/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function () { var VL; /** * Tracks how long users are viewing images for * * @class mw.mmv.logging.ViewLogger * @extends mw.Api * @constructor * @param {mw.mmv.Config} config mw.mmv.Config object * @param {Object} windowObject Browser window object * @param {mw.mmv.logging.ActionLogger} actionLogger ActionLogger object */ function ViewLogger( config, windowObject, actionLogger ) { /** * Was the last image view logged or was logging skipped? * * @property {boolean} */ this.wasLastViewLogged = false; /** * Record when the user started looking at the current image * * @property {number} */ this.viewStartTime = 0; /** * How long the user has been looking at the current image * * @property {number} */ this.viewDuration = 0; /** * The image URL to record a virtual view for * * @property {string} */ this.url = ''; /** * If set, URI to send the beacon request to in order to record the virtual view * * @property {string} */ this.recordVirtualViewBeaconURI = config.recordVirtualViewBeaconURI(); /** * Browser window * * @property {Object} */ this.window = windowObject; /** * Action logger * * @property {mw.mmv.logging.ActionLogger} */ this.actionLogger = actionLogger; } VL = ViewLogger.prototype; /** * Tracks the unview event of the current image if appropriate */ VL.unview = function () { if ( !this.wasLastViewLogged ) { return; } this.wasLastViewLogged = false; this.actionLogger.log( 'image-unview', true ); }; /** * Starts recording a viewing window for the current image */ VL.startViewDuration = function () { this.viewStartTime = ( new Date() ).getTime(); }; /** * Stops recording the viewing window for the current image */ VL.stopViewDuration = function () { if ( this.viewStartTime ) { this.viewDuration += ( new Date() ).getTime() - this.viewStartTime; this.viewStartTime = 0; } }; /** * Records the amount of time the current image has been viewed */ VL.recordViewDuration = function () { var uri; this.stopViewDuration(); if ( this.recordVirtualViewBeaconURI ) { try { uri = new mw.Uri( this.recordVirtualViewBeaconURI ); uri.extend( { duration: this.viewDuration, uri: this.url } ); } catch ( e ) { // the URI is malformed. We cannot log it. return; } try { navigator.sendBeacon( uri.toString() ); } catch ( e ) { $.ajax( { type: 'HEAD', url: uri.toString() } ); } mw.log( 'Image has been viewed for ', this.viewDuration ); } this.viewDuration = 0; this.unview(); }; /** * Sets up the view tracking for the current image * * @param {string} url URL of the image to record a virtual view for */ VL.attach = function ( url ) { var view = this; this.url = encodeURIComponent( url ); this.startViewDuration(); $( this.window ) .off( '.mmv-view-logger' ) .on( 'beforeunload.mmv-view-logger', function () { view.recordViewDuration(); } ) .on( 'focus.mmv-view-logger', function () { view.startViewDuration(); } ) .on( 'blur.mmv-view-logger', function () { view.stopViewDuration(); } ); }; /* * Stops listening to events */ VL.unattach = function () { $( this.window ).off( '.mmv-view-logger' ); this.stopViewDuration(); }; /** * Tracks whether or not the image view event was logged or not (i.e. was it in the logging sample) * * @param {boolean} wasEventLogged Whether the image view event was logged */ VL.setLastViewLogged = function ( wasEventLogged ) { this.wasLastViewLogged = wasEventLogged; }; mw.mmv.logging.ViewLogger = ViewLogger; }() );