( function ( mw, $ ) { function makeDialog( initialise ) { var $qf = $( '#qunit-fixture' ), $button = $( '
' ).appendTo( $qf ), dialog = new mw.mmv.ui.OptionsDialog( $qf, $button, { setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick : $.noop } ); if ( initialise ) { dialog.initPanel(); } return dialog; } QUnit.module( 'mmv.ui.viewingOptions', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'Constructor sanity test', 1, function ( assert ) { var dialog = makeDialog(); assert.ok( dialog, 'Dialog is created successfully' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Initialisation functions', 4, function ( assert ) { var dialog = makeDialog( true ); assert.ok( dialog.$disableDiv, 'Disable div is created.' ); assert.ok( dialog.$enableDiv, 'Enable div is created.' ); assert.ok( dialog.$disableConfirmation, 'Disable confirmation is created.' ); assert.ok( dialog.$enableConfirmation, 'Enable confirmation is created.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Disable', 20, function ( assert ) { var $header, $icon, $text, $textHeader, $textBody, $submitButton, $cancelButton, $aboutLink, dialog = makeDialog(), deferred = $.Deferred(); this.sandbox.stub( dialog.config, 'setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick', function() { return deferred; } ); dialog.initDisableDiv(); $header = dialog.$disableDiv.find( 'h3.mw-mmv-options-dialog-header' ); $icon = dialog.$disableDiv.find( 'div.mw-mmv-options-icon' ); $text = dialog.$disableDiv.find( 'div.mw-mmv-options-text' ); $textHeader = $text.find( 'p.mw-mmv-options-text-header' ); $textBody = $text.find( 'p.mw-mmv-options-text-body' ); $aboutLink = $text.find( 'a.mw-mmv-project-info-link' ); $submitButton = dialog.$disableDiv.find( 'button.mw-mmv-options-submit-button' ); $cancelButton = dialog.$disableDiv.find( 'button.mw-mmv-options-cancel-button' ); assert.strictEqual( $header.length, 1, 'Disable header created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $header.text(), 'Disable Media Viewer?', 'Disable header has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $icon.length, 1, 'Icon created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $icon.html(), ' ', 'Icon has a blank space in it.' ); assert.ok( $text, 'Text div created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $textHeader.length, 1, 'Text header created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $textHeader.text(), 'Skip this viewing feature for all files.', 'Text header has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $textBody.length, 1, 'Text body created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $textBody.text(), 'You can enable it later through the file details page.', 'Text body has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.length, 1, 'About link created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.text(), 'Learn more', 'About link has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.prop( 'href' ), 'http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:Media_Viewer', 'About link has correct href (depends on your current protocol, so if you are on https, this will fail).' ); assert.strictEqual( $submitButton.length, 1, 'Disable button created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $submitButton.text(), 'Disable Media Viewer', 'Disable button has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $cancelButton.length, 1, 'Cancel button created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $cancelButton.text(), 'Cancel', 'Cancel button has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); $submitButton.click(); assert.ok( !dialog.$disableConfirmation.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-shown' ), 'Disable confirmation not shown yet' ); assert.ok( !dialog.$dialog.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-disable-confirmation-shown' ), 'Disable confirmation not shown yet' ); // Pretend that the async call in mmv.js succeeded deferred.resolve(); // The confirmation should appear assert.ok( dialog.$disableConfirmation.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-shown' ), 'Disable confirmation shown' ); assert.ok( dialog.$dialog.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-disable-confirmation-shown' ), 'Disable confirmation shown' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Enable', 18, function ( assert ) { var $header, $icon, $text, $textHeader, $aboutLink, $submitButton, $cancelButton, dialog = makeDialog(), deferred = $.Deferred(); this.sandbox.stub( dialog.config, 'setMediaViewerEnabledOnClick', function() { return deferred; } ); dialog.initEnableDiv(); $header = dialog.$enableDiv.find( 'h3.mw-mmv-options-dialog-header' ); $icon = dialog.$enableDiv.find( 'div.mw-mmv-options-icon' ); $text = dialog.$enableDiv.find( 'div.mw-mmv-options-text' ); $textHeader = $text.find( 'p.mw-mmv-options-text-header' ); $aboutLink = $text.find( 'a.mw-mmv-project-info-link' ); $submitButton = dialog.$enableDiv.find( 'button.mw-mmv-options-submit-button' ); $cancelButton = dialog.$enableDiv.find( 'button.mw-mmv-options-cancel-button' ); assert.strictEqual( $header.length, 1, 'Enable header created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $header.text(), 'Enable Media Viewer?', 'Enable header has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $icon.length, 1, 'Icon created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $icon.html(), ' ', 'Icon has a blank space in it.' ); assert.ok( $text, 'Text div created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $textHeader.length, 1, 'Text header created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $textHeader.text(), 'Enable this media viewing feature for all files by default.', 'Text header has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.length, 1, 'About link created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.text(), 'Learn more', 'About link has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $aboutLink.prop( 'href' ), 'http://mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:Media_Viewer', 'About link has correct href (depends on your current protocol, so if you are on https, this will fail).' ); assert.strictEqual( $submitButton.length, 1, 'Enable button created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $submitButton.text(), 'Enable Media Viewer', 'Enable button has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); assert.strictEqual( $cancelButton.length, 1, 'Cancel button created successfully.' ); assert.strictEqual( $cancelButton.text(), 'Cancel', 'Cancel button has correct text (if this fails, it may be due to i18n differences)' ); $submitButton.click(); assert.ok( !dialog.$enableConfirmation.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-shown' ), 'Enable confirmation not shown yet' ); assert.ok( !dialog.$dialog.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-enable-confirmation-shown' ), 'Enable confirmation not shown yet' ); // Pretend that the async call in mmv.js succeeded deferred.resolve(); // The confirmation should appear assert.ok( dialog.$enableConfirmation.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-shown' ), 'Enable confirmation shown' ); assert.ok( dialog.$dialog.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-enable-confirmation-shown' ), 'Enable confirmation shown' ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );