/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function ( mw, $ ) { var MMVB; /** * Bootstrap code listening to thumb clicks checking the initial location.hash * Loads the mmv and opens it if necessary * @class mw.mmv.MultimediaViewerBootstrap */ function MultimediaViewerBootstrap () { this.validExtensions = { 'jpg' : true, 'jpeg' : true, 'gif' : true, 'svg' : true, 'png' : true, 'tiff' : true, 'tif' : true }; // Exposed for tests this.readinessCSSClass = 'mw-mmv-has-been-loaded'; this.readinessWaitDuration = 100; this.hoverWaitDuration = 200; // TODO lazy-load config and htmlUtils /** @property {mw.mmv.Config} config - */ this.config = new mw.mmv.Config( mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer', {} ), mw.config, mw.user, new mw.Api(), window.localStorage ); /** @property {mw.mmv.HtmlUtils} htmlUtils - */ this.htmlUtils = new mw.mmv.HtmlUtils(); /** * This flag is set to true when we were unable to load the viewer. * @property {boolean} */ this.viewerIsBroken = false; this.thumbsReadyDeferred = $.Deferred(); this.thumbs = []; this.$thumbs = $( '.gallery .image img, a.image img, #file a img' ); this.processThumbs(); this.browserHistory = window.history; } MMVB = MultimediaViewerBootstrap.prototype; /** * Loads the mmv module asynchronously and passes the thumb data to it * @returns {jQuery.Promise} */ MMVB.loadViewer = function () { var deferred = $.Deferred(), bs = this; // Don't load if someone has specifically stopped us from doing so if ( mw.config.get( 'wgMediaViewer' ) !== true ) { return deferred.reject(); } bs.setupOverlay(); mw.loader.using( 'mmv', function() { bs.isCSSReady( deferred ); }, function ( error ) { deferred.reject( error.message ); } ); return deferred.done( function ( viewer ) { if ( !bs.viewerInitialized ) { if ( bs.thumbs.length ) { viewer.initWithThumbs( bs.thumbs ); } bs.viewerInitialized = true; } } ).fail( function( message ) { mw.log.warn( message ); bs.cleanupOverlay(); bs.viewerIsBroken = true; mw.notify( 'Error loading MediaViewer: ' + message ); } ); }; /** * Checks if the mmv CSS has been correctly added to the page * This is a workaround for core bug 61852 * @param {jQuery.Promise.} deferred */ MMVB.isCSSReady = function ( deferred ) { var $dummy = $( '
' ) .appendTo( $( document.body ) ), bs = this, viewer, message; if ( $dummy.css( 'display' ) === 'inline' ) { // Let's be clean and remove the test item before resolving the deferred $dummy.remove(); try { viewer = bs.getViewer(); } catch ( e ) { message = e.message; if ( e.stack ) { message += '\n' + e.stack; } deferred.reject( message ); return; } deferred.resolve( viewer ); } else { $dummy.remove(); setTimeout( function () { bs.isCSSReady( deferred ); }, this.readinessWaitDuration ); } }; /** * Processes all thumbs found on the page */ MMVB.processThumbs = function () { var bs = this; // if this breaks in IE8, see https://github.com/ebryn/backburner.js/pull/50 // but it probably won't since there is a catch further up the chain try { this.$thumbs.each( function ( i, thumb ) { bs.processThumb( thumb ); } ); } finally { this.thumbsReadyDeferred.resolve(); // now that we have set up our real click handler we can we can remove the temporary // handler added in mmv.head.js which just replays clicks to the real handler $( document ).off( 'click.mmv-head' ); } }; /** * Check if this thumbnail should be handled by MediaViewer * @param {jQuery} $thumb the thumbnail (an `` element) in question * @return {boolean} */ MMVB.isAllowedThumb = function ( $thumb ) { // .metadata means this is inside an informational template like {{refimprove}} on enwiki. // .noviewer means MediaViewer has been specifically disabled for this image // .noarticletext means we are on an error page for a non-existing article, the image is part of some // template // FIXME this should be handled by .metadata return $thumb.closest( '.metadata, .noviewer, .noarticletext' ).length === 0; }; /** * Processes a thumb * @param {Object} thumb */ MMVB.processThumb = function ( thumb ) { var bs = this, alwaysOpen = false, $thumb = $( thumb ), $link = $thumb.closest( 'a.image' ), $thumbContain = $link.closest( '.thumb' ), $enlarge = $thumbContain.find( '.magnify a' ), title = mw.Title.newFromImg( $thumb ), link = $link.prop( 'href' ); if ( !bs.validExtensions[ title.getExtension().toLowerCase() ] ) { return; } if ( !bs.isAllowedThumb( $thumb ) ) { return; } if ( $thumbContain.length !== 0 && $thumbContain.is( '.thumb' ) ) { // If this is a thumb, we preload JS/CSS when the mouse cursor hovers the thumb container (thumb image + caption + border) $thumbContain.mouseenter( function() { // There is no point preloading if clicking the thumb won't open Media Viewer if ( !bs.config.isMediaViewerEnabledOnClick() ) { return; } bs.preloadOnHoverTimer = setTimeout( function() { mw.loader.load( 'mmv' ); }, bs.hoverWaitDuration ); } ).mouseleave( function() { if ( bs.preloadOnHoverTimer ) { clearTimeout( bs.preloadOnHoverTimer ); } } ); } if ( $thumb.closest( '#file' ).length > 0 ) { // This is a file page. Make adjustments. link = $thumb.closest( 'a' ).prop( 'href' ); $( '

' ) .append( $link = $( '' ) // It won't matter because we catch the click event anyway, but // give the user some URL to see. .prop( 'href', $thumb.closest( 'a' ).prop( 'href' ) ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-view-expanded' ) .text( mw.message( 'multimediaviewer-view-expanded' ).text() ) ) .appendTo( $( '.fullMedia' ) ); // Ignore the preference, open anyway alwaysOpen = true; } // This is the data that will be passed onto the mmv this.thumbs.push( { thumb : thumb, $thumb : $thumb, title : title, link : link, caption : this.findCaption( $thumbContain, $link ) } ); $link.add( $enlarge ).click( function ( e ) { return bs.click( this, e, title, alwaysOpen ); } ); }; /** * Finds the caption for an image. * @param {jQuery} $thumbContain The container for the thumbnail. * @param {jQuery} $link The link that encompasses the thumbnail. * @returns {string|undefined} Unsafe HTML may be present - caution */ MMVB.findCaption = function ( $thumbContain, $link ) { var $thumbCaption; if ( $thumbContain.length !== 0 && $thumbContain.is( '.thumb' ) ) { $thumbCaption = $thumbContain.find( '.thumbcaption' ).clone(); $thumbCaption.find( '.magnify' ).remove(); if ( !$thumbCaption.length ) { // gallery, maybe $thumbCaption = $thumbContain .closest( '.gallerybox' ) .not( function () { // do not treat categories as galleries - the autogenerated caption they have is not helpful return $thumbContain.closest( '#mw-category-media' ).length; } ) .find( '.gallerytext' ) .clone(); } return this.htmlUtils.htmlToTextWithLinks( $thumbCaption.html() || '' ); } else if ( $link.prop( 'title' ) ) { return $link.prop( 'title' ); } }; /** * Handles a click event on a link * @param {HTMLElement} element Clicked element * @param {jQuery.Event} e jQuery event object * @param {string} title File title * @param {boolean} overridePreference Whether to ignore global preferences and open * the lightbox on this click event. * @returns {boolean} */ MMVB.click = function ( element, e, title, overridePreference ) { var $element = $( element ); // Do not interfere with non-left clicks or if modifier keys are pressed. if ( ( e.button !== 0 && e.which !== 1 ) || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey ) { return; } // Don't load if someone has specifically stopped us from doing so if ( !this.config.isMediaViewerEnabledOnClick() && overridePreference !== true ) { return; } // Don't load if we already tried loading and it failed if ( this.viewerIsBroken ) { return; } mw.mmv.durationLogger.start( [ 'click-to-first-image', 'click-to-first-metadata' ] ); if ( $element.is( 'a.image' ) ) { mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'thumbnail' ); } else if ( $element.is( '.magnify a' ) ) { mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'enlarge' ); } this.loadViewer().then( function ( viewer ) { viewer.loadImageByTitle( title, true ); } ); e.preventDefault(); return false; }; /** * Handles the browser location hash on pageload or hash change * @param {boolean} log Whether this is called for the hash that came with the pageload */ MMVB.hash = function ( initialHash ) { var bootstrap = this; // There is no point loading the mmv if it isn't loaded yet for hash changes unrelated to the mmv // Such as anchor links on the page if ( !this.viewerInitialized && window.location.hash.indexOf( '#mediaviewer/') !== 0 ) { return; } if ( this.skipNextHashHandling ) { this.skipNextHashHandling = false; return; } this.loadViewer().then( function ( viewer ) { viewer.hash(); // this is an ugly temporary fix to avoid a black screen of death when // the page is loaded with an invalid MMV url if ( !viewer.isOpen ) { bootstrap.cleanupOverlay(); } else if ( initialHash ) { mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'hash-load' ); } else { mw.mmv.actionLogger.log( 'history-navigation' ); } } ); }; /** * Handles hash change requests coming from mmv * @param {jQuery.Event} e Custom mmv-hash event */ MMVB.internalHashChange = function ( e ) { var hash = e.hash, title = e.title; // The advantage of using pushState when it's available is that it has to ability to truly // clear the hash, not leaving "#" in the history // An entry with "#" in the history has the side-effect of resetting the scroll position when navigating the history if ( this.browserHistory && this.browserHistory.pushState ) { // In order to truly clear the hash, we need to reconstruct the hash-free URL if ( hash === '#' ) { hash = window.location.href.replace( /#.*$/, '' ); } this.browserHistory.pushState( null, title, hash ); } else { // Since we voluntarily changed the hash, we don't want MMVB.hash (which will trigger on hashchange event) to treat it this.skipNextHashHandling = true; window.location.hash = hash; } document.title = title; }; /** * Instantiates a new viewer if necessary * @returns {mw.mmv.MultimediaViewer} */ MMVB.getViewer = function () { if ( this.viewer === undefined ) { this.viewer = new mw.mmv.MultimediaViewer(); this.viewer.setupEventHandlers(); } return this.viewer; }; /** * Listens to events on the window/document */ MMVB.setupEventHandlers = function () { var self = this; $( window ).on( this.browserHistory && this.browserHistory.pushState ? 'popstate.mmvb' : 'hashchange', function () { self.hash(); } ); // Interpret any hash that might already be in the url self.hash( true ); $( document ).on( 'mmv-hash', function ( e ) { self.internalHashChange( e ); } ).on( 'mmv-cleanup-overlay', function () { self.cleanupOverlay(); } ); }; /** * Cleans up event handlers, used for tests */ MMVB.cleanupEventHandlers = function () { $( window ).off( 'hashchange popstate.mmvb' ); $( document ).off( 'mmv-hash' ); }; /** * Sets up the overlay while the viewer loads */ MMVB.setupOverlay = function () { var $scrollTo = $.scrollTo(), $body = $( document.body ); // There are situations where we can call setupOverlay while the overlay is already there, // such as inside this.hash(). In that case, do nothing if ( $body.hasClass( 'mw-mmv-lightbox-open' ) ) { return; } if ( !this.$overlay ) { this.$overlay = $( '

' ) .addClass( 'mw-mmv-overlay' ); } this.savedScroll = { top : $scrollTo.scrollTop(), left : $scrollTo.scrollLeft() }; $body.addClass( 'mw-mmv-lightbox-open' ) .append( this.$overlay ); }; /** * Cleans up the overlay */ MMVB.cleanupOverlay = function () { var bootstrap = this; $( document.body ).removeClass( 'mw-mmv-lightbox-open' ); if ( this.$overlay ) { this.$overlay.remove(); } if ( this.savedScroll ) { // setTimeout because otherwise Chrome will scroll back to top after the popstate event handlers run setTimeout( function() { $.scrollTo( bootstrap.savedScroll, 0 ); bootstrap.savedScroll = undefined; }, 0 ); } }; MMVB.whenThumbsReady = function () { return this.thumbsReadyDeferred.promise(); }; mw.mmv.MultimediaViewerBootstrap = MultimediaViewerBootstrap; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );