/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MediaViewer. * * MediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MediaViewer. If not, see . */ const { License } = require( 'mmv' ); ( function () { QUnit.module( 'mmv.model.License', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'License constructor sense check', function ( assert ) { const shortName = 'CC-BY-SA-3.0'; const internalName = 'cc-by-sa-3.0'; const longName = 'Creative Commons Attribution--Share-Alike 3.0'; const url = 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/'; let license = new License( shortName ); assert.true( license instanceof License, 'License created successfully' ); assert.strictEqual( license.shortName, shortName, 'License has correct short name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.internalName, undefined, 'License has no internal name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.longName, undefined, 'License has no long name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.deedUrl, undefined, 'License has no deed URL' ); license = new License( shortName, internalName, longName, url ); assert.true( license instanceof License, 'License created successfully' ); assert.strictEqual( license.shortName, shortName, 'License has correct short name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.internalName, internalName, 'License has correct internal name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.longName, longName, 'License has correct long name' ); assert.strictEqual( license.deedUrl, url, 'License has correct deed URL' ); assert.throws( function () { license = new License(); }, 'License cannot be created without a short name' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getShortName()', function ( assert ) { const existingMessageKey = 'Internal name that does exist'; const nonExistingMessageKey = 'Internal name that does not exist'; const license1 = new License( 'Shortname' ); const license2 = new License( 'Shortname', nonExistingMessageKey ); const license3 = new License( 'Shortname', existingMessageKey ); const oldMwMessage = mw.message; const oldMwMessagesExists = mw.messages.exists; mw.message = function ( name ) { return name === 'multimediaviewer-license-' + existingMessageKey ? { text: function () { return 'Translated name'; } } : oldMwMessage.apply( mw, arguments ); }; mw.messages.exists = function ( name ) { return name === 'multimediaviewer-license-' + existingMessageKey ? true : oldMwMessagesExists.apply( mw.messages, arguments ); }; assert.strictEqual( license1.getShortName(), 'Shortname', 'Short name is returned when there is no translated name' ); assert.strictEqual( license2.getShortName(), 'Shortname', 'Short name is returned when translated name is missing' ); assert.strictEqual( license3.getShortName(), 'Translated name', 'Translated name is returned when it exists' ); mw.message = oldMwMessage; mw.messages.exists = oldMwMessagesExists; } ); QUnit.test( 'getShortLink()', function ( assert ) { const license1 = new License( 'lorem ipsum' ); const license2 = new License( 'lorem ipsum', 'lipsum' ); const license3 = new License( 'lorem ipsum', 'lipsum', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet' ); const license4 = new License( 'lorem ipsum', 'lipsum', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'http://www.lipsum.com/' ); assert.strictEqual( license1.getShortLink(), 'lorem ipsum', 'Code for license without link is formatted correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( license2.getShortLink(), 'lorem ipsum', 'Code for license without link is formatted correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( license3.getShortLink(), 'lorem ipsum', 'Code for license without link is formatted correctly' ); const $html = $( license4.getShortLink() ); assert.strictEqual( $html.text(), 'lorem ipsum', 'Text for license with link is formatted correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( $html.prop( 'href' ), 'http://www.lipsum.com/', 'URL for license with link is formatted correctly' ); assert.strictEqual( $html.prop( 'title' ), 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 'Title for license with link is formatted correctly' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isCc()', function ( assert ) { let license = new License( 'CC-BY-SA-2.0', 'cc-by-sa-2.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 2.0', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isCc(), true, 'CC license recognized' ); license = new License( 'Public Domain', 'pd', 'Public Domain for lack of originality' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isCc(), false, 'Non-CC license not recognized' ); license = new License( 'MIT' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isCc(), false, 'Non-CC license with no internal name not recognized' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isPd()', function ( assert ) { let license = new License( 'Public Domain', 'pd', 'Public Domain for lack of originality' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isPd(), true, 'PD license recognized' ); license = new License( 'CC-BY-SA-2.0', 'cc-by-sa-2.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 2.0', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isPd(), false, 'Non-PD license not recognized' ); license = new License( 'MIT' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isPd(), false, 'Non-PD license with no internal name not recognized' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isFree()', function ( assert ) { let license = new License( 'CC-BY-SA-2.0', 'cc-by-sa-2.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 2.0', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/' ); assert.strictEqual( license.isFree(), true, 'Licenses default to free' ); license = new License( 'Fair use', 'fairuse', 'Fair use', undefined, undefined, true ); assert.strictEqual( license.isFree(), false, 'Non-free flag handled correctly' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'needsAttribution()', function ( assert ) { let license = new License( 'CC-BY-SA-2.0', 'cc-by-sa-2.0', 'Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 2.0', 'http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/' ); assert.strictEqual( license.needsAttribution(), true, 'Licenses assumed to need attribution by default' ); license = new License( 'Public Domain', 'pd', 'Public Domain for lack of originality', false ); assert.strictEqual( license.needsAttribution(), false, 'Attribution required flag handled correctly' ); } ); }() );