' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed' )
.appendTo( $container )
.on( 'click', function () {
if ( dl.$attributionSection.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed' ) ) {
dl.$container.trigger( 'mmv-download-cta-open' );
dl.$attributionSection.removeClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed' );
dl.attributionInput.$element.find( 'input' ).focus();
} );
this.$attributionCtaHeader = $( '
' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-cta-header' )
.text( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-cta-header' ).text() );
this.$attributionCta = $( '
' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-cta' )
$( '
' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-cta-invite' )
.text( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-cta' ).text() )
.appendTo( this.$attributionSection );
this.attributionInput = attributionInput;
this.$attributionCopy = this.$copyButton = $( '' )
.addClass( 'mw-ui-button mw-mmv-button mw-mmv-dialog-copy' )
.on( 'click', function () {
// Select the text, and then try to copy the text.
// If the copy fails or is not supported, continue as if nothing had happened.
try {
if ( document.queryCommandSupported &&
document.queryCommandSupported( 'copy' ) ) {
document.execCommand( 'copy' );
} catch ( e ) {
// queryCommandSupported in Firefox pre-41 can throw errors when used with
// clipboard commands. We catch and ignore these and other copy-command-related
// errors here.
} )
.prop( 'title', mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-copy' ) )
.text( mw.msg( 'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-copy' ) )
.tipsy( {
delayIn: mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).tooltipDelay,
gravity: this.correctEW( 'se' )
} );
this.$attributionHowHeader = $( '' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-how-header' )
.text( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-cta-header' ).text() );
this.$attributionHow = $( '
' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-how' )
$( '
' )
.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-close-button' )
.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
dl.$container.trigger( 'mmv-download-cta-close' );
dl.$attributionSection.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed' );
} )
.text( ' ' )
.appendTo( this.$attributionSection );
* Selects the specified attribution type.
* @param {string} [name='plain'] The attribution type to use ('plain' or 'html')
DP.selectAttribution = function ( name ) {
this.currentAttrView = name;
if ( this.currentAttrView === 'html' ) {
this.attributionInput.setValue( this.htmlCredit );
} else {
this.attributionInput.setValue( this.textCredit );
* Registers listeners.
DP.attach = function () {
var download = this;
// Register handlers for switching between file sizes
this.downloadSizeMenu.getMenu().on( 'choose', function ( item ) {
download.handleSizeSwitch( item );
} );
this.$selectionArrow.on( 'click', function () {
} );
this.attributionInput.$element.find( 'input' )
.on( 'focus', this.selectAllOnEvent )
.on( 'mousedown click', this.onlyFocus );
* Clears listeners.
DP.unattach = function () {
mw.mmv.ui.Element.prototype.unattach.call( this );
this.downloadSizeMenu.getMenu().off( 'choose' );
this.$selectionArrow.off( 'click' );
this.attributionInput.$element.find( 'input' )
.off( 'focus mousedown click' );
* Handles size menu change events.
* @param {OO.ui.MenuOptionWidget} item
DP.handleSizeSwitch = function ( item ) {
var download = this,
value = item.getData();
if ( value.name === 'original' && this.image !== null ) {
this.setDownloadUrl( this.image.url );
this.setButtonText( value.name, this.getExtensionFromUrl( this.image.url ),
value.width, value.height );
} else {
// Disable download while we get the image
this.$downloadButton.addClass( 'disabledLink' );
// Set a temporary message. It will be updated once we have the file type.
this.setButtonText( value.name, this.imageExtension, value.width, value.height );
this.utils.getThumbnailUrlPromise( value.width ).done( function ( thumbnail ) {
download.setDownloadUrl( thumbnail.url );
download.setButtonText( value.name, download.getExtensionFromUrl( thumbnail.url ),
value.width, value.height );
} );
* Sets the URL on the download button.
* @param {string} url
DP.setDownloadUrl = function ( url ) {
this.$downloadButton.attr( 'href', url + '?download' );
this.$previewLink.attr( 'href', url );
// Re-enable download
this.$downloadButton.removeClass( 'disabledLink' );
* Sets the text of the download button.
* @param {string} sizeClass A size class such as 'small'
* @param {string} extension file extension
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
DP.setButtonText = function ( sizeClass, extension, width, height ) {
var sizeClasMessage, sizeMessage, dimensionMessage;
sizeClasMessage = mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-download-' + sizeClass + '-button-name' ).text();
dimensionMessage = mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-embed-dimensions', width, height ).text();
sizeMessage = mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-embed-dimensions-with-file-format',
dimensionMessage, extension ).text();
// Update button label and size strings to reflect new selected size
'' + sizeClasMessage + ' ' +
'' + sizeMessage + ' '
* Sets the text in the attribution input element.
* @param {mw.mmv.model.EmbedFileInfo} embed
DP.setAttributionText = function ( embed ) {
this.htmlCredit = this.formatter.getCreditHtml( embed );
this.textCredit = this.formatter.getCreditText( embed );
this.selectAttribution( this.currentAttrView );
* Chops off the extension part of an URL.
* @param {string} url URL
* @return {string} Extension
DP.getExtensionFromUrl = function ( url ) {
var urlParts = url.split( '.' );
return urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ];
* Sets the data on the element.
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} image
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repo
DP.set = function ( image, repo ) {
var attributionCtaMessage,
license = image && image.license,
sizeOptions = this.downloadSizeMenu.getMenu().getItems(),
sizes = this.utils.getPossibleImageSizesForHtml( image.width, image.height );
this.image = image;
this.utils.updateMenuOptions( sizes, sizeOptions );
this.downloadSizeMenu.$element.addClass( 'active' );
// Note: This extension will not be the real one for file types other than: png/gif/jpg/jpeg
this.imageExtension = image.title.getExtension().toLowerCase();
// Reset size menu to default item and update download button label now that we have the info
this.downloadSizeMenu.getMenu().chooseItem( this.defaultItem );
if ( image && repo ) {
this.setAttributionText( new mw.mmv.model.EmbedFileInfo( image, repo ) );
attributionCtaMessage = ( license && license.needsAttribution() ) ?
'multimediaviewer-download-attribution-cta-header' :
this.$attributionCtaHeader.text( mw.message( attributionCtaMessage ).text() );
this.$attributionHowHeader.text( mw.message( attributionCtaMessage ).text() );
* @inheritdoc
DP.empty = function () {
this.downloadSizeMenu.getMenu().toggle( false );
this.downloadSizeMenu.$element.removeClass( 'active' );
this.$downloadButton.attr( 'href', '' );
this.$previewLink.attr( 'href', '' );
this.imageExtension = undefined;
this.image = null;
mw.mmv.ui.download.Pane = Pane;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );