# encoding: utf-8 Given /^I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures$/ do visit(E2ETestPage) on(E2ETestPage).image1_in_article_element.should be_visible end Given /^I open the download menu$/ do step "I click the download icon" step "the download menu should appear" end Given /^I am viewing an image using MMV$/ do step "I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures" step "I click on the second image in the article" step "the image metadata and the image itself should be there" end Given /^the attribution area is open$/ do step "I click on the attribution area" end Given /^I open the download dropdown$/ do step "I open the download menu" step "the download image size label should match the original" step "the download links should be the original image" step "I click the download down arrow icon" step "the download size options should appear" end When /^I click on the first image in the article$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # We store the offset of the image as the scroll position and scroll to it, because cucumber/selenium # sometimes automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it (seems to depend on timing) @articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("var scrollTop = Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Sunrise_over_fishing_boats_in_Kerala.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top); window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return scrollTop;") # Scrolls to the image and clicks on it page.image1_in_article # This is a global variable that can be used to measure performance @image_click_time = Time.now.getutc end end When /^I click on the second image in the article$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # We store the offset of the image as the scroll position and scroll to it, because cucumber/selenium # sometimes automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it (seems to depend on timing) @articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("var scrollTop = Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Wikimedia_Foundation_2013_All_Hands_Offsite_-_Day_2_-_Photo_24.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top); window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return scrollTop;") # Scrolls to the image and clicks on it page.image2_in_article # This is a global variable that can be used to measure performance @image_click_time = Time.now.getutc end end When /^I click on an unrelated image in the article to warm up the browser cache$/ do on(E2ETestPage).other_image_in_article end When /^I click the next arrow$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_next_button_element.when_present.click end When /^I click the previous arrow$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_previous_button_element.when_present.click end When /^I close MMV$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_close_button_element.when_present(30).click end When /^I press the browser back button$/ do on(E2ETestPage).execute_script("window.history.back();"); end When /^I click the download icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_icon_element.click end When /^I click the image$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_image_div_element.click end When /^I click the download down arrow icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_down_arrow_icon_element.click end When /^I click on the attribution area$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.click end When /^I click on the attribution area close icon$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_close_icon_element.click end When /^I click the (.*) download size$/ do |size_option| on(E2ETestPage) do |page| case size_option when "small" @index = 1 when "medium" @index = 2 when "large" @index = 3 else @index = 0 end page.mmv_download_size_options_elements[@index].click end end Then /^I should be navigated back to the original wiki article$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| page.image1_in_article_element.should be_visible page.mmv_wrapper_element.should_not be_visible end end Then /^the image and metadata of the next image should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # MMV was launched, article is not visible yet page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible check_elements_in_viewer_for_image3 page end end Then /^the image metadata and the image itself should be there$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # MMV was launched, article is not visible now page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2 page end end Then /^the image and metadata of the previous image should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| # MMV was launched, article is not visible yet page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1 page end end Then /^the wiki article should be scrolled to the same position as before opening MMV$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| @scrollDifference = page.execute_script("return $(window).scrollTop();") - @articleScrollTop @scrollDifference.abs.should be < 2 end end Then /^the download menu should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element.when_present.should be_visible end Then /^the download menu should disappear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element.should_not be_visible end Then /^the download image size label should match the original$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "4000 × 3000 px jpg" end Then /^the download image size label should match the small size$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "193 × 145 px jpg" end Then /^the download image size label should match the medium size$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "640 × 480 px jpg" end Then /^the download image size label should match the large size$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "1200 × 900 px jpg" end Then /^the download size options should appear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_menu_element.when_present.should be_visible end Then /^the download size options should disappear$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_menu_element.when_not_present end Then /^the download links should be the original image$/ do on(E2ETestPage) do |page| page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should match /^?download$/ page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /^?download$/ page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /\/thumb\// page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /\/thumb\// end end Then /^the download links should be the (\d+) thumbnail$/ do |thumb_size| on(E2ETestPage) do |page| Watir::Wait.until { page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').match thumb_size } page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should match /^?download$/ page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /^?download$/ page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should match thumb_size end end Then /^the download links should be the small thumbnail$/ do step "the download links should be the 193 thumbnail" end Then /^the download links should be the medium thumbnail$/ do step "the download links should be the 640 thumbnail" end Then /^the download links should be the large thumbnail$/ do step "the download links should be the 1200 thumbnail" end Then /^the attribution area should be collapsed$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.attribute('class').should match /mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed/ end Then /^the attribution area should be open$/ do on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.attribute('class').should_not match /mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed/ end # Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer # while looking at image1 (Kerala) def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1(page) # Check basic MMV elements are present page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_image_div_element.should be_visible # Check image content page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src').should match /Kerala/ # Check basic metadata is present # Title page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text.should match /Sunrise over fishing boats in Kerala/ # License page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/ page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text.should match /CC BY-SA 3.0/ # Credit page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text.should match /Own work/ # Image metadata page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Caption page.mmv_image_metadata_caption_element.when_present.text.should match /Sunrise over fishing boats/ # Description page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text.should match /Sunrise over fishing boats on the beach south of Kovalam/ # Image metadata links page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Details link page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text.should match /More details/ page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /boats_in_Kerala.jpg$/ end # Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer # while looking at image2 (Aquarium) def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2(page) # Check basic MMV elements are present page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_image_div_element.should be_visible # Check image content page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src').should match /Offsite/ # Check basic metadata is present # Title page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text.should match /All Hands Offsite/ # License page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/ page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text.should match /CC BY-SA 3.0/ # Credit page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text.should match /Wikimedia Foundation/ # Image metadata page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Caption page.mmv_image_metadata_caption_element.when_present.text.should match /Tropical Fish Aquarium/ # Description page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text.should match /Photo from Wikimedia Foundation/ # Image metadata links page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Details link page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text.should match /More details/ page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /All_Hands_Offsite.*\.jpg$/ end # Helper function that verifies the presence of various elements in viewer # while looking at image3 (Hong Kong) def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image3(page) # Check basic MMV elements are present page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_image_div_element.should be_visible # Check image content page.mmv_image_div_element.image_element.attribute('src').should match /Hong_Kong/ # Check basic metadata is present # Title page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text.should match /Wikimania 2013 - Hong Kong - Photo 090/ # License page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/ page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text.should match /CC BY-SA 3.0/ # Credit page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present.should be_visible page.mmv_metadata_source_element.when_present.text.should match /Wikimedia Foundation/ # Image metadata page.mmv_image_metadata_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Caption page.mmv_image_metadata_caption_element.when_present.text.should match /Hong Kong Harbor at night/ # Description page.mmv_image_metadata_desc_element.when_present.text.should match /Photos from our product team's talks at Wikimania 2013 in Hong Kong./ # Image metadata links page.mmv_image_metadata_links_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible # Details link page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.text.should match /More details/ page.mmv_details_page_link_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /Wikimania_2013_-_Hong_Kong_-_Photo_090\.jpg$/ end