( function ( mw, $ ) { var thingsShouldBeEmptied = [ '$license', '$imageDesc', '$title', '$credit', '$username', '$repo', '$datetime' ], thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass = [ '$license', '$imageDescDiv', '$credit', '$usernameLi', '$repoLi', '$datetimeLi', '$useFileLi', '$imageDiv' ]; QUnit.module( 'ext.multimediaViewer.lightboxInterface', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'Sanity test, object creation and ui construction', 14, function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface(), $document = $( document ), scrollTopBeforeOpeningLightbox; function checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( inDocument ) { var msg = inDocument === 1 ? ' ' : ' not '; assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-title' ).length, inDocument, 'Title area' + msg + 'attached.' ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-author' ).length, inDocument, 'Author area' + msg + 'attached.' ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-image-desc' ).length, inDocument, 'Description area' + msg + 'attached.' ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-image-links' ).length, inDocument, 'Links area' + msg + 'attached.' ); } // Scroll down a little bit to check that the scroll memory works $document.scrollTop( 10 ); scrollTopBeforeOpeningLightbox = $document.scrollTop(); // UI areas not attached to the document yet. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument(0); // Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests. lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); // To make sure that the details are out of view, the lightbox is supposed to scroll to the top when open assert.strictEqual( $document.scrollTop(), 0, 'Document scrollTop should be set to 0' ); // UI areas should now be attached to the document. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument(1); // Unattach lightbox from document lightbox.unattach(); // Lightbox is supposed to restore the document scrollTop value that was set prior to opening it assert.strictEqual( $document.scrollTop(), scrollTopBeforeOpeningLightbox, 'document scrollTop value has been restored correctly' ); // UI areas not attached to the document anymore. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument(0); } ); QUnit.test( 'The interface is emptied properly when necessary', thingsShouldBeEmptied.length + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length, function ( assert ) { var i, lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface(); lightbox.empty(); for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldBeEmptied.length; i++ ) { assert.strictEqual( lightbox[thingsShouldBeEmptied[i]].text(), '', 'We successfully emptied the ' + thingsShouldBeEmptied[i] + ' element' ); } for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length; i++ ) { assert.strictEqual( lightbox[thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i]].hasClass( 'empty' ), true, 'We successfully applied the empty class to the ' + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i] + ' element' ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'Handler registration and clearance work OK', 2, function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface(), handlerCalls = 0; function handleEvent() { handlerCalls++; } lightbox.handleEvent( 'test', handleEvent ); $( document ).trigger( 'test' ); assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was called when we triggered the event.' ); lightbox.clearEvents(); $( document ).trigger( 'test' ); assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was not called after calling lightbox.clearEvents().' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Setting repository information in the UI works as expected', 5, function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface(), localRepoInfo = { local: true }, remoteDBRepoInfo = { descBaseUrl: 'http://example.com/wiki/File:' }, remoteAPIRepoInfo = { server: 'http://commons.example.org', articlepath: '/wiki/$1' }; lightbox.setRepoDisplayName( 'Example Wiki' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.text(), 'Learn more on Example Wiki', 'Text set to something useful for remote wiki - if this fails it might be because of localisation' ); lightbox.setRepoDisplayName(); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.text(), 'Learn more on ' + mw.config.get( 'wgSiteName' ), 'Text set to something useful for local wiki - if this fails it might be because of localisation' ); lightbox.setFilePageLink( localRepoInfo, mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:Foobar.jpg' ) ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.prop( 'href' ), mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ).replace( '$1', 'File:Foobar.jpg' ), 'The file link was set to a local page successfully.' ); lightbox.setFilePageLink( remoteDBRepoInfo, mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:Foobar.jpg' ) ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.prop( 'href' ), 'http://example.com/wiki/File:Foobar.jpg', 'The file link was set to a remote shared DB page successfully.' ); lightbox.setFilePageLink( remoteAPIRepoInfo, mw.Title.newFromText( 'File:Foobar.jpg' ) ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.prop( 'href' ), 'http://commons.example.org/wiki/File:Foobar.jpg', 'The file link was set to a remote API page successfully.' ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );