. * * @file * @ingroup extensions * @author Mark Holmquist * @copyright Copyright © 2013, Mark Holmquist */ class MultimediaViewerHooks { /** Link to more information about this module */ protected static $infoLink = '//mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Media_Viewer/About'; /** Link to a page where this module can be discussed */ protected static $discussionLink = '//mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension_talk:Media_Viewer/About'; /** Link to help about this module */ protected static $helpLink = '//mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:Media_Viewer'; public static function registerExtension() { global $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap, $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta, $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing, $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault, $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous, $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter, $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI; if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor ) ) { /** @var int|bool: If set, records image load network performance via EventLogging once per this many requests. False if unset. **/ $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor ) ) { /** * If set, records loading times via EventLogging. A value of 1000 means there will be an * 1:1000 chance to log the duration event. * False if unset. * @var int|bool */ $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor ) ) { /** * If set, records loading times via EventLogging with factor specific to loggedin users. * A value of 1000 means there will be an 1:1000 chance to log the duration event. * False if unset. * @var int|bool */ $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor ) ) { /** * If set, records whether image attribution data was available. A value of 1000 means there will be an * 1:1000 chance to log the attribution event. * False if unset. * @var int|bool */ $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor ) ) { /** * If set, records whether image dimension data was available. A value of 1000 means there will be an * 1:1000 chance to log the dimension event. * False if unset. * @var int|bool */ $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap ) ) { /** * If set, records user actions via EventLogging and applies a sampling factor according to the map. A "default" key in the map must be set. * False if unset. * @var array|bool */ $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) ) { /** @var bool: If set, Media Viewer will try to use BetaFeatures. False if unset. **/ $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing ) ) { /** * When this is enabled, MediaViewer will try to guess image URLs instead of making an * imageinfo API to get them from the server. This speeds up image loading, but will result in 404s * when $wgGenerateThumbnailOnParse (so the thumbnails are only generated as a result of the API request). * MediaViewer will catch such 404 errors and fall back to the API request, but depending on how the site * is set up, the 404 might get cached, or redirected, causing the image load to fail. The safe way to * use URL guessing is with a 404 handler: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Thumb.php#404_Handler * * @var bool */ $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault ) ) { /** * If trueish, and $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta is unset, Media Viewer will be turned on by default. * @var bool */ $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault = true; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous ) ) { /** * If set, overrides $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault for anonymous users. * @var bool */ $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous = $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter ) ) { /** * If set, adds a query parameter to image requests made by Media Viewer * @var string|bool */ $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter = false; } if ( !isset( $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI ) ) { /** * If set, records a virtual view via the provided beacon URI. * @var string|bool */ $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI = false; } } public static function onExtensionFunctions() { global $wgResourceModules, $wgDefaultUserOptions, $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault; if ( isset( $wgResourceModules['ext.eventLogging'] ) ) { $wgResourceModules['mmv.lightboxinterface']['dependencies'][] = 'ext.eventLogging'; $wgResourceModules['mmv']['dependencies'][] = 'ext.eventLogging'; $wgResourceModules['mmv.bootstrap.autostart']['dependencies'][] = 'ext.eventLogging'; } if ( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefault ) { $wgDefaultUserOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] = true; } } public static function onEventLoggingRegisterSchemas( array &$schemas ) { $schemas += array( 'MediaViewer' => 10867062, 'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance' => 12458951, 'MultimediaViewerDuration' => 10427980, 'MultimediaViewerAttribution' => 9758179, 'MultimediaViewerDimensions' => 10014238, ); } /** * Checks the context for whether to load the viewer. * @param User $user * @return bool */ protected static function shouldHandleClicks( $user ) { global $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta, $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous; if ( $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta && class_exists( 'BetaFeatures' ) ) { return BetaFeatures::isFeatureEnabled( $user, 'multimedia-viewer' ); } if ( !$user->isLoggedIn() && isset( $wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous ) ) { return (bool)$wgMediaViewerEnableByDefaultForAnonymous; } else { return (bool)$user->getOption( 'multimediaviewer-enable' ); } } /** * Handler for all places where we add the modules * Could be on article pages or on Category pages * @param OutputPage $out * @return bool */ protected static function getModules( &$out ) { $out->addModules( array( 'mmv.head', 'mmv.bootstrap.autostart' ) ); return true; } /** * Handler for BeforePageDisplay hook * Add JavaScript to the page when an image is on it * and the user has enabled the feature if BetaFeatures is installed * @param OutputPage $out * @param Skin $skin * @return bool */ public static function getModulesForArticle( &$out, &$skin ) { $pageHasThumbnails = count( $out->getFileSearchOptions() ) > 0; $pageIsFilePage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_FILE ); $fileRelatedSpecialPages = array( 'NewFiles', 'ListFiles', 'MostLinkedFiles', 'MostGloballyLinkedFiles', 'UncategorizedFiles', 'UnusedFiles' ); $pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage = $out->getTitle()->inNamespace( NS_SPECIAL ) && in_array( $out->getTitle()->getText(), $fileRelatedSpecialPages ); if ( $pageHasThumbnails || $pageIsFilePage || $pageIsFileRelatedSpecialPage ) { return self::getModules( $out ); } return true; } /** * Handler for CategoryPageView hook * Add JavaScript to the page if there are images in the category * @param CategoryPage $catPage * @return bool */ public static function getModulesForCategory( &$catPage ) { $title = $catPage->getTitle(); $cat = Category::newFromTitle( $title ); if ( $cat->getFileCount() > 0 ) { $out = $catPage->getContext()->getOutput(); return self::getModules( $out ); } return true; } // Add a beta preference to gate the feature public static function getBetaPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) { global $wgExtensionAssetsPath, $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta; if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) { return true; } $prefs['multimedia-viewer'] = array( 'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref', 'desc-message' => 'multimediaviewer-pref-desc', 'info-link' => self::$infoLink, 'discussion-link' => self::$discussionLink, 'help-link' => self::$helpLink, 'screenshot' => array( 'ltr' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-ltr.svg", 'rtl' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/MultimediaViewer/viewer-rtl.svg", ), ); return true; } // Adds a default-enabled preference to gate the feature on non-beta sites public static function getPreferences( $user, &$prefs ) { global $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta; if ( !$wgMediaViewerIsInBeta ) { $prefs['multimediaviewer-enable'] = array( 'type' => 'toggle', 'label-message' => 'multimediaviewer-optin-pref', 'section' => 'rendering/files', ); } return true; } /** * Export variables used in both PHP and JS to keep DRY * @param array $vars * @return bool */ public static function resourceLoaderGetConfigVars( &$vars ) { global $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap, $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor, $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta, $wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing, $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter, $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI; $vars['wgMultimediaViewer'] = array( 'infoLink' => self::$infoLink, 'discussionLink' => self::$discussionLink, 'helpLink' => self::$helpLink, 'useThumbnailGuessing' => (bool)$wgMediaViewerUseThumbnailGuessing, 'durationSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingSamplingFactor, 'durationSamplingFactorLoggedin' => $wgMediaViewerDurationLoggingLoggedinSamplingFactor, 'networkPerformanceSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor, 'actionLoggingSamplingFactorMap' => $wgMediaViewerActionLoggingSamplingFactorMap, 'attributionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerAttributionLoggingSamplingFactor, 'dimensionSamplingFactor' => $wgMediaViewerDimensionLoggingSamplingFactor, 'imageQueryParameter' => $wgMediaViewerImageQueryParameter, 'recordVirtualViewBeaconURI' => $wgMediaViewerRecordVirtualViewBeaconURI, 'tooltipDelay' => 1000, ); $vars['wgMediaViewer'] = true; $vars['wgMediaViewerIsInBeta'] = $wgMediaViewerIsInBeta; return true; } /** * Export variables which depend on the current user * @param $vars * @param OutputPage $out */ public static function makeGlobalVariablesScript( &$vars, OutputPage $out ) { global $wgDefaultUserOptions; $user = $out->getUser(); $vars['wgMediaViewerOnClick'] = self::shouldHandleClicks( $user ); // needed because of bug 69942; could be different for anon and logged-in $vars['wgMediaViewerEnabledByDefault'] = !empty( $wgDefaultUserOptions['multimediaviewer-enable'] ); } /** * Get modules for testing our JavaScript * @param array $testModules * @param ResourceLoader resourceLoader * @return bool */ public static function getTestModules( array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) { $testModules['qunit']['mmv.tests'] = array( 'scripts' => array( 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.bootstrap.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.lightboxinterface.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.lightboximage.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.EmbedFileFormatter.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.Config.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.HtmlUtils.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.DurationLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.ActionLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.AttributionLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.DimensionLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/logging/mmv.logging.ViewLogger.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.IwTitle.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.TaskQueue.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.License.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.Image.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.Repo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/model/mmv.model.EmbedFileInfo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.Api.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.ImageInfo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.GuessedThumbnailInfo.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/provider/mmv.provider.Image.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.MainFileRoute.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.ThumbnailRoute.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/routing/mmv.routing.Router.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.canvas.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.canvasButtons.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.description.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.download.pane.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.metadataPanel.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.metadataPanelScroller.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.progressBar.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.permission.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.stripeButtons.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.dialog.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.embed.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.share.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.tab.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.reuse.utils.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.tipsyDialog.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.truncatableTextField.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/ui/mmv.ui.viewingOptions.test.js', 'tests/qunit/mmv/mmv.testhelpers.js', ), 'dependencies' => array( 'mmv.head', 'mmv.bootstrap', 'mmv', 'mmv.ui.ondemandshareddependencies', 'mmv.ui.reuse.shareembed', 'mmv.ui.download.pane', 'mmv.ui.tipsyDialog', 'moment', ), 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'MultimediaViewer', ); return true; } /** * Modify thumbnail DOM * @param ThumbnailImage $thumbnail * @param array $attribs Attributes of the element * @param array|boolean $linkAttribs Attributes of the wrapping element */ public static function thumbnailBeforeProduceHTML( ThumbnailImage $thumbnail, array &$attribs, &$linkAttribs ) { $file = $thumbnail->getFile(); if ( $file ) { // At the moment all classes that extend File have getWidth() and getHeight() // but since the File class doesn't have these methods defined, this check // is more future-proof if ( method_exists( $file, 'getWidth' ) ) { $attribs['data-file-width'] = $file->getWidth(); } if ( method_exists( $file, 'getHeight' ) ) { $attribs['data-file-height'] = $file->getHeight(); } } return true; } }