/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function ( mw, $, oo ) { // Shortcut for prototype later var EP; /** * UI component that provides the user html/wikitext snippets needed to share * and/or embed a media asset. * * @class mw.mmv.ui.reuse.Embed * @extends mw.mmv.ui.reuse.Tab * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $container */ function Embed( $container ) { Embed.super.call( this, $container ); /** * Formatter converting image data into formats needed for output * @property {mw.mmv.EmbedFileFormatter} */ this.formatter = new mw.mmv.EmbedFileFormatter(); this.$pane.addClass( 'mw-mlb-embed-pane' ); this.$pane.appendTo( this.$container ); this.createSnippetTextAreas( this.$pane ); this.createSnippetSelectionButtons( this.$pane ); this.createSizePulldownMenus( this.$pane ); /** * Currently selected embed snippet, defaults to wikitext. * @property {jQuery} */ this.$currentMainEmbedText = this.embedTextWikitext.$element; /** * Currently selected size menu. * @property {OO.ui.MenuWidget} */ this.currentSizeMenu = this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu(); } oo.inheritClass( Embed, mw.mmv.ui.reuse.Tab ); EP = Embed.prototype; /** @property {number} Width threshold at which an image is to be considered "large" */ EP.LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD = 1200; /** @property {number} Height threshold at which an image is to be considered "large" */ EP.LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD = 900; /** * Creates text areas for html and wikitext snippets. * * @param {jQuery} $container */ EP.createSnippetTextAreas = function( $container ) { this.embedTextHtml = new oo.ui.TextInputWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-mlb-embed-text-html' ], multiline: true, readOnly: true } ); this.embedTextWikitext = new oo.ui.TextInputWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-mlb-embed-text-wt', 'active' ], multiline: true, readOnly: true } ); $( '

' ) .append( this.embedTextHtml.$element, this.embedTextWikitext.$element ) .appendTo( $container ); }; /** * Creates snippet selection buttons. * * @param {jQuery} $container */ EP.createSnippetSelectionButtons = function( $container ) { var wikitextButtonOption, htmlButtonOption; this.embedSwitch = new oo.ui.ButtonSelectWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-mlb-embed-select' ] } ); wikitextButtonOption = new oo.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'wt', { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-embed-wt' ).text(), selected: true } ); htmlButtonOption = new oo.ui.ButtonOptionWidget( 'html', { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-embed-html' ).text() } ); this.embedSwitch.addItems( [ wikitextButtonOption, htmlButtonOption ] ); $( '

' ) .append( this.embedSwitch.$element ) .appendTo( $container ); // Default to 'wikitext' this.embedSwitch.selectItem( wikitextButtonOption ); }; /** * Creates pulldown menus to select file sizes. * * @param {jQuery} $container */ EP.createSizePulldownMenus = function( $container ) { // Wikitext sizes pulldown menu this.embedWtSizeSwitch = new oo.ui.InlineMenuWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-mlb-embed-size', 'active' ] } ); this.embedWtSizeChoices = {}; this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().addItems( [ this.embedWtSizeChoices.default = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'default' }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-default-embed-size' ).text() } ), this.embedWtSizeChoices.small = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'small', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-small-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text(), selected: true } ), this.embedWtSizeChoices.medium = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'medium', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-medium-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text() } ), this.embedWtSizeChoices.large = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'large', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-large-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text() } ) ] ); this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().selectItem( this.embedWtSizeChoices.default ); // Html sizes pulldown menu this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch = new oo.ui.InlineMenuWidget( { classes: [ 'mw-mlb-embed-size' ] } ); this.embedHtmlSizeChoices = {}; this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().addItems( [ this.embedHtmlSizeChoices.small = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'small', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-small-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text(), selected: true } ), this.embedHtmlSizeChoices.medium = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'medium', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-medium-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text() } ), this.embedHtmlSizeChoices.large = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'large', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-large-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text() } ), this.embedHtmlSizeChoices.original = new oo.ui.MenuItemWidget( { name: 'original', height: null, width: null }, { label: mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-original-embed-size', 0, 0 ).text() } ) ] ); this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().selectItem( this.embedHtmlSizeChoices.small ); $( '

' ) .append( this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.$element, this.embedWtSizeSwitch.$element ) .appendTo( $container ); }; /** * Registers listeners. */ EP.attach = function() { var embed = this, $htmlTextarea = this.embedTextHtml.$element.find( 'textarea' ), $wikitextTextarea = this.embedTextWikitext.$element.find( 'textarea' ); // Select all text once element gets focus this.embedTextHtml.onDOMEvent( 'focus', $.proxy( this.selectAllOnEvent, $htmlTextarea ) ); this.embedTextWikitext.onDOMEvent( 'focus', $.proxy( this.selectAllOnEvent, $wikitextTextarea ) ); this.embedTextHtml.onDOMEvent( 'mousedown click', $.proxy( this.onlyFocus, $htmlTextarea ) ); this.embedTextWikitext.onDOMEvent( 'mousedown click', $.proxy( this.onlyFocus, $wikitextTextarea ) ); // Register handler for switching between wikitext/html snippets this.embedSwitch.on( 'select', $.proxy( embed.handleTypeSwitch, embed ) ); // Register handlers for switching between file sizes this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().on( 'select', $.proxy( embed.handleSizeSwitch, embed ) ); this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().on( 'select', $.proxy( embed.handleSizeSwitch, embed ) ); }; /** * Clears listeners. */ EP.unattach = function() { this.constructor.super.prototype.unattach.call( this ); this.embedTextHtml.offDOMEvent( 'focus mousedown click' ); this.embedTextWikitext.offDOMEvent( 'focus mousedown click' ); this.embedSwitch.off( 'select' ); this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().off( 'select' ); this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().off( 'select' ); }; /** * Handles size menu change events. */ EP.handleSizeSwitch = function ( item ) { var value = item.getData(); this.changeSize( value.width, value.height ); }; /** * Handles snippet type switch. */ EP.handleTypeSwitch = function ( item ) { var value = item.getData(); if ( value === 'html' ) { this.$currentMainEmbedText = this.embedTextHtml.$element; this.currentSizeMenu = this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu(); this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().hide(); } else if ( value === 'wt' ) { this.$currentMainEmbedText = this.embedTextWikitext.$element; this.currentSizeMenu = this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu(); this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().hide(); } this.embedTextHtml.$element .add( this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.$element ) .toggleClass( 'active', value === 'html' ); this.embedTextWikitext.$element .add( this.embedWtSizeSwitch.$element ) .toggleClass( 'active', value === 'wt' ); this.select(); this.currentSizeMenu.selectItem( this.currentSizeMenu.getSelectedItem() ); }; /** * Changes the size, takes different actions based on which sort of * embed is currently chosen. * * @param {number} width New width to set * @param {number} height New height to set */ EP.changeSize = function ( width, height ) { var currentItem = this.embedSwitch.getSelectedItem(); if ( currentItem === null ) { return; } switch ( currentItem.getData() ) { case 'html': this.setThumbnailURL( {}, width, height ); break; case 'wt': this.updateWtEmbedText( width ); break; } this.select(); }; /** * Sets the value of the thumbnail URL to use for the HTML embed text. * * Assumes that the set method has already been called. * @param {mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail} thumbnail (can be just an empty object) * @param {number} width New width to set * @param {number} height New height to set */ EP.setThumbnailURL = function ( thumbnail, width, height ) { var src; if ( !this.embedFileInfo ) { return; } src = thumbnail.url || this.embedFileInfo.src; // If the image dimension requested are "large", use the current image url if ( width > EP.LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD || height > EP.LARGE_IMAGE_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD ) { src = this.embedFileInfo.src; } this.embedTextHtml.setValue( this.formatter.getThumbnailHtml( this.embedFileInfo, src, width, height ) ); }; /** * Updates the wikitext embed text with a new value for width. * * Assumes that the set method has already been called. * @param {number} width */ EP.updateWtEmbedText = function ( width ) { if ( !this.embedFileInfo ) { return; } var title = this.embedFileInfo.title, caption = this.embedFileInfo.caption; this.embedTextWikitext.setValue( this.formatter.getThumbnailWikitext( title, width, caption ? caption.plain : title.getNameText() ) ); }; /** * Shows the pane. */ EP.show = function () { this.constructor.super.prototype.show.call( this ); this.select(); }; /** * Calculates possible image sizes for html snippets. It returns up to * three possible snippet frame sizes (small, medium, large) plus the * original image size. * * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @returns {Object} * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.small * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.medium * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.large * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.original */ EP.getPossibleImageSizesForHtml = function ( width, height ) { var i, bucketName, currentGuess, dimensions, bucketWidth, bucketHeight, buckets = { 'small': { width: 220, height: 145 }, 'medium': { width: 640, height: 480 }, 'large': { width: 1200, height: 900 } }, sizes = {}, bucketNames = Object.keys( buckets ), widthToHeight = height / width, heightToWidth = width / height; for ( i = 0; i < bucketNames.length; i++ ) { bucketName = bucketNames[i]; dimensions = buckets[bucketName]; bucketWidth = dimensions.width; bucketHeight = dimensions.height; if ( width > bucketWidth ) { // Width fits in the current bucket currentGuess = bucketWidth; if ( currentGuess * widthToHeight > bucketHeight ) { // Constrain in height, resize width accordingly sizes[bucketName] = { width: Math.round( bucketHeight * heightToWidth ), height: bucketHeight }; } else { sizes[bucketName] = { width: currentGuess, height: Math.round( currentGuess * widthToHeight ) }; } } else if ( height > bucketHeight ) { // Height fits in the current bucket, resize width accordingly sizes[bucketName] = { width: Math.round( bucketHeight * heightToWidth ), height: bucketHeight }; } } sizes.original = { width: width, height: height }; return sizes; }; /** * Calculates possible image sizes for wikitext snippets. It returns up to * three possible snippet frame sizes (small, medium, large). * * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @returns {Object} * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.small * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.medium * @returns { {width: number, height: number} } return.large */ EP.getPossibleImageSizesForWikitext = function ( width, height ) { var i, bucketName, bucketWidth, buckets = { 'small': 300, 'medium': 400, 'large': 500 }, sizes = {}, bucketNames = Object.keys( buckets ), widthToHeight = height / width; for ( i = 0; i < bucketNames.length; i++ ) { bucketName = bucketNames[i]; bucketWidth = buckets[bucketName]; if ( width > bucketWidth ) { sizes[bucketName] = { width: bucketWidth, height: Math.round( bucketWidth * widthToHeight ) }; } } return sizes; }; /** * Gets size options for html and wikitext snippets. * * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @returns {Object} * @returns {Object} return.html Collection of possible image sizes for html snippets * @returns {Object} return.wikitext Collection of possible image sizes for wikitext snippets */ EP.getSizeOptions = function ( width, height ) { var sizes = {}; sizes.html = this.getPossibleImageSizesForHtml( width, height ); sizes.wikitext = this.getPossibleImageSizesForWikitext( width, height ); return sizes; }; /** * Sets the data on the element. * * @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} image * @param {mw.mmv.model.EmbedFileInfo} embedFileInfo */ EP.set = function ( image, embedFileInfo ) { var embed = this, htmlSizeSwitch = this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu(), htmlSizeOptions = htmlSizeSwitch.getItems(), wtSizeSwitch = this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu(), wtSizeOptions = wtSizeSwitch.getItems(), sizes = this.getSizeOptions( image.width, image.height ); this.embedFileInfo = embedFileInfo; this.updateMenuOptions( sizes.html, htmlSizeOptions ); this.updateMenuOptions( sizes.wikitext, wtSizeOptions ); this.currentSizeMenu.selectItem( this.currentSizeMenu.getSelectedItem() ); this.getThumbnailUrlPromise().done( function ( thumbnail ) { embed.setThumbnailURL( thumbnail ); } ); }; /** * @private * * Gets a promise for the large thumbnail URL. This is needed because thumbnail URLs cannot * be reliably guessed, even if we know the full size of the image - most of the time replacing * the size in another thumbnail URL works (as long as the new size is not larger than the full * size), but if the file name is very long and with the larger size the URL length would * exceed a certain threshold, a different schema is used instead. * * FIXME document this better - why is this only needed for the large thumbnail? * * @return {jQuery.Promise.} */ EP.getThumbnailUrlPromise = function () { return $( document ).triggerHandler( 'mmv-request-thumbnail', this.LARGE_IMAGE_WIDTH_THRESHOLD ) || $.Deferred().reject(); }; /** * @private * * Updates the menu options based on calculated sizes. * * @param {Object} sizes * @param {OO.ui.MenuItemWidget[]} options */ EP.updateMenuOptions = function ( sizes, options ) { var i, option, data; for ( i = 0; i < options.length; i++ ) { option = options[i]; data = option.getData(); if ( sizes[data.name] ) { option.setDisabled( false ); // These values are later used in the else if case below as flags // to disable an option that is no longer pertinent. Ex: User went // from a large image from which we have options(small, med, large) to // a small image where the only pertinent option is small. data.width = sizes[data.name].width; data.height = sizes[data.name].height; option.setLabel( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-' + data.name + '-embed-size', data.width, data.height ).text() ); } else if ( data.width && data.height ) { option.setDisabled( true ); data.width = null; data.height = null; } } }; /** * @inheritdoc */ EP.empty = function () { this.embedTextHtml.setValue( '' ); this.embedTextWikitext.setValue( '' ); this.embedHtmlSizeSwitch.getMenu().hide(); this.embedWtSizeSwitch.getMenu().hide(); }; /** * Selects the text in the current text box. */ EP.select = function () { this.$currentMainEmbedText.focus(); }; mw.mmv.ui.reuse.Embed = Embed; }( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );