/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { var MMVP, comingFromPopstate = false; /** * Analyses the page, looks for image content and sets up the hooks * to manage the viewing experience of such content. * @class mw.MultimediaViewer * @constructor */ function MultimediaViewer() { /** * MultiLightbox object used to display the pictures in the page. * @property {mlb.MultiLightbox} * @private */ this.lightbox = null; /** * Whether we've fired an animation for the metadata div. * @property {boolean} * @private */ this.hasAnimatedMetadata = window.localStorage !== undefined && localStorage.getItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata' ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.Image} * @private */ this.imageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.Image(); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.ImageInfo} * @private */ this.imageInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ImageInfo( new mw.mmv.Api( 'imageinfo' ), // Short-circuit, don't fallback, to save some tiny amount of time { language: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage', false ) || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage', 'en' ) } ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo} * @private */ this.fileRepoInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo( new mw.mmv.Api( 'filerepoinfo' ) ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo} * @private */ this.thumbnailInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo( new mw.mmv.Api( 'thumbnailinfo' ) ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.UserInfo} * @private */ this.userInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.UserInfo( new mw.mmv.Api( 'userinfo' ) ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.ImageUsage} * @private */ this.imageUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ImageUsage( new mw.mmv.Api( 'imageusage' ) ); /** * @property {mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage} * @private */ this.globalUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage( new mw.mmv.Api( 'globalusage' ), { doNotUseApi: !mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).globalUsageAvailable } ); // replace with this one to test global usage on a local wiki without going through all the // hassle required for installing the extension: //this.globalUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage( // new mw.mmv.Api( {ajax: { url: 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php', dataType: 'jsonp' } } ) //); this.setupEventHandlers(); } MMVP = MultimediaViewer.prototype; /** * Initialize the lightbox interface given an array of thumbnail * objects. * @param {Object[]} thumbs Complex structure...TODO, document this better. */ MMVP.initWithThumbs = function ( thumbs ) { var i, thumb; // Only if we find legit images, create a MultiLightbox object this.lightbox = new mw.MultiLightbox( 0, mw.LightboxInterface, this ); this.thumbs = thumbs; for ( i = 0; i < this.thumbs.length; i++ ) { thumb = this.thumbs[ i ]; // Create a LightboxImage object for each legit image thumb.image = mw.mediaViewer.createNewImage( thumb.$thumb.prop( 'src' ), thumb.link, thumb.title, i, thumb.thumb, thumb.caption ); } }; /** * Create an image object for the lightbox to use. * @protected * @param {string} fileLink Link to the file - generally a thumb URL * @param {string} filePageLink Link to the File: page * @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Represents the File: page * @param {number} index Which number file this is * @param {HTMLImageElement} thumb The thumbnail that represents this image on the page * @param {string} [caption] The caption, if any. * @returns {mw.LightboxImage} */ MMVP.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) { var thisImage = new mw.LightboxImage( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ); thisImage.filePageLink = filePageLink; thisImage.filePageTitle = fileTitle; thisImage.index = index; thisImage.thumbnail = thumb; return thisImage; }; /** * Handles resize events in viewer. * @protected * @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized */ MMVP.resize = function ( ui ) { var viewer = this, fileTitle = this.currentImageFileTitle, imageWidths; this.preloadThumbnails(); if ( fileTitle ) { imageWidths = ui.getCurrentImageWidths(); this.fetchThumbnail( fileTitle, imageWidths.real ).then( function( thumbnail, image ) { viewer.setImage( ui, thumbnail, image, imageWidths ); } ); } this.updateControls(); }; /** * Updates positioning of controls, usually after a resize event. */ MMVP.updateControls = function () { var numImages = this.thumbs ? this.thumbs.length : 0, showNextButton = this.lightbox.currentIndex < (numImages - 1), showPreviousButton = this.lightbox.currentIndex > 0; this.ui.updateControls( showNextButton, showPreviousButton ); }; /** * Loads and sets the specified image. It also updates the controls. * @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui image container * @param {mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail} thumbnail thumbnail information * @param {HTMLImageElement} image * @param {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths */ MMVP.setImage = function ( ui, thumbnail, image, imageWidths ) { // we downscale larger images but do not scale up smaller ones, that would look ugly if ( thumbnail.width > imageWidths.screen ) { image.width = imageWidths.css; } ui.replaceImageWith( image ); this.updateControls(); }; /** * Loads a specified image. * @param {mw.LightboxImage} image * @param {HTMLImageElement} initialImage A thumbnail to use as placeholder while the image loads */ MMVP.loadImage = function ( image, initialImage ) { var imageWidths, viewer = this, imagePromise, metadataPromise; // FIXME dependency injection happens in completely random order and location, needs cleanup this.ui = this.lightbox.iface; this.lightbox.currentIndex = image.index; this.currentImageFilename = image.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText(); this.currentImageFileTitle = image.filePageTitle; this.lightbox.iface.comingFromPopstate = this.comingFromPopstate; if ( !this.isOpen ) { this.lightbox.open(); this.isOpen = true; } else { this.lightbox.iface.empty(); } this.lightbox.iface.setupForLoad(); this.lightbox.iface.showImage( image, initialImage ); this.preloadImagesMetadata(); this.preloadThumbnails(); this.preloadFullscreenThumbnail( image ); $( document.body ).addClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' ); imageWidths = this.ui.getCurrentImageWidths(); imagePromise = this.fetchThumbnail( image.filePageTitle, imageWidths.real ).done( function( thumbnail, image ) { viewer.setImage( viewer.lightbox.iface, thumbnail, image, imageWidths ); viewer.lightbox.iface.$imageDiv.removeClass( 'empty' ); } ); metadataPromise = this.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo( image.filePageTitle ).done( function ( imageInfo, repoInfo, localUsage, globalUsage, userInfo ) { viewer.lightbox.iface.panel.setImageInfo(image, imageInfo, repoInfo, localUsage, globalUsage, userInfo ); } ); $.when( imagePromise, metadataPromise ).then( function() { viewer.stopListeningToScroll(); viewer.animateMetadataDivOnce() // We need to wait until the animation is finished before we listen to scroll .then( function() { viewer.startListeningToScroll(); } ); } ); this.comingFromPopstate = false; }; /** * Loads an image by its title * @param {string} title * @param {boolean} updateHash Viewer should update the location hash when true */ MMVP.loadImageByTitle = function ( title, updateHash ) { var viewer = this; if ( !this.thumbs || !this.thumbs.length ) { return; } this.comingFromPopstate = !updateHash; $.each( this.thumbs, function ( idx, thumb ) { if ( thumb.title.getPrefixedText() === title ) { viewer.loadImage( thumb.image, thumb.$thumb.clone()[ 0 ], true ); return false; } } ); }; /** * Preload this many prev/next images to speed up navigation. * (E.g. preloadDistance = 3 means that the previous 3 and the next 3 images will be loaded.) * Preloading only happens when the viewer is open. * @property {number} */ MMVP.preloadDistance = 1; /** * Stores image metadata preloads, so they can be cancelled. * @property {mw.mmv.model.TaskQueue} */ MMVP.metadataPreloadQueue = null; /** * Stores image thumbnail preloads, so they can be cancelled. * @property {mw.mmv.model.TaskQueue} */ MMVP.thumbnailPreloadQueue = null; /** * Orders lightboximage indexes for preloading. Works similar to $.each, except it only takes * the callback argument. Calls the callback with each lightboximage index in some sequence * that is ideal for preloading. * @private * @param {function(number, mw.LightboxImage)} callback */ MMVP.eachPrealoadableLightboxIndex = function( callback ) { for ( var i = 0; i <= this.preloadDistance; i++ ) { if ( this.lightbox.currentIndex + i < this.thumbs.length ) { callback( this.lightbox.currentIndex + i, this.thumbs[ this.lightbox.currentIndex + i ].image ); } if ( i && this.lightbox.currentIndex - i >= 0 ) { // skip duplicate for i==0 callback( this.lightbox.currentIndex - i, this.thumbs[ this.lightbox.currentIndex - i ].image ); } } }; /** * A helper function to fill up the preload queues. * taskFactory(lightboxImage) should return a preload task for the given lightboximage. * @private * @param {function(mw.LightboxImage): function()} taskFactory * @return {mw.mmv.model.TaskQueue} */ MMVP.pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue = function( taskFactory ) { var queue = new mw.mmv.model.TaskQueue(); this.eachPrealoadableLightboxIndex( function( i, lightboxImage ) { queue.push( taskFactory( lightboxImage ) ); } ); return queue; }; /** * Cancels in-progress image metadata preloading. */ MMVP.cancelImageMetadataPreloading = function() { if ( this.metadataPreloadQueue ) { this.metadataPreloadQueue.cancel(); } }; /** * Cancels in-progress image thumbnail preloading. */ MMVP.cancelThumbnailsPreloading = function() { if ( this.thumbnailPreloadQueue ) { this.thumbnailPreloadQueue.cancel(); } }; /** * Preload metadata for next and prev N image (N = MMVP.preloadDistance). * Two images will be loaded at a time (one forward, one backward), with closer images * being loaded sooner. */ MMVP.preloadImagesMetadata = function() { var viewer = this; this.cancelImageMetadataPreloading(); this.metadataPreloadQueue = this.pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue( function( lightboxImage ) { return function() { return viewer.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo( lightboxImage.filePageTitle ); }; } ); this.metadataPreloadQueue.execute(); }; /** * Preload thumbnails for next and prev N image (N = MMVP.preloadDistance). * Two images will be loaded at a time (one forward, one backward), with closer images * being loaded sooner. */ MMVP.preloadThumbnails = function() { var viewer = this, ui = this.lightbox.iface; this.cancelThumbnailsPreloading(); this.thumbnailPreloadQueue = this.pushLightboxImagesIntoQueue( function( lightboxImage ) { return function() { return viewer.fetchThumbnail( lightboxImage.filePageTitle, ui.getLightboxImageWidths( lightboxImage ).real ); }; } ); this.thumbnailPreloadQueue.execute(); }; /** * Preload the fullscreen size of the current image. */ MMVP.preloadFullscreenThumbnail = function( image ) { this.fetchThumbnail( image.filePageTitle, this.lightbox.iface.getLightboxImageWidthsForFullscreen( image ).real ); }; /** * Animates the metadata area when the viewer is first opened. * @return {jQuery.Promise} an empty promise which resolves when the animation is finished */ MMVP.animateMetadataDivOnce = function () { if ( !this.hasAnimatedMetadata ) { this.hasAnimatedMetadata = true; $.scrollTo( 20, 300 ) .scrollTo( 0, 300 ); } return $.scrollTo.window().promise(); }; /** * Stop listening to the page's scroll events */ MMVP.stopListeningToScroll = function () { $.scrollTo().off( 'scroll.mmvp' ); }; /** * Start listening to the page's scroll events * Will call MMVP.scroll(), throttled so it is not triggered on every pixel. */ MMVP.startListeningToScroll = function () { var viewer = this; $.scrollTo().on( 'scroll.mmvp', $.throttle( 250, function() { viewer.scroll(); } ) ); // Trigger a check in case the user scrolled manually during the animation viewer.scroll(); }; /** * Receives the window's scroll events and flips the chevron if necessary. */ MMVP.scroll = function () { var scrolled = !!$.scrollTo().scrollTop(); this.ui.panel.$dragIcon.toggleClass( 'pointing-down', scrolled ); if ( !this.savedHasOpenedMetadata && scrolled && window.localStorage !== undefined ) { localStorage.setItem( 'mmv.hasOpenedMetadata', true ); this.savedHasOpenedMetadata = true; } }; /** * Loads all the size-independent information needed by the lightbox (image metadata, repo * information, file usage, uploader data). * @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Title of the file page for the image. * @returns {jQuery.Promise.} */ MMVP.fetchSizeIndependentLightboxInfo = function ( fileTitle ) { var viewer = this, imageInfoPromise = this.imageInfoProvider.get( fileTitle ), repoInfoPromise = this.fileRepoInfoProvider.get( fileTitle ), imageUsagePromise = this.imageUsageProvider.get( fileTitle ), globalUsagePromise = this.globalUsageProvider.get( fileTitle ), userInfoPromise; userInfoPromise = $.when( imageInfoPromise, repoInfoPromise ).then( function( imageInfo, repoInfoHash ) { if ( imageInfo.lastUploader ) { return viewer.userInfoProvider.get( imageInfo.lastUploader, repoInfoHash[imageInfo.repo] ); } else { return null; } } ); return $.when( imageInfoPromise, repoInfoPromise, imageUsagePromise, globalUsagePromise, userInfoPromise ).then( function( imageInfo, repoInfoHash, imageUsage, globalUsage, userInfo ) { return $.Deferred().resolve( imageInfo, repoInfoHash[imageInfo.repo], imageUsage, globalUsage, userInfo ); } ); }; /** * Loads size-dependent components of a lightbox - the thumbnail model and the image itself. * @param {mw.Title} fileTitle * @param {number} width * @returns {jQuery.Promise.} */ MMVP.fetchThumbnail = function ( fileTitle, width ) { var viewer = this, thumbnailPromise, imagePromise; thumbnailPromise = this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width ); imagePromise = thumbnailPromise.then( function( thumbnail ) { return viewer.imageProvider.get( thumbnail.url ); } ); return $.when( thumbnailPromise, imagePromise ); }; /** * Loads an image at a specified index in the viewer's thumbnail array. * @param {number} index */ MMVP.loadIndex = function ( index ) { var thumb; if ( index < this.thumbs.length && index >= 0 ) { thumb = this.thumbs[ index ]; this.loadImage( thumb.image, thumb.$thumb.clone()[0] ); } }; /** * Opens the next image */ MMVP.nextImage = function () { this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex + 1 ); }; /** * Opens the previous image */ MMVP.prevImage = function () { this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex - 1 ); }; /** * Handles close event coming from the lightbox */ MMVP.close = function () { $( document.body ).removeClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' ); if ( comingFromPopstate === false ) { history.pushState( {}, '', '#' ); } else { comingFromPopstate = false; } this.isOpen = false; }; /** * Handles a hash change coming from the browser */ MMVP.hash = function () { var hash = decodeURIComponent( document.location.hash ), linkState = hash.split( '/' ); if ( linkState[0] === '#mediaviewer' ) { this.loadImageByTitle( linkState[ 1 ] ); } else if ( this.isOpen ) { // This allows us to avoid the pushState that normally happens on close comingFromPopstate = true; if ( this.lightbox && this.lightbox.iface ) { this.lightbox.iface.unattach(); } else { this.close(); } } }; /** * Registers all event handlers */ MMVP.setupEventHandlers = function () { var viewer = this; $( document ).on( 'mmv-close.mmvp', function () { viewer.close(); } ).on( 'mmv-next.mmvp', function () { viewer.nextImage(); } ).on( 'mmv-prev.mmvp', function () { viewer.prevImage(); } ).on( 'mmv-resize.mmvp', function () { viewer.resize( viewer.lightbox.iface ); }); }; mw.MultimediaViewer = MultimediaViewer; mw.mediaViewer = new mw.MultimediaViewer(); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );