/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer. * * MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function( mw, $, oo ) { var SBP; /** * @class mw.mmv.ui.StripeButtons * @extends mw.mmv.ui.Element * Class for buttons which are placed on the metadata stripe (the always visible part of the * metadata panel). * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $container * @param {Object} localStorage the localStorage object, for dependency injection */ function StripeButtons( $container, localStorage ) { mw.mmv.ui.Element.call( this, $container ); /** @property {Object} localStorage the window.localStorage object */ this.localStorage = localStorage; this.$buttonContainer = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-container' ) .appendTo( $container ); /** * This holds the actual buttons. * @property {Object.} */ this.buttons = {}; if ( this.shouldShowFeedbackSurvey() ) { this.initFeedbackButton(); } this.initReuseButton(); this.initDescriptionPageButton(); } oo.inheritClass( StripeButtons, mw.mmv.ui.Element ); SBP = StripeButtons.prototype; /** * @protected * Creates a new button on the metadata stripe. * @param {string} cssClass CSS class name for the button * @param {string} text HTML code for the button text * @param {string} popupText HTML code for the popup text */ SBP.createButton = function ( cssClass, text, popupText ) { return $( '' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button empty ' + cssClass ) // .text( text ) // disabled while we have 3 buttons to save space .prop( 'title', popupText ) // elements are right-floated so we use prepend instead of append to keep the order .prependTo( this.$buttonContainer ) .tipsy( { gravity: $( document.body ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? 'sw' : 'se' } ); }; /** * @protected * Creates the reuse button. */ SBP.initReuseButton = function() { this.buttons.$reuse = this.createButton( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-reuse', mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-reuse-link' ).text(), mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-reuse-link' ).text() ); }; /** * @protected * Creates a button linking to the file description page. */ SBP.initDescriptionPageButton = function() { this.buttons.$descriptionPage = this.createButton( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-commons', mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-description-page-button-text' ).plain() ); }; /** * @protected * Creates the feedback button. */ SBP.initFeedbackButton = function() { var buttons = this; this.buttons.$feedback = this.createButton( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-feedback', mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-feedback-button-text' ).plain(), mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-feedback-popup-text' ).plain() ).attr( { target: '_blank', href: this.getFeedbackSurveyUrl() } ).click( function ( e ) { buttons.openSurveyInNewWindow(); buttons.maxOutTooltipDisplayCount(); e.preventDefault(); } ); }; SBP.feedbackSettings = { /** Show the tooltip this many seconds to get the user's attention, even when it is not hovered. */ tooltipDisplayDuration: 5, /** Wait for this long after the viewer is opened, before showing the tooltip. */ tooltipDelay: 5, /** Only show the tooltip this many times */ tooltipMaxDisplayCount: 3 }; /** * Returns the number of times the tooltip was shown so far. This number is set to this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount if the * user clicked on the link already, or we cannot count how many times the tooltip was shown * already. * @return {number} */ SBP.getTooltipDisplayCount = function () { if ( !this.localStorage ) { return this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount; } if ( this.tooltipDisplayCount === undefined ) { this.tooltipDisplayCount = this.localStorage.getItem( 'mmv.tooltipDisplayCount' ); if ( this.tooltipDisplayCount === null ) { this.tooltipDisplayCount = 0; try { this.localStorage.setItem( 'mmv.tooltipDisplayCount', 0 ); } catch ( e ) { // localStorage is full or disabled this.tooltipDisplayCount = this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount; } } } return this.tooltipDisplayCount; }; /** * Increases tooltip display count. */ SBP.increaseTooltipDisplayCount = function () { this.getTooltipDisplayCount(); if ( this.tooltipDisplayCount !== undefined && this.tooltipDisplayCount < this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount ) { this.tooltipDisplayCount++; if ( this.localStorage ) { try { this.localStorage.setItem( 'mmv.tooltipDisplayCount', this.tooltipDisplayCount ); } catch ( e ) { // localStorage is full or disabled } } } }; /** * Sets tooltip display count so large that the tooltip will never be shown again. * We use this for users who already opened the form. */ SBP.maxOutTooltipDisplayCount = function () { this.getTooltipDisplayCount(); if ( this.tooltipDisplayCount !== undefined ) { this.tooltipDisplayCount = this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount; if ( this.localStorage ) { try { this.localStorage.setItem( 'mmv.tooltipDisplayCount', this.tooltipDisplayCount ); } catch ( e ) { // localStorage is full or disabled } } } }; /** * Show the tooltip to the user if it was not shown often enough yet. */ SBP.maybeDisplayTooltip = function () { if ( this.readyToShowFeedbackTooltip && this.getTooltipDisplayCount() < this.feedbackSettings.tooltipMaxDisplayCount ) { this.buttons.$feedback.tipsy( 'show' ); this.setTimer( 'feedbackTooltip.hide', function () { this.buttons.$feedback.tipsy( 'hide' ); }, this.feedbackSettings.tooltipDisplayDuration * 1000 ); this.increaseTooltipDisplayCount(); this.readyToShowFeedbackTooltip = false; } else { // if the tooltip is visible already, make sure it is not hidden too quickly this.resetTimer( 'feedbackTooltip.hide' ); } }; /** * Returns a link to a survey in the given language or null if that language is not supported * @param {string|null} langcode */ SBP.getFeedbackSurveyBaseUrlForLanguage = function ( langcode ) { var baseLangcode, baseUrl = 'https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/media-viewer-1', surveyTranslations = { ca: 'ca', hu: 'hu', fr: 'fr', pt: 'pt-br', 'pt-br': 'pt-br', de: 'de', es: 'es', nl: 'nl' }; baseLangcode = langcode.split( /[_-]/ )[0]; // get rid of variants if ( baseLangcode === 'en') { return baseUrl; } else if ( surveyTranslations[langcode] ) { return baseUrl + '-' + surveyTranslations[langcode]; } else if ( surveyTranslations[baseLangcode] ) { return baseUrl + '-' + surveyTranslations[baseLangcode]; } else { return null; } }; /** * Returns a link to a survey in the user language, or null if not supported */ SBP.getFeedbackSurveyBaseUrl = function () { return this.getFeedbackSurveyBaseUrlForLanguage( mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) ); }; /** * Checks if it is suitable to show a survey to the current user. */ SBP.shouldShowFeedbackSurvey = function () { return mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).showSurvey && this.getFeedbackSurveyBaseUrl(); }; /** * Generates a survey URL (currently constant but the possibility of splitting by * editor cohort was mentioned). * @return {string} */ SBP.getFeedbackSurveyUrl = function () { return this.getFeedbackSurveyBaseUrl() + '?c=' + mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ); }; /** * Opens the survey in a new window, or brings it up if it is already opened. */ SBP.openSurveyInNewWindow = function () { var surveyWindowWidth = screen.width * 0.85, surveyWindowHeight = screen.height * 0.85, feedbackSurveyWindowProperties = { left: ( screen.width - surveyWindowWidth ) / 2, top: ( screen.height - surveyWindowHeight ) / 2, width: surveyWindowWidth, height: surveyWindowHeight, menubar: 0, toolbar: 0, location: 0, personalbar: 0, status: 0, scrollbars: 1 }; if ( !this.surveyWindow || this.surveyWindow.closed ) { this.surveyWindow = window.open( this.getFeedbackSurveyUrl(), 'mmv-survey', this.createWindowOpenPropertyString( feedbackSurveyWindowProperties ) ); } else { this.surveyWindow.focus(); } }; /** * @protected * Takes a property object and turns it into a string suitable for the last parameter * of window.open. * @param {Object} properties * @return {string} */ SBP.createWindowOpenPropertyString = function ( properties ) { var propertyArray = []; $.each( properties, function ( key, value ) { propertyArray.push( key + '=' + value ); } ); return propertyArray.join( ',' ); }; /** * @protected * Runs code for each button, similarly to $.each. * @param {function(jQuery, string)} callback a function that will be called with each button */ SBP.eachButton = function ( callback ) { var buttonName; for ( buttonName in this.buttons ) { callback( this.buttons[buttonName], buttonName ); } }; /** * @inheritdoc * @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageInfo * @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repoInfo */ SBP.set = function ( imageInfo, repoInfo ) { this.eachButton( function ( $button ) { $button.removeClass( 'empty' ); } ); this.setDescriptionPageButton( imageInfo, repoInfo ); if ( this.shouldShowFeedbackSurvey() ) { this.maybeDisplayTooltip(); } }; /** * @protected * Updates the button linking to the file page. * @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageInfo * @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repoInfo */ SBP.setDescriptionPageButton = function ( imageInfo, repoInfo ) { var descPagePopupMessage; descPagePopupMessage = repoInfo.isLocal ? mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-description-page-button-text' ).plain() : mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-description-page-popup-text', repoInfo.displayName ).text(); this.buttons.$descriptionPage.attr( { href: imageInfo.descriptionUrl, title: descPagePopupMessage, 'original-title': descPagePopupMessage // needed by jquery.tipsy } ); if ( imageInfo.repo === 'wikimediacommons' || ( imageInfo.repo === 'shared' && repoInfo.displayName === 'Wikimedia Commons' ) ) { this.buttons.$descriptionPage.addClass( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-commons' ); } else { this.buttons.$descriptionPage.addClass( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-dynamic' ); if ( repoInfo.favIcon ) { this.setInlineStyle( 'stripe-button-description-page', // needs to be more specific then the fallback rule in stripeButtons.less '.mw-mmv-stripe-button-container .mw-mmv-stripe-button-dynamic:before {' + 'background-image: url("' + repoInfo.favIcon + '");' + '}' ); } } }; /** * @inheritdoc */ SBP.empty = function () { this.eachButton( function ( $button ) { $button.addClass( 'empty' ); } ); this.buttons.$reuse.removeClass( 'open' ); this.buttons.$descriptionPage.attr( { href: null, title: null, 'original-title': null } ) .removeClass( 'mw-mmv-stripe-button-dynamic mw-mmv-stripe-button-commons' ); $( '.mw-mmv-stripe-button-dynamic-before' ).remove(); this.setInlineStyle( 'stripe-button-description-page', null ); }; /** * @event mmv-reuse-open * Fired when the buttonto open the reuse dialog is clicked. */ /** * Registers listeners. */ SBP.attach = function () { var buttons = this.buttons; buttons.$reuse.on( 'click.mmv-stripeButtons', function ( e ) { $( document ).trigger( 'mmv-reuse-open' ); e.stopPropagation(); // the dialog would take it as an outside click and close } ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-reuse-opened', function () { buttons.$reuse.addClass( 'open' ); } ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-reuse-closed', function () { buttons.$reuse.removeClass( 'open' ); } ); if ( this.shouldShowFeedbackSurvey() ) { this.readyToShowFeedbackTooltip = false; this.setTimer( 'feedbackTooltip.show', function () { this.readyToShowFeedbackTooltip = true; this.maybeDisplayTooltip(); }, this.feedbackSettings.tooltipDelay * 1000 ); } }; /** * Clears listeners. */ SBP.unattach = function () { this.constructor['super'].prototype.unattach.call( this ); this.buttons.$reuse.off( 'click.mmv-stripeButtons' ); this.clearTimer( 'feedbackTooltip.show' ); }; mw.mmv.ui.StripeButtons = StripeButtons; }( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );