( function ( mw, $ ) { QUnit.module( 'mmv.bootstrap', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); function createGallery( imageSrc ) { var div = $( '
' ).addClass( 'gallery' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ), link = $( '' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( div ); $( '' ).attr( 'src', ( imageSrc || 'thumb.jpg' ) ).appendTo( link ); return div; } function createThumb( imageSrc, caption ) { var div = $( '
' ).addClass( 'thumb' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ), link = $( '' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( div ); $( '
' ).addClass( 'thumbcaption' ).appendTo( div ).text( caption ); $( '' ).attr( 'src', ( imageSrc || 'thumb.jpg' ) ).appendTo( link ); return div; } function createBootstrap( viewer ) { var bootstrap = new mw.mmv.MultimediaViewerBootstrap(); bootstrap.getViewer = function() { return viewer ? viewer : { initWithThumbs : $.noop }; }; return bootstrap; } QUnit.test( 'Promise does not hang on ResourceLoader errors', 1, function ( assert ) { var oldUsing = mw.loader.using, bootstrap, errorMessage = 'loading failed'; mw.loader.using = function ( module, success, error ) { if ( $.isFunction( error ) ) { error( new Error( errorMessage, ['mmv'] ) ); } }; bootstrap = createBootstrap(); QUnit.stop(); bootstrap.loadViewer().fail( function ( message ) { assert.strictEqual( message, errorMessage, 'promise is rejected with the error message when loading fails' ); QUnit.start(); mw.loader.using = oldUsing; } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Check viewer invoked when clicking on legit image links', 2, function ( assert ) { // TODO: Is valid ??? var div, link, link2, link3, bootstrap, viewer = { initWithThumbs : $.noop }; // Create gallery with legit link image div = createGallery(); link = div.find( 'a.image' ); // Legit isolated thumbnail link2 = $( '' ).addClass( 'image' ).appendTo( '#qunit-fixture' ); $( '' ).attr( 'src', 'thumb2.jpg' ).appendTo( link2 ); // Non-legit fragment link3 = $( '' ).addClass( 'noImage' ).appendTo( div ); $( '' ).attr( 'src', 'thumb3.jpg' ).appendTo( link3 ); // Create a new bootstrap object to trigger the DOM scan, etc. bootstrap = createBootstrap( viewer ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function() { assert.ok( true, 'Image loaded' ); }; // Click on legit link link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); // Click on legit link link2.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function() { assert.ok( false, 'Image should not be loaded' ); }; // Click on non-legit link link3.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Skip images with invalid extensions', 0, function ( assert ) { var div, link, bootstrap, viewer = { initWithThumbs : $.noop }; // Create gallery with image that has invalid name extension div = createGallery( 'thumb.badext' ); link = div.find( 'a.image' ); // Create a new bootstrap object to trigger the DOM scan, etc. bootstrap = createBootstrap( viewer ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function() { assert.ok( false, 'Image should not be loaded' ); }; // Click on legit link with wrong image extension link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Accept only left clicks without modifier keys, skip the rest', 1, function ( assert ) { var $div, $link, bootstrap, viewer = { initWithThumbs : $.noop }; // Create gallery with image that has invalid name extension $div = createGallery(); // Create a new bootstrap object to trigger the DOM scan, etc. bootstrap = createBootstrap( viewer ); $link = $div.find( 'a.image' ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function() { assert.ok( true, 'Image loaded' ); }; // Handle valid left click, it should try to load the image $link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function() { assert.ok( false, 'Image should not be loaded' ); }; // Skip Ctrl-left-click, no image is loaded $link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1, ctrlKey : true } ); // Skip invalid right click, no image is loaded $link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 2 } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Ensure that the correct title is loaded when clicking', 1, function ( assert ) { var bootstrap, viewer = { initWithThumbs : $.noop }, $div = createGallery( 'foo.jpg' ), $link = $div.find( 'a.image' ); viewer.loadImageByTitle = function ( loadedTitle ) { assert.strictEqual( loadedTitle, 'File:Foo.jpg', 'Titles are identical' ); }; // Create a new bootstrap object to trigger the DOM scan, etc. bootstrap = createBootstrap( viewer ); $link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Validate new LightboxImage object has sane constructor parameters', 6, function ( assert ) { var bootstrap, $div, $link, viewer = new mw.mmv.MultimediaViewer(), fname = 'valid', imgSrc = '/' + fname + '.jpg/300px-' + fname + '.jpg', imgRegex = new RegExp( imgSrc + '$' ); $div = createThumb( imgSrc, 'Blah blah' ); $link = $div.find( 'a.image' ); viewer.loadImage = $.noop; viewer.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) { assert.ok( fileLink.match( imgRegex ), 'Thumbnail URL used in creating new image object' ); assert.strictEqual( filePageLink, '', 'File page link is sane when creating new image object' ); assert.strictEqual( fileTitle.title, fname, 'Filename is correct when passed into new image constructor' ); assert.strictEqual( index, 0, 'The only image we created in the gallery is set at index 0 in the images array' ); assert.strictEqual( thumb.outerHTML, '', 'The image element passed in is the thumbnail we want.' ); assert.strictEqual( caption, 'Blah blah', 'The caption passed in is correct' ); }; // Create a new bootstrap object to trigger the DOM scan, etc. bootstrap = createBootstrap( viewer ); $link.trigger( { type : 'click', which : 1 } ); } ); QUnit.asyncTest( 'Only load the viewer on a valid hash', 1, function ( assert ) { var bootstrap; window.location.hash = ''; bootstrap = createBootstrap(); bootstrap.setupEventHandlers(); bootstrap.loadViewer = function () { assert.ok( false, 'Viewer should not be loaded' ); return $.Deferred().reject(); }; window.location.hash = 'Foo'; bootstrap.loadViewer = function () { QUnit.start(); assert.ok( true, 'Viewer should be loaded' ); bootstrap.cleanupEventHandlers(); window.location.hash = ''; return $.Deferred().reject(); }; window.location.hash = 'mediaviewer/foo'; } ); QUnit.test( 'internalHashChange', 1, function ( assert ) { window.location.hash = ''; var bootstrap = createBootstrap(), hash = '#mediaviewer/foo', oldHash = bootstrap.hash; bootstrap.setupEventHandlers(); bootstrap.hash = function () { oldHash.call( this ); bootstrap.cleanupEventHandlers(); window.location.hash = ''; QUnit.start(); }; bootstrap.loadViewer = function () { assert.ok( false, 'Viewer should not be loaded' ); return $.Deferred().reject(); }; QUnit.stop(); bootstrap.internalHashChange( { hash: hash } ); assert.strictEqual( window.location.hash, hash, 'Window\'s hash has been updated correctly' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isCSSReady', 3, function ( assert ) { var bootstrap = createBootstrap(), deferred = $.Deferred(), CSSclass = 'foo-' + $.now(), $style = $( '