/* * This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer. * * MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see . */ ( function ( mw, $, oo ) { // Shortcut for prototype later var DP; /** * Represents the file download dialog and the link to open it. * @class mw.mmv.ui.download.Dialog * @extends mw.mmv.ui.Dialog * @param {jQuery} $container the element to which the dialog will be appended * @param {jQuery} $openButton the button which opens the dialog. Only used for positioning. * @param {mw.mmv.Config} config */ function Dialog( $container, $openButton, config ) { mw.mmv.ui.Dialog.call( this, $container, $openButton, config ); this.loadDependencies.push( 'mmv.ui.download.pane' ); this.$dialog.addClass( 'mw-mmv-download-dialog' ); this.eventPrefix = 'download'; } oo.inheritClass( Dialog, mw.mmv.ui.Dialog ); DP = Dialog.prototype; /** * Registers listeners. */ DP.attach = function () { this.handleEvent( 'mmv-download-open', $.proxy( this.handleOpenCloseClick, this ) ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-reuse-open', $.proxy( this.closeDialog, this ) ); this.handleEvent( 'mmv-options-open', $.proxy( this.closeDialog, this ) ); }; /** * Sets data needed by contaned tabs and makes dialog launch link visible. * @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} image * @param {mw.mmv.model.Repo} repo */ DP.set = function ( image, repo ) { if ( this.download ) { this.download.set( image, repo ); } else { this.setValues = { image: image, repo: repo }; } }; /** * @event mmv-download-opened * Fired when the dialog is opened. */ /** * Opens a dialog with information about file download. */ DP.openDialog = function () { if ( !this.download ) { this.download = new mw.mmv.ui.download.Pane( this.$dialog ); this.download.attach(); } if ( this.setValues ) { this.download.set( this.setValues.image, this.setValues.repo ); this.setValues = undefined; } mw.mmv.ui.Dialog.prototype.openDialog.call( this ); $( document ).trigger( 'mmv-download-opened' ); }; /** * @event mmv-download-closed * Fired when the dialog is closed. */ /** * Closes the download dialog. */ DP.closeDialog = function () { mw.mmv.ui.Dialog.prototype.closeDialog.call( this ); $( document ).trigger( 'mmv-download-closed' ); }; mw.mmv.ui.download.Dialog = Dialog; }( mediaWiki, jQuery, OO ) );