadIndex( index ) {
let thumb;
if ( index < this.thumbs.length && index >= 0 ) {
thumb = this.thumbs[ index ];
this.loadImage( thumb.image, thumb.$thumb.clone()[ 0 ] );
router.navigateTo( null, {
path: getMediaHash( thumb.title ),
useReplaceState: true
} );
* Opens the next image
nextImage() {
this.loadIndex( this.currentIndex + 1 );
* Opens the previous image
prevImage() {
this.loadIndex( this.currentIndex - 1 );
* Handles close event coming from the lightbox
close() {
if ( comingFromHashChange ) {
comingFromHashChange = false;
} else {
// update title after route change, see T225387
document.title = this.createDocumentTitle( null );
// This has to happen after the hash reset, because setting the hash to # will reset the page scroll
$( document ).trigger( $.Event( 'mmv-cleanup-overlay' ) );
this.isOpen = false;
* Sets up the route handlers
setupRouter() {
// handle empty hashes, and anchor links (page sections)
this.router.addRoute( /^[^/]*$/, () => {
if ( this.isOpen ) {
comingFromHashChange = true;
document.title = this.createDocumentTitle( null );
if ( this.ui ) {
// FIXME triggers mmv-close event, which calls viewer.close()
} else {
} );
* Updates the page title to reflect the current title.
setTitle() {
// update title after route change, see T225387
document.title = this.createDocumentTitle( this.currentImageFileTitle );
* Creates a string which can be shown as document title (the text at the top of the browser window).
* @param {mw.Title|null} imageTitle the title object for the image which is displayed; null when the
* viewer is being closed
* @return {string}
createDocumentTitle( imageTitle ) {
if ( imageTitle ) {
return `${imageTitle.getNameText()} - ${this.documentTitle}`;
} else {
return this.documentTitle;
* Fired when the viewer is closed. This is used by the lightbox to notify the main app.
* @event MultimediaViewer#mmv-close
* Fired when the user requests the next image.
* @event MultimediaViewer#mmv-next
* Fired when the user requests the previous image.
* @event MultimediaViewer#mmv-prev
* Fired when the screen size changes. Debounced to avoid continuous triggering while resizing with a mouse.
* @event MultimediaViewer#mmv-resize-end
* Used by components to request a thumbnail URL for the current thumbnail, with a given size.
* @event MultimediaViewer#mmv-request-thumbnail
* @param {number} size
* Registers all event handlers
setupEventHandlers() {
this.ui.connect( this, {
next: 'nextImage',
prev: 'prevImage'
} );
$( document ).on( 'mmv-close.mmvp', () => {
} ).on( 'mmv-resize-end.mmvp', () => {
this.resize( this.ui );
} ).on( 'mmv-request-thumbnail.mmvp', ( e, size ) => {
if ( this.currentImageFileTitle ) {
return this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( this.currentImageFileTitle, size );
} else {
return $.Deferred().reject();
} ).on( 'mmv-viewfile.mmvp', () => {
this.imageInfoProvider.get( this.currentImageFileTitle ).done( ( imageInfo ) => {
document.location = imageInfo.url;
} );
} );
* Unregisters all event handlers. Currently only used in tests.
cleanupEventHandlers() {
$( document ).off( 'mmv-close.mmvp mmv-resize-end.mmvp' );
this.ui.disconnect( this );
* Preloads JS and CSS dependencies that aren't needed to display the first image, but could be needed later
preloadDependencies() {
mw.loader.load( [ 'mmv.ui.reuse.shareembed' ] );
* Loads the RL module defined for a given file extension, if any
* @param {string} extension File extension
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
loadExtensionPlugins( extension ) {
const deferred = $.Deferred();
const config = this.config.extensions();
if ( !( extension in config ) || config[ extension ] === 'default' ) {
return deferred.resolve();
mw.loader.using( config[ extension ], () => {
} );
return deferred;
* Image loading progress. Keyed by image (database) name + '|' + thumbnail width in pixels,
* value is undefined, 'blurred' or 'real' (meaning respectively that no thumbnail is shown
* yet / the thumbnail that existed on the page is shown, enlarged and blurred / the real,
* correct-size thumbnail is shown).
* @private
* @property {Object.}
MultimediaViewer.prototype.thumbnailStateCache = {};
* Image loading progress. Keyed by image (database) name + '|' + thumbnail width in pixels,
* value is a number between 0-100.
* @private
* @property {Object.}
MultimediaViewer.prototype.progressCache = {};
* Preload this many prev/next images to speed up navigation.
* (E.g. preloadDistance = 3 means that the previous 3 and the next 3 images will be loaded.)
* Preloading only happens when the viewer is open.
* @property {number}
MultimediaViewer.prototype.preloadDistance = 1;
* Stores image metadata preloads, so they can be cancelled.
* @property {TaskQueue}
MultimediaViewer.prototype.metadataPreloadQueue = null;
* Stores image thumbnail preloads, so they can be cancelled.
* @property {TaskQueue}
MultimediaViewer.prototype.thumbnailPreloadQueue = null;
module.exports = {
}() );