Set correct license link location in E2E test

* Remove login since it's not longer needed
* Point to a new smaller test page instead of Lightbox_demo
 which should make the tests run much faster
* Tweak selenium scroll workaround which seems to be speed-dependant

Change-Id: I247ae6a5044ecc93b6f3839f1b9ed955b488b5a7
This commit is contained in:
Gilles Dubuc 2014-04-20 17:42:40 +02:00
parent bfbc58fce0
commit 353ce92d79
5 changed files with 31 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,20 +1,8 @@ @login @firefox
Feature: Basic Multimedia Viewer navigation
NOTE: This test should be run against '/Lightbox_demo' to work correctly
Original acceptance criteria:
1) Open MMV
2) Check metadata and picture are there
3) Move to next image
4) Check corresponding metadata and picture are there
5) Move to the previous image
6) Check corresponding metadata and picture are there
7) Close MV and make sure we go back to article.
Scenario: Multimedia Viewer (MMV)
Given I am logged in
And I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures
Given I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures
When I click on the first image in the article
Then the image metadata and the image itself should be there
When I click the next arrow

View file

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
@login @firefox
Feature: Multimedia Viewer performance
Given I am logged in
And I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures
Given I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures
Scenario: Commons with warm cache
Given I visit an unrelated Commons page to warm up the browser cache

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@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Given(/^I am at a wiki article with at least two embedded pictures$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage).image1_in_article_element.should be_visible
on(E2ETestPage).image1_in_article_element.should be_visible
When(/^I click on the first image in the article$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
# We store the offset of the image as the scroll position, because cucumber/selenium
# automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it
@articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("return Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Sunrise_over_fishing_boats_in_Kerala.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top);")
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# We store the offset of the image as the scroll position and scroll to it, because cucumber/selenium
# sometimes automatically scrolls to it when we ask it to click on it (seems to depend on timing)
@articleScrollTop = page.execute_script("var scrollTop = Math.round($('a[href=\"/wiki/File:Sunrise_over_fishing_boats_in_Kerala.jpg\"]').first().find('img').offset().top); window.scrollTo(0, scrollTop); return scrollTop;")
# Scrolls to the image and clicks on it
# This is a global variable that can be used to measure performance
@ -16,36 +16,36 @@ When(/^I click on the first image in the article$/) do
When(/^I click on an unrelated image in the article to warm up the browser cache$/) do
When(/^I click the next arrow$/) do
When(/^I click the previous arrow$/) do
When(/^I close MMV$/) do
When(/^I press the browser back button$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
Then(/^I should be navigated back to the original wiki article$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
page.image1_in_article_element.should be_visible
page.mmv_wrapper_element.should_not be_visible
Then(/^the image and metadata of the next image should appear$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# MMV was launched, article is not visible yet
page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible
check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2 page
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Then(/^the image and metadata of the next image should appear$/) do
Then(/^the image metadata and the image itself should be there$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# MMV was launched, article is not visible now
page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible
check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1 page
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Then(/^the image metadata and the image itself should be there$/) do
Then(/^the image and metadata of the previous image should appear$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
# MMV was launched, article is not visible yet
page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible
check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1 page
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Then(/^the image and metadata of the previous image should appear$/) do
Then(/^the wiki article should be scrolled to the same position as before opening MMV$/) do
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
page.execute_script("return $(window).scrollTop();").should eq @articleScrollTop
@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ end
# while looking at image1 (Kerala)
def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1(page)
# Check basic MMV elements are present
page.mmv_wrapper_element.should be_visible
page.mmv_overlay_element.when_present.should be_visible
page.mmv_wrapper_element.when_present.should be_visible
page.mmv_image_div_element.should be_visible
# Check image content
@ -89,7 +90,7 @@ def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image1(page)
# Title
page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text.should match /Sunrise over fishing boats in Kerala/
# License
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /boats_in_Kerala.jpg$/
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text.should match /CC BY-SA 3.0/
# Credit
page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present.should be_visible
@ -121,6 +122,7 @@ def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2(page)
page.image1_in_article_element.should_not be_visible
# Check basic MMV elements are present
page.mmv_overlay_element.should be_visible
page.mmv_wrapper_element.should be_visible
page.mmv_image_div_element.should be_visible
@ -132,7 +134,7 @@ def check_elements_in_viewer_for_image2(page)
# Title
page.mmv_metadata_title_element.when_present.text.should match /All Hands Offsite/
# License
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /All_Hands_Offsite.*\.jpg$/
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.attribute('href').should match /^http:\/\/creativecommons\.org\/licenses\/by-sa\/3\.0$/
page.mmv_metadata_license_element.when_present.text.should match /CC BY-SA 3.0/
# Credit
page.mmv_metadata_credit_element.when_present.should be_visible

View file

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Then /^the File: page image is loaded$/ do
Then /^the MMV image is loaded in (\d+) percent of the time with a (.*) cache and an? (.*) browser window$/ do |percentage, cache, window_size|
on(LightboxDemoPage) do |page|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
wait_for_image_load page, ".mw-mmv-image img"
mmv_time = - @image_click_time
log_performance "mmv", (mmv_time * 1000).to_i.to_s, cache, window_size

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
class LightboxDemoPage
class E2ETestPage
include PageObject
include URL
page_url URL.url("Lightbox_demo")
page_url URL.url("MediaViewerE2ETest")
# Tag page elements that we will need.
@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ class LightboxDemoPage
a(:other_image_in_article, href: /Academy_of_Sciences\.jpg$/)
# Black overlay
div(:mmv_overlay, class: "mw-mmv-overlay")
# Wrapper div for all mmv elements
div(:mmv_wrapper, class: "mw-mmv-wrapper")