@import "../mmv.globals"; @import "../mmv.mixins"; @import "mediawiki.mixins.animation"; @drag-icon-width: 64px; @drag-icon-height: 18px; @drag-icon-color: #e6e6e6; @drag-icon-invite-color: #347bff; .mw-mmv-post-image { .animation( mw-mmv-appear-animation 0.5s ease 0s 1 normal forwards ); transition: box-shadow 0.25s; &.invite { .animation( mw-mmv-invite-animation 0.9s ease 0.2s 1 normal forwards ); } .jq-fullscreened & { .animation(none); } &.panel-open, .jq-fullscreened & { box-shadow: 0 -4px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2); } } .mw-mmv-appear-animation() { 0% { opacity: 0.6; } 50% { opacity: 0.9; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @-webkit-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-animation; } @-moz-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-animation; } @-o-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-animation; } @keyframes mw-mmv-appear-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-animation; } .mw-mmv-invite-animation() { 0% { margin-top: 0px; } 30% { margin-top: -15px; } 85% { margin-top: 0; } } @-webkit-keyframes mw-mmv-invite-animation { .mw-mmv-invite-animation; } @-moz-keyframes mw-mmv-invite-animation { .mw-mmv-invite-animation; } @-o-keyframes mw-mmv-invite-animation { .mw-mmv-invite-animation; } @keyframes mw-mmv-invite-animation { .mw-mmv-invite-animation; } .mw-mmv-drag-icon { width: @drag-icon-width; height: @drag-icon-height; position: absolute; left: 50%; bottom: 0; margin: 0 0 0 -(@drag-icon-width / 2); /* @embed */ background-image: url(img/drag.svg); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center bottom; background-color: @drag-icon-color; cursor: pointer; z-index: 1; // make sure it is above the text - the icon is visually at the bottom but in the DOM at the top .opacity(0.7); transition: opacity 0.25s; &-pointing-down { // use single-class selector - chevron direction is important enough to make it IE6-compatible background-position: center top; .rotate(180deg); -webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 3px; -moz-border-radius-bottomright: 3px; border-bottom-left-radius: 3px; border-bottom-right-radius: 3px; .mw-mmv-post-image:hover & { .opacity(1); } } &-pointing-up { -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 3px; -moz-border-radius-topright: 3px; border-top-left-radius: 3px; border-top-right-radius: 3px; &:hover { .opacity(1); } } &.panel-open { display: none; } &.panel-never-opened { /* @embed */ background-image: url(img/drag-active.svg); background-color: @drag-icon-invite-color; .opacity(1); .animation( mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation 1.4s ease 0s 1 normal forwards ); } .jq-fullscreened & { display: none; } } .mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation() { 0% { opacity: 0; } 85% { opacity: 0; bottom: -5px; } 100% { opacity: 1; bottom: 0px; } } @-webkit-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation; } @-moz-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation; } @-o-keyframes mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation; } @keyframes mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation { .mw-mmv-appear-chevron-animation; }