( function ( /** mw, $ ** Commentted to keep lint happy, uncomment when needed */) { QUnit.module( 'multilightbox.image', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.asyncTest( 'Sanity test, object creation and image loading', 1, function ( assert ) { var lightboxImage = new window.LightboxImage( 'http://en.wikipedia.org/w/skins/vector/images/search-ltr.png' ); // Function to be called if loading is successful function loadCallback() { assert.ok( true, 'Image loaded !' ); QUnit.start(); } lightboxImage.getImageElement() .done( loadCallback ); } ); QUnit.asyncTest( 'Image failing', 1, function ( assert ) { var lightboxImage = new window.LightboxImage( 'http://thisdoesntexist/fail.jpg' ); function errorCallback() { assert.ok( true, 'Image failed !' ); QUnit.start(); } lightboxImage.getImageElement() .fail( errorCallback ); } ); }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );