QA: WIP update tests for RSpec3 syntax etc.

Add back a sleep to make the test pass

* make a Then statement with no assertion into a When
* remove Then statements assertions from Given steps
* prefer single quotes per rubocop
* use strings instead of regexes where appropriate for match operator
* use appropriate wait_until syntax
* remove redundant steps that call a single other step
* sort invisible selection criteria from steps to Feature input
* add when_present polling because test is now much faster

Change-Id: I24435362836945833942e87d7caee49c9b34368d
This commit is contained in:
Cmcmahon 2014-12-08 09:20:42 -07:00
parent f9e7bae91a
commit 32cd6c7892
3 changed files with 55 additions and 83 deletions

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@ -9,47 +9,47 @@ Feature: Download menu
Then the download menu should appear
Scenario: Clicking the image closes the download menu
Given I open the download menu
When I click the image
When I click the download icon
And I click the image
Then the download menu should disappear
Scenario: Image size defaults to original
When I open the download menu
Then the download image size label should match the original
When I click the download icon
Then the original beginning download image size label should be "4000 × 3000 px jpg"
And the download links should be the original image
Scenario: Attribution area is collapsed by default
When I open the download menu
When I click the download icon
Then the attribution area should be collapsed
Scenario: Attribution area can be opened
Given I open the download menu
When I click on the attribution area
When I click the download icon
And I click on the attribution area
Then the attribution area should be open
Scenario: Attribution area can be closed
Given I open the download menu
And the attribution area is open
When I click on the attribution area close icon
When I click the download icon
And I click on the attribution area
And I click on the attribution area close icon
Then the attribution area should be collapsed
Scenario: The small download option has the correct information
Given I open the download dropdown
When I click the small download size
Then the download size options should disappear
And the download image size label should match the small size
And the download links should be the small thumbnail
When I open the download dropdown
And I click the small download size
And the download size options disappears
Then the download image size label should be "193 × 145 px jpg"
And the download links should be the 193 thumbnail
Scenario: The medium download option has the correct information
Given I open the download dropdown
When I click the medium download size
Then the download size options should disappear
And the download image size label should match the medium size
And the download links should be the medium thumbnail
When I open the download dropdown
And I click the medium download size
And the download size options disappears
Then the download image size label should be "640 × 480 px jpg"
And the download links should be the 640 thumbnail
Scenario: The large download option has the correct information
Given I open the download dropdown
When I click the large download size
Then the download size options should disappear
And the download image size label should match the large size
And the download links should be the large thumbnail
When I open the download dropdown
And I click the large download size
And the download size options disappears
Then the download image size label should be "1200 × 900 px jpg"
And the download links should be the 1200 thumbnail

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@ -1,32 +1,21 @@
# encoding: utf-8
Given /^I open the download menu$/ do
When /^I open the download dropdown$/ do
step "I click the download icon"
step "the download menu should appear"
Given /^the attribution area is open$/ do
step "I click on the attribution area"
Given /^I open the download dropdown$/ do
step "I open the download menu"
step "the download image size label should match the original"
step "the download links should be the original image"
step "I click the download down arrow icon"
step "the download size options should appear"
When /^I click the download icon$/ do
When /^I click the download down arrow icon$/ do
sleep 1
When /^I click on the attribution area$/ do
When /^I click on the attribution area close icon$/ do
@ -50,72 +39,55 @@ When /^I click the (.*) download size$/ do |size_option|
When /^the download size options disappears$/ do
Then /^the download menu should appear$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element.when_present.should be_visible
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element.when_present).to be_visible
Then /^the download menu should disappear$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element.should_not be_visible
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_menu_element).not_to be_visible
Then /^the download image size label should match the original$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "4000 × 3000 px jpg"
Then /^the original beginning download image size label should be "(.*)"$/ do |size_in_pixels|
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text).to eq size_in_pixels
Then /^the download image size label should match the small size$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "193 × 145 px jpg"
Then /^the download image size label should be "(.*)"$/ do |size_in_pixels|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
expect(page.mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text).to eq size_in_pixels
Then /^the download image size label should match the medium size$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "640 × 480 px jpg"
Then /^the download image size label should match the large size$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_label_element.when_present.text.should eq "1200 × 900 px jpg"
Then /^the download size options should appear$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_menu_element.when_present.should be_visible
Then /^the download size options should disappear$/ do
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_size_menu_element.when_present).to be_visible
Then /^the download links should be the original image$/ do
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should match /^?download$/
page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /^?download$/
page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /\/thumb\//
page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /\/thumb\//
expect(page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href')).to match /^?download$/
expect(page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href')).not_to match /^?download$/
expect(page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href')).not_to match /\/thumb\//
expect(page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href')).not_to match /\/thumb\//
Then /^the download links should be the (\d+) thumbnail$/ do |thumb_size|
on(E2ETestPage) do |page|
Watir::Wait.until { page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').match thumb_size }
page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').should match /^?download$/
page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should_not match /^?download$/
page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href').should match thumb_size
page.wait_until { page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href').match thumb_size }
expect(page.mmv_download_link_element.attribute('href')).to match /^?download$/
expect(page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href')).not_to match /^?download$/
expect(page.mmv_download_preview_link_element.attribute('href')).to match thumb_size
Then /^the download links should be the small thumbnail$/ do
step "the download links should be the 193 thumbnail"
Then /^the download links should be the medium thumbnail$/ do
step "the download links should be the 640 thumbnail"
Then /^the download links should be the large thumbnail$/ do
step "the download links should be the 1200 thumbnail"
Then /^the attribution area should be collapsed$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.attribute('class').should match /mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed/
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.when_present.attribute('class')).to match 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed'
Then /^the attribution area should be open$/ do
on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.attribute('class').should_not match /mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed/
expect(on(E2ETestPage).mmv_download_attribution_area_element.when_present.attribute('class')).not_to match 'mw-mmv-download-attribution-collapsed'

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@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ When /^I close MMV$/ do
When /^I click the image$/ do
Then /^the image metadata and the image itself should be there$/ do