/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function () { QUnit.module( 'mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); function createFakeXHR( response ) { return { readyState: 0, open: $.noop, send: function () { var xhr = this; setTimeout( function () { xhr.readyState = 4; xhr.response = response; if ( typeof xhr.onreadystatechange === 'function' ) { xhr.onreadystatechange(); } }, 0 ); } }; } QUnit.test( 'recordEntry: basic', function ( assert ) { var performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(), fakeEventLog = { logEvent: this.sandbox.stub() }, type = 'gender', total = 100, // we'll be waiting for 4 promises to complete asyncs = [ assert.async(), assert.async(), assert.async(), assert.async() ]; this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'loadDependencies' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve() ); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'isInSample' ); performance.setEventLog( fakeEventLog ); performance.isInSample.returns( false ); performance.recordEntry( type, total ).then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 0, 'No stats should be logged if not in sample' ); asyncs.pop()(); } ); performance.isInSample.returns( true ); performance.recordEntry( type, total ).then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance', 'EventLogging schema is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].type, type, 'type is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].total, total, 'total is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 1, 'Stats should be logged' ); asyncs.pop()(); } ); performance.recordEntry( type, total, 'URL' ).then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 2, 'Stats should be logged' ); asyncs.pop()(); } ); performance.recordEntry( type, total, 'URL' ).then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 2, 'Stats should not be logged a second time for the same URL' ); asyncs.pop()(); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'recordEntry: with Navigation Timing data', function ( assert ) { var fakeRequest, varnish1 = 'cp1061', varnish2 = 'cp3006', varnish3 = 'cp3005', varnish1hits = 0, varnish2hits = 2, varnish3hits = 1, xvarnish = '1754811951 1283049064, 1511828531, 1511828573 1511828528', xcache = varnish1 + ' miss (0), ' + varnish2 + ' miss (2), ' + varnish3 + ' frontend hit (1), malformed(5)', age = '12345', contentLength = '23456', urlHost = 'fail', date = 'Tue, 04 Feb 2014 11:11:50 GMT', timestamp = 1391512310, url = 'https://' + urlHost + '/balls.jpg', redirect = 500, dns = 2, tcp = 10, request = 25, response = 50, cache = 1, perfData = { initiatorType: 'xmlhttprequest', name: url, duration: 12345, redirectStart: 1000, redirectEnd: 1500, domainLookupStart: 2, domainLookupEnd: 4, connectStart: 50, connectEnd: 60, requestStart: 125, responseStart: 150, responseEnd: 200, fetchStart: 1 }, country = 'FR', type = 'image', performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(), status = 200, metered = true, bandwidth = 45.67, fakeEventLog = { logEvent: this.sandbox.stub() }, done = assert.async(); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'loadDependencies' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve() ); performance.setEventLog( fakeEventLog ); performance.schemaSupportsCountry = this.sandbox.stub().returns( true ); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'getWindowPerformance' ).returns( { getEntriesByName: function () { return [ perfData, { initiatorType: 'bogus', duration: 1234, name: url } ]; } } ); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'getNavigatorConnection' ).returns( { metered: metered, bandwidth: bandwidth } ); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'isInSample' ).returns( true ); fakeRequest = { getResponseHeader: function ( header ) { switch ( header ) { case 'X-Cache': return xcache; case 'X-Varnish': return xvarnish; case 'Age': return age; case 'Content-Length': return contentLength; case 'Date': return date; } }, status: status }; performance.setGeo( { country: country } ); performance.recordEntry( type, 100, url, fakeRequest ).then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance', 'EventLogging schema is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].type, type, 'type is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish1, varnish1, 'varnish1 is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish2, varnish2, 'varnish2 is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish3, varnish3, 'varnish3 is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish4, undefined, 'varnish4 is undefined' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish1hits, varnish1hits, 'varnish1hits is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish2hits, varnish2hits, 'varnish2hits is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish3hits, varnish3hits, 'varnish3hits is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].varnish4hits, undefined, 'varnish4hits is undefined' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].XVarnish, xvarnish, 'XVarnish is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].XCache, xcache, 'XCache is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].age, parseInt( age, 10 ), 'age is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].contentLength, parseInt( contentLength, 10 ), 'contentLength is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].contentHost, window.location.host, 'contentHost is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].urlHost, urlHost, 'urlHost is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].timestamp, timestamp, 'timestamp is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].total, perfData.duration, 'total is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].redirect, redirect, 'redirect is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].dns, dns, 'dns is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].tcp, tcp, 'tcp is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].request, request, 'request is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].response, response, 'response is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].cache, cache, 'cache is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].country, country, 'country is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].isHttps, true, 'isHttps is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].status, status, 'status is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].metered, metered, 'metered is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].bandwidth, Math.round( bandwidth ), 'bandwidth is correct' ); done(); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'recordEntry: with async extra stats', function ( assert ) { var performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(), fakeEventLog = { logEvent: this.sandbox.stub() }, type = 'gender', total = 100, overriddenType = 'image', foo = 'bar', extraStatsPromise = $.Deferred(), clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'loadDependencies' ).returns( $.Deferred().resolve() ); this.sandbox.stub( performance, 'isInSample' ); performance.setEventLog( fakeEventLog ); performance.isInSample.returns( true ); performance.recordEntry( type, total, 'URL1', undefined, extraStatsPromise ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 0, 'Stats should not be logged if the promise hasn\'t completed yet' ); extraStatsPromise.reject(); extraStatsPromise.then( null, function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 1, 'Stats should be logged' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance', 'EventLogging schema is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].type, type, 'type is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 0 ).args[ 1 ].total, total, 'total is correct' ); } ); // make sure first promise is completed before recording another entry, // to make sure data in fakeEventLog doesn't suffer race conditions clock.tick( 10 ); clock.restore(); extraStatsPromise = $.Deferred(); performance.recordEntry( type, total, 'URL2', undefined, extraStatsPromise ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 1, 'Stats should not be logged if the promise hasn\'t been resolved yet' ); extraStatsPromise.resolve( { type: overriddenType, foo: foo } ); return extraStatsPromise.then( function () { assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.callCount, 2, 'Stats should be logged' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 0 ], 'MultimediaViewerNetworkPerformance', 'EventLogging schema is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 1 ].type, overriddenType, 'type is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 1 ].total, total, 'total is correct' ); assert.strictEqual( fakeEventLog.logEvent.getCall( 1 ).args[ 1 ].foo, foo, 'extra stat is correct' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'parseVarnishXCacheHeader', function ( assert ) { var varnish1 = 'cp1061', varnish2 = 'cp3006', varnish3 = 'cp3005', testString = varnish1 + ' miss (0), ' + varnish2 + ' miss (0), ' + varnish3 + ' frontend hit (1)', performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(), varnishXCache = performance.parseVarnishXCacheHeader( testString ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish1, varnish1, 'First varnish server name extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish2, varnish2, 'Second varnish server name extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish3, varnish3, 'Third varnish server name extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish4, undefined, 'Fourth varnish server is undefined' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish1hits, 0, 'First varnish hit count extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish2hits, 0, 'Second varnish hit count extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish3hits, 1, 'Third varnish hit count extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish4hits, undefined, 'Fourth varnish hit count is undefined' ); testString = varnish1 + ' miss (36), ' + varnish2 + ' miss (2)'; varnishXCache = performance.parseVarnishXCacheHeader( testString ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish1, varnish1, 'First varnish server name extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish2, varnish2, 'Second varnish server name extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish3, undefined, 'Third varnish server is undefined' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish1hits, 36, 'First varnish hit count extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish2hits, 2, 'Second varnish hit count extracted' ); assert.strictEqual( varnishXCache.varnish3hits, undefined, 'Third varnish hit count is undefined' ); varnishXCache = performance.parseVarnishXCacheHeader( 'garbage' ); assert.ok( $.isEmptyObject( varnishXCache ), 'Varnish cache results are empty' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'record()', function ( assert ) { var type = 'foo', url = 'http://example.com/', response = {}, done = assert.async(), performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(); performance.newXHR = function () { return createFakeXHR( response ); }; performance.recordEntryDelayed = function ( recordType, _, recordUrl, recordRequest ) { assert.strictEqual( recordType, type, 'type is recorded correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( recordUrl, url, 'url is recorded correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( recordRequest.response, response, 'response is recorded correctly' ); done(); }; return performance.record( type, url ).done( function ( recordResponse ) { assert.strictEqual( recordResponse, response, 'response is passed to callback' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'record() with old browser', function ( assert ) { var type = 'foo', url = 'http://example.com/', done = assert.async(), performance = new mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger(); performance.newXHR = function () { throw new Error( 'XMLHttpRequest? What\'s that?' ); }; performance.record( type, url ).fail( function () { assert.ok( true, 'the promise is rejected when XMLHttpRequest is not supported' ); done(); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'mw.mmv.logging.Api', function ( assert ) { var api, oldRecord = mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger.prototype.recordJQueryEntryDelayed, oldAjax = mw.Api.prototype.ajax, ajaxCalled = false, fakeJqxhr = {}; mw.Api.prototype.ajax = function () { ajaxCalled = true; return $.Deferred().resolve( {}, fakeJqxhr ); }; mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger.prototype.recordJQueryEntryDelayed = function ( type, total, jqxhr ) { assert.strictEqual( type, 'foo', 'type was passed correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( jqxhr, fakeJqxhr, 'jqXHR was passed correctly' ); }; api = new mw.mmv.logging.Api( 'foo' ); api.ajax(); assert.ok( ajaxCalled, 'parent ajax() function was called' ); mw.mmv.logging.PerformanceLogger.prototype.recordJQueryEntryDelayed = oldRecord; mw.Api.prototype.ajax = oldAjax; } ); }() );