( function ( mw, $ ) { var oldScrollTo; function stubScrollTo() { oldScrollTo = $.scrollTo; $.scrollTo = function () { return { scrollTop: $.noop, on: $.noop, off: $.noop }; }; } function restoreScrollTo() { $.scrollTo = oldScrollTo; } QUnit.module( 'mmv.lightboxInterface', QUnit.newMwEnvironment( { setup: function () { // animation would keep running, conflict with other tests this.sandbox.stub( $.fn, 'animate' ).returnsThis(); } } ) ); QUnit.test( 'Sanity test, object creation and ui construction', function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(); stubScrollTo(); function checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( inDocument ) { var msg = ( inDocument === 1 ? ' ' : ' not ' ) + 'attached.'; assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-wrapper' ).length, inDocument, 'Wrapper area' + msg ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-main' ).length, inDocument, 'Main area' + msg ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-title' ).length, inDocument, 'Title area' + msg ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-credit' ).length, inDocument, 'Author/source area' + msg ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-image-desc' ).length, inDocument, 'Description area' + msg ); assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mmv-image-links' ).length, inDocument, 'Links area' + msg ); } // UI areas not attached to the document yet. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( 0 ); // Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests. lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); // UI areas should now be attached to the document. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( 1 ); // Check that the close button on the lightbox still follow the spec (being visible right away) assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mmv-close' ).length, 1, 'There should be a close button' ); assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture .mw-mmv-close' ).is( ':visible' ), 'The close button should be visible' ); // Unattach lightbox from document lightbox.unattach(); // UI areas not attached to the document anymore. checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( 0 ); restoreScrollTo(); } ); QUnit.test( 'Handler registration and clearance work OK', function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(), handlerCalls = 0, clock = this.sandbox.useFakeTimers(); function handleEvent() { handlerCalls++; } lightbox.handleEvent( 'test', handleEvent ); $( document ).trigger( 'test' ); clock.tick( 10 ); assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was called when we triggered the event.' ); lightbox.clearEvents(); $( document ).trigger( 'test' ); clock.tick( 10 ); assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was not called after calling lightbox.clearEvents().' ); clock.restore(); } ); QUnit.test( 'Fullscreen mode init', function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(), oldFnEnterFullscreen = $.fn.enterFullscreen, oldFnExitFullscreen = $.fn.exitFullscreen, oldSupportFullscreen = $.support.fullscreen; // Since we don't want these tests to really open fullscreen // which is subject to user security confirmation, // we use a mock that pretends regular jquery.fullscreen behavior happened $.fn.enterFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.enterFullscreenMock; $.fn.exitFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.exitFullscreenMock; stubScrollTo(); lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = $.noop; // Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests. lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); $.support.fullscreen = false; lightbox.setupCanvasButtons(); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$fullscreenButton.css( 'display' ), 'none', 'Fullscreen button is hidden when fullscreen mode is unavailable' ); $.support.fullscreen = true; lightbox.setupCanvasButtons(); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$fullscreenButton.css( 'display' ), '', 'Fullscreen button is visible when fullscreen mode is available' ); // Entering fullscreen lightbox.$fullscreenButton.trigger( 'click' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ), true, 'Fullscreened area has the fullscreen class' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen, true, 'Lightbox knows it\'s in fullscreen mode' ); // Exiting fullscreen lightbox.$fullscreenButton.trigger( 'click' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ), false, 'Fullscreened area doesn\'t have the fullscreen class anymore' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen, false, 'Lightbox knows it\'s not in fullscreen mode' ); // Entering fullscreen lightbox.$fullscreenButton.trigger( 'click' ); // Hard-exiting fullscreen lightbox.$closeButton.trigger( 'click' ); // Re-attach after hard-exit lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$main.hasClass( 'jq-fullscreened' ), false, 'Fullscreened area doesn\'t have the fullscreen class anymore' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isFullscreen, false, 'Lightbox knows it\'s not in fullscreen mode' ); // Unattach lightbox from document lightbox.unattach(); $.fn.enterFullscreen = oldFnEnterFullscreen; $.fn.exitFullscreen = oldFnExitFullscreen; $.support.fullscreen = oldSupportFullscreen; restoreScrollTo(); } ); QUnit.test( 'Fullscreen mode', function ( assert ) { var buttonOffset, panelBottom, oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded, lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(), viewer = mw.mmv.testHelpers.getMultimediaViewer(), oldFnEnterFullscreen = $.fn.enterFullscreen, oldFnExitFullscreen = $.fn.exitFullscreen; stubScrollTo(); // ugly hack to avoid preloading which would require lightbox list being set up viewer.preloadDistance = -1; // Since we don't want these tests to really open fullscreen // which is subject to user security confirmation, // we use a mock that pretends regular jquery.fullscreen behavior happened $.fn.enterFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.enterFullscreenMock; $.fn.exitFullscreen = mw.mmv.testHelpers.exitFullscreenMock; // Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests. lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); viewer.ui = lightbox; viewer.ui = lightbox; assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' ); assert.ok( lightbox.panel.$imageMetadata.is( ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is visible' ); lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = function () { assert.ok( true, 'Opening fullscreen triggers a fadeout' ); }; // Pretend that the mouse cursor is on top of the button buttonOffset = lightbox.buttons.$fullscreen.offset(); lightbox.mousePosition = { x: buttonOffset.left, y: buttonOffset.top }; // Enter fullscreen lightbox.buttons.$fullscreen.trigger( 'click' ); lightbox.buttons.fadeOut = $.noop; assert.ok( lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s in fullscreen mode' ); oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded = lightbox.buttons.revealAndFade; lightbox.buttons.revealAndFade = function ( position ) { assert.ok( true, 'Moving the cursor triggers a reveal + fade' ); oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded.call( this, position ); }; // Pretend that the mouse cursor moved to the top-left corner lightbox.mousemove( { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 } ); lightbox.buttons.revealAndFadeIfNeeded = $.noop; panelBottom = $( '.mw-mmv-post-image' ).position().top + $( '.mw-mmv-post-image' ).height(); assert.strictEqual( panelBottom, $( window ).height(), 'Image metadata does not extend beyond the viewport' ); lightbox.buttons.revealAndFade = function ( position ) { assert.ok( true, 'Closing fullscreen triggers a reveal + fade' ); oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded.call( this, position ); }; // Exiting fullscreen lightbox.buttons.$fullscreen.trigger( 'click' ); panelBottom = $( '.mw-mmv-post-image' ).position().top + $( '.mw-mmv-post-image' ).height(); assert.ok( panelBottom > $( window ).height(), 'Image metadata extends beyond the viewport' ); assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' ); // Unattach lightbox from document lightbox.unattach(); $.fn.enterFullscreen = oldFnEnterFullscreen; $.fn.exitFullscreen = oldFnExitFullscreen; restoreScrollTo(); } ); QUnit.test( 'isAnyActiveButtonHovered', function ( assert ) { var lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(); stubScrollTo(); // Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests. lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' ); $.each( lightbox.buttons.$buttons, function ( idx, e ) { var $e = $( e ), offset = $e.show().offset(), width = $e.width(), height = $e.height(), disabled = $e.hasClass( 'disabled' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, offset.top ), !disabled, 'Hover detection works for top-left corner of element' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, offset.top ), !disabled, 'Hover detection works for top-right corner of element' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, offset.top + height ), !disabled, 'Hover detection works for bottom-left corner of element' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, offset.top + height ), !disabled, 'Hover detection works for bottom-right corner of element' ); assert.strictEqual( lightbox.buttons.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + ( width / 2 ), offset.top + ( height / 2 ) ), !disabled, 'Hover detection works for center of element' ); } ); // Unattach lightbox from document lightbox.unattach(); restoreScrollTo(); } ); QUnit.test( 'Keyboard prev/next', function ( assert ) { var viewer = mw.mmv.testHelpers.getMultimediaViewer(), lightbox = new mw.mmv.LightboxInterface(); viewer.setupEventHandlers(); // Since we define both, the test works regardless of RTL settings lightbox.on( 'next', function () { assert.ok( true, 'Next image was open' ); } ); lightbox.on( 'prev', function () { assert.ok( true, 'Prev image was open' ); } ); // 37 is left arrow, 39 is right arrow lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 37 } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 39 } ) ); lightbox.off( 'next' ).on( 'next', function () { assert.ok( false, 'Next image should not have been open' ); } ); lightbox.off( 'prev' ).on( 'prev', function () { assert.ok( false, 'Prev image should not have been open' ); } ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 37, altKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 39, altKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 37, ctrlKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 39, ctrlKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 37, shiftKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 39, shiftKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 37, metaKey: true } ) ); lightbox.keydown( $.Event( 'keydown', { which: 39, metaKey: true } ) ); viewer.cleanupEventHandlers(); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );