/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ const { Config } = require( 'mmv.bootstrap' ); const Canvas = require( './ui/mmv.ui.canvas.js' ); const CanvasButtons = require( './ui/mmv.ui.canvasButtons.js' ); const DownloadDialog = require( './ui/mmv.ui.download.dialog.js' ); const MetadataPanel = require( './ui/mmv.ui.metadataPanel.js' ); const OptionsDialog = require( './ui/mmv.ui.viewingOptions.js' ); const ReuseDialog = require( './ui/mmv.ui.reuse.dialog.js' ); const ThumbnailWidthCalculator = require( './mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator.js' ); const UiElement = require( './ui/mmv.ui.js' ); ( function () { /** * Represents the main interface of the lightbox */ class LightboxInterface extends UiElement { constructor() { const $wrapper = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-wrapper' ); super( $wrapper ); this.$wrapper = $wrapper; this.localStorage = mw.storage; /** @property {Config} config - */ this.config = new Config( mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer', {} ), mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), this.localStorage ); /** * @property {ThumbnailWidthCalculator} * @private */ this.thumbnailWidthCalculator = new ThumbnailWidthCalculator(); // SVG filter, needed to achieve blur in Firefox // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-parse-html-literal this.$filter = $( '' ); this.$main = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-main' ); // I blame CSS for this this.$innerWrapper = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-image-inner-wrapper' ); this.$imageWrapper = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-image-wrapper' ) .append( this.$innerWrapper ); this.$preDiv = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-pre-image' ); this.$postDiv = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-post-image' ); this.$aboveFold = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-above-fold' ); this.$main.append( this.$preDiv, this.$imageWrapper, this.$postDiv, this.$filter ); this.$wrapper.append( this.$main ); this.setupCanvasButtons(); this.panel = new MetadataPanel( this.$postDiv, this.$aboveFold, this.localStorage, this.config ); this.buttons = new CanvasButtons( this.$preDiv, this.$closeButton, this.$fullscreenButton ); this.canvas = new Canvas( this.$innerWrapper, this.$imageWrapper, this.$wrapper ); this.fileReuse = new ReuseDialog( this.$innerWrapper, this.buttons.$reuse, this.config ); this.downloadDialog = new DownloadDialog( this.$innerWrapper, this.buttons.$download, this.config ); this.optionsDialog = new OptionsDialog( this.$innerWrapper, this.buttons.$options, this.config ); } /** * Sets up the file reuse data in the DOM * * @param {Image} image * @param {Repo} repo * @param {string} caption * @param {string} alt */ setFileReuseData( image, repo, caption, alt ) { this.buttons.set( image ); this.fileReuse.set( image, repo, caption, alt ); this.downloadDialog.set( image, repo ); } /** * Empties the interface. */ empty() { this.panel.empty(); this.canvas.empty(); this.buttons.empty(); this.$main.addClass( 'metadata-panel-is-closed' ) .removeClass( 'metadata-panel-is-open' ); } /** * Opens the lightbox. */ open() { this.empty(); this.attach(); } /** * Attaches the interface to the DOM. * * @param {string} [parentId] parent id where we want to attach the UI. Defaults to document * element, override is mainly used for testing. */ attach( parentId ) { // Advanced description needs to be below the fold when the lightbox opens // regardless of what the scroll value was prior to opening the lightbox // If the lightbox is already attached, it means we're doing prev/next, and // we should avoid scrolling the panel if ( !this.attached ) { $( window ).scrollTop( 0 ); } // Make sure that the metadata is going to be at the bottom when it appears // 83 is the height of the top metadata area. Which can't be measured by // reading the DOM at this point of the execution, unfortunately this.$postDiv.css( 'top', `${$( window ).height() - 83}px` ); // Re-appending the same content can have nasty side-effects // Such as the browser leaving fullscreen mode if the fullscreened element is part of it if ( this.currentlyAttached ) { return; } this.handleEvent( 'keyup', ( e ) => { if ( e.keyCode === 27 && !( e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey ) ) { // Escape button pressed this.unattach(); } } ); this.handleEvent( 'jq-fullscreen-change.lip', ( e ) => { this.fullscreenChange( e ); } ); this.handleEvent( 'keydown', ( e ) => { this.keydown( e ); } ); // mousemove generates a ton of events, which is why we throttle it this.handleEvent( 'mousemove.lip', mw.util.throttle( ( e ) => { this.mousemove( e ); }, 250 ) ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-faded-out', ( e ) => { this.fadedOut( e ); } ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-fade-stopped', ( e ) => { this.fadeStopped( e ); } ); this.buttons.connect( this, { next: [ 'emit', 'next' ], prev: [ 'emit', 'prev' ] } ); const $parent = $( parentId || document.body ); // Clean up fullscreen data because hard-existing fullscreen might have left // jquery.fullscreen unable to remove the class and attribute, since $main wasn't // attached to the DOM anymore at the time the jq-fullscreen-change event triggered this.$main.data( 'isFullscreened', false ).removeClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ); this.isFullscreen = false; $parent .append( this.$wrapper ); this.currentlyAttached = true; this.panel.attach(); this.canvas.attach(); // cross-communication between panel and canvas, sort of this.$postDiv.on( 'mmv-metadata-open.lip', () => { this.$main.addClass( 'metadata-panel-is-open' ) .removeClass( 'metadata-panel-is-closed' ); } ).on( 'mmv-metadata-close.lip', () => { this.$main.removeClass( 'metadata-panel-is-open' ) .addClass( 'metadata-panel-is-closed' ); } ); this.$wrapper.on( 'mmv-panel-close-area-click.lip', () => { this.panel.scroller.toggle( 'down' ); } ); // Buttons fading might not had been reset properly after a hard fullscreen exit // This needs to happen after the parent attach() because the buttons need to be attached // to the DOM for $.fn.stop() to work this.buttons.stopFade(); this.buttons.attach(); this.fileReuse.attach(); this.downloadDialog.attach(); this.optionsDialog.attach(); // Reset the cursor fading this.fadeStopped(); this.attached = true; } /** * Detaches the interface from the DOM. * * @fires MultimediaViewer#mmv-close */ unattach() { // We trigger this event on the document because unattach() can run // when the interface is unattached // We're calling this before cleaning up (below) the DOM, as that // appears to have an impact on automatic scroll restoration (which // might happen as a result of this being closed) in FF $( document ).trigger( $.Event( 'mmv-close' ) ) .off( 'jq-fullscreen-change.lip' ); // Has to happen first so that the scroller can freeze with visible elements this.panel.unattach(); this.$wrapper.detach(); this.currentlyAttached = false; this.buttons.unattach(); this.$postDiv.off( '.lip' ); this.$wrapper.off( 'mmv-panel-close-area-click.lip' ); this.fileReuse.unattach(); this.fileReuse.closeDialog(); this.downloadDialog.unattach(); this.downloadDialog.closeDialog(); this.optionsDialog.unattach(); this.optionsDialog.closeDialog(); // Canvas listens for events from dialogs, so should be unattached at the end this.canvas.unattach(); this.clearEvents(); this.buttons.disconnect( this, { next: [ 'emit', 'next' ], prev: [ 'emit', 'prev' ] } ); this.attached = false; } /** * Exits fullscreen mode. */ exitFullscreen() { this.fullscreenButtonJustPressed = true; this.$main.exitFullscreen(); } /** * Enters fullscreen mode. */ enterFullscreen() { this.$main.enterFullscreen(); } /** * Setup for canvas navigation buttons */ setupCanvasButtons() { this.$closeButton = $( '