@en.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @chrome @internet_explorer_9 @internet_explorer_10 @internet_explorer_11 @safari @test2.wikipedia.org Feature: Download menu Background: Given I am viewing an image using MMV Scenario: Download menu can be opened When I click the download icon Then the download menu should appear Scenario: Clicking the image closes the download menu Given I open the download menu When I click the image Then the download menu should disappear Scenario: Image size defaults to original When I open the download menu Then the download image size label should match the original And the download links should be the original image Scenario: Attribution area is collapsed by default When I open the download menu Then the attribution area should be collapsed Scenario: Attribution area can be opened Given I open the download menu When I click on the attribution area Then the attribution area should be open Scenario: Attribution area can be closed Given I open the download menu And the attribution area is open When I click on the attribution area close icon Then the attribution area should be collapsed Scenario: The small download option has the correct information Given I open the download dropdown When I click the small download size Then the download size options should disappear And the download image size label should match the small size And the download links should be the small thumbnail Scenario: The medium download option has the correct information Given I open the download dropdown When I click the medium download size Then the download size options should disappear And the download image size label should match the medium size And the download links should be the medium thumbnail Scenario: The large download option has the correct information Given I open the download dropdown When I click the large download size Then the download size options should disappear And the download image size label should match the large size And the download links should be the large thumbnail