/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function ( mw ) { QUnit.module( 'mmv.model', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'File usage constructor sanity check', 5, function ( assert ) { var file = new mw.Title( 'File:Foo' ), scope = 'local', pages = [ { wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Project:Bar' ) }, { wiki: null, page: new mw.Title( 'Baz' ) } ], totalCount = 23, totalCountIsLowerBound = false, fileUsage = new mw.mmv.model.FileUsage( file, scope, pages, totalCount, totalCountIsLowerBound ); assert.strictEqual( fileUsage.file, file, 'File is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( fileUsage.scope, scope, 'Scope is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( fileUsage.pages, pages, 'Pages are set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( fileUsage.totalCount, totalCount, 'Total count is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( fileUsage.totalCountIsLowerBound, totalCountIsLowerBound, 'Count flag is set correctly' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Thumbnail constructor sanity check', 4, function ( assert ) { var width = 23, height = 42, url = 'http://example.com/foo.jpg', thumbnail = new mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail( url, width, height ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnail.url, url, 'Url is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnail.width, width, 'Width is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnail.height, height, 'Height is set correctly' ); try { thumbnail = new mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail( url, width ); } catch (e) { assert.ok( e, 'Exception is thrown when parameters are missing'); } } ); QUnit.test( 'ThumbnailWidth constructor sanity check', 5, function ( assert ) { var cssWidth = 23, cssHeight = 29, screenWidth = 42, realWidth = 123, thumbnailWidth = new mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth( cssWidth, cssHeight, screenWidth, realWidth ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnailWidth.cssWidth, cssWidth, 'Width is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnailWidth.cssHeight, cssHeight, 'Height is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnailWidth.screen, screenWidth, 'Screen width is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( thumbnailWidth.real, realWidth, 'Real width is set correctly' ); try { thumbnailWidth = new mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth( cssWidth, screenWidth ); } catch (e) { assert.ok( e, 'Exception is thrown when parameters are missing'); } } ); QUnit.test( 'User constructor sanity check', 3, function ( assert ) { var username = 'John Doe', gender = 'male', user = new mw.mmv.model.User( username, gender ); assert.strictEqual( user.username, username, 'Username is set correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( user.gender , gender , 'Gender is set correctly' ); try { user = new mw.mmv.model.User(); } catch (e) { assert.ok( e, 'Exception is thrown when parameters are missing'); } } ); QUnit.test( 'User constructor gender validation', 4, function ( assert ) { var user, username = 'John Doe'; assert.ok( new mw.mmv.model.User( username, mw.mmv.model.User.Gender.MALE ), 'Male gender is valid' ); assert.ok( new mw.mmv.model.User( username, mw.mmv.model.User.Gender.FEMALE ), 'Female gender is valid' ); assert.ok( new mw.mmv.model.User( username, mw.mmv.model.User.Gender.UNKNOWN ), 'Unknown gender is valid' ); try { user = new mw.mmv.model.User( username, '???' ); } catch (e) { assert.ok( e, 'Exception is thrown when gender parameter is not understood'); } } ); }( mediaWiki ) );