# encoding: utf-8 When /^I click the next arrow$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_next_button_element.when_present.click end When /^I click the previous arrow$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_previous_button_element.when_present.click end When /^I press the browser back button$/ do on(E2ETestPage).execute_script("window.history.back();"); end Then /^the image and metadata of the next image should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # MMV was launched, article is not visible yet page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible check_elements_in_viewer_for_image3 page end end Then /^the image and metadata of the previous image should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # MMV was launched, article is not visible yet page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1 page end end Then /^the wiki article should be scrolled to the same position as before opening MMV$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| @scrollDifference = page.execute_script("return $(window).scrollTop();") - @articleScrollTop @scrollDifference.abs.should be < 2 end end Then /^I should be navigated back to the original wiki article$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| page.image1_in_article_element.should be_visible page.mmv_wrapper_element.should_not be_visible end end