
290 lines
17 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @ingroup extensions
$messages = array();
* English
* @author Mark Holmquist <>
$messages['en'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Expand thumbnails in a larger size in a Lightbox.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Media Viewer',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Improve your multimedia viewing experience with this new tool. It displays images in larger size on pages that have thumbnails. Images are shown in a nicer Lightbox overlay, and can also be viewed in full-size.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Go to corresponding file page',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Learn more on $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Created on $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Uploaded on $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Uploaded}} by $1',
'multimediaviewer-credit' => '$1 - $2',
// Licenses
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-1.0' => 'CC BY 1.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-sa-1.0' => 'CC SA 1.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-1.0' => 'CC BY-SA 1.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.0' => 'CC BY 2.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.0' => 'CC BY-SA 2.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.1' => 'CC BY 2.1',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.1' => 'CC BY-SA 2.1',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.5' => 'CC BY 2.5',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.5' => 'CC BY-SA 2.5',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-3.0' => 'CC BY 3.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-3.0' => 'CC BY-SA 3.0',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-pd' => 'Public Domain',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-zero' => 'CC 0',
'multimediaviewer-license-default' => 'Licensing information',
'multimediaviewer-use-file' => 'Use this file',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-owt' => 'Use this file on a wiki page, as a thumbnail',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-own' => 'Use this file on a wiki page, inline',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-offwiki' => 'Use this file on another website',
'multimediaviewer-about-mmv' => 'About Media Viewer',
'multimediaviewer-discuss-mmv' => 'Leave feedback',
/** Message documentation (Message documentation)
* @author Mark Holmquist <>
* @author Shirayuki
$messages['qqq'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => '{{desc|name=Multimedia Viewer|url=}}',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Preference title',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Description of preference',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Text for a link to the file page for an image.',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Link to the repository where the image is hosted. Parameters:
* $1 - the display name of that site',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Used in JavaScript code. Parameters:
* $1 - time and date (formatted)
See also:
* {{msg-mw|Multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded}}',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Used in JavaScript code. Parameters:
* $1 - time and date (formatted)
See also:
* {{msg-mw|Multimediaviewer-datetime-created}}',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-1.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution license, version 1.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-sa-1.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons ShareAlike license, version 1.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-1.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, version 1.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution license, version 2.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, version 2.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.1' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution license, version 2.1, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.1' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, version 2.1, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-2.5' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution license, version 2.5, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-2.5' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, version 2.5, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-3.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution license, version 3.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-by-sa-3.0' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license, version 3.0, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-pd' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Public Domain license, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-cc-zero' => 'Very short label for the Creative Commons Zero license, used in a link to the file information page that has more licensing information.',
'multimediaviewer-license-default' => 'Short label for a link to generic license information.',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => 'Link to the user page for the uploader of the image.
Used in JavaScript code.
* $1 - the username of the uploader
* $2 - their gender',
'multimediaviewer-credit' => 'Credit line for images. Parameters:
* $1 - HTML describing the author
* $2 - HTML describing the source
Neither parameters are usernames, so GENDER is useless. Both come directly from the API, the extended metadata imageinfo prop in particular.
They will usually be derived from the HTML output from wikitext on a file description page - however, no complicated HTML, only links, will be allowed.',
'multimediaviewer-use-file' => 'Link that opens a dialog with options for sharing the file, e.g. onwiki or on another site. Similar to the Commons gadget stockPhoto.',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-owt' => 'Label for wikitext used to show an image with the thumb option and a helpful caption. Similar to the Commons gadget stockPhoto.',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-own' => 'Label for wikitext used to show an image inline with a helpful title attribute. Similar to the Commons gadget stockPhoto.',
'multimediaviewer-use-file-offwiki' => 'Label for HTML used to show an image on an external site, with a link back to the wiki. Similar to the Commons gadget stockPhoto.',
'multimediaviewer-about-mmv' => 'Text for a link to a page with more information about Media Viewer software.',
'multimediaviewer-discuss-mmv' => 'Text for a link to a page where the user can discuss the Media Viewer software.',
/** Arabic (العربية)
* @author Claw eg
* @author مشعل الحربي
$messages['ar'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'توسيع المصغرات إلى حجم أكبر في نافذة منبثقة.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'عارض الوسائط',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'حسن تجربة مشاهدة الوسائط المتعددة مع هذه الأداة الجديدة، حيث تعمل على عرض الصور بحجم أكبر على الصفحات التي تحتوي صورًا مصغرة. وتظهر الصور في صندوق منبثق أجمل، ويمكن أيضًا عرضها بالحجم الكامل.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'الذهاب إلى الصفحة التابعة للملف',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'أنشئت في $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|رفع}} بواسطة $1',
/** Asturian (asturianu)
* @author Xuacu
$messages['ast'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Espande les miniatures a mayor tamañu nun visor.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Visor de medios',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Ameyore la esperiencia al ver multimedia con esta nueva ferramienta. Amuesa les imaxes a mayor tamañu nes páxines que tienen miniatures. Les imaxes vense nuna guapa capa de visor, y puen vese tamién a tamañu completu.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Dir a la páxina del ficheru correspondiente',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Ver más en $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Creáu el $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Xubíu el $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Xubíu}} por $1',
/** German (Deutsch)
* @author Metalhead64
$messages['de'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Vorschaubilder in einem Leuchtkasten vergrößern.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Medienbetrachter',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Dieses neue Werkzeug steigert dein Multimedia-Betrachtungserlebnis. Es zeigt Bilder auf Seiten größer an, die Vorschaubilder haben. Bilder werden in einem schöneren Leuchtkastenoverlay angezeigt und können auch als Vollbild dargestellt werden.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Gehe zur dazugehörigen Dateiseite',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Mehr erfahren auf $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Erstellt am $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Hochgeladen am $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Hochgeladen}} von $1',
/** Finnish (suomi)
* @author Nike
$messages['fi'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Luotu $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Tallennettu $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Tallentanut}} $1',
/** French (français)
* @author Gomoko
* @author Ltrlg
$messages['fr'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Agrandit les vignettes dans une visionneuse.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Visionneuse de Médias',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Active une jolie visionneuse multimédia pour les images dans les pages qui ont des vignettes. Utilise une bibliothèque tierce légère et JavaScript.', # Fuzzy
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Aller à la page du fichier correspondant',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'En savoir plus sur $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Créé le $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Téléversé le $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Téléversé}} par $1',
/** Galician (galego)
* @author Toliño
$messages['gl'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Engade un agradable visor de ficheiros multimedia para as imaxes',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Activar unha visualización das imaxes máis agradable',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Activa un agradable visor de ficheiros multimedia para as imaxes nas páxinas que teñen miniaturas. Utiliza unha biblioteca lightbox de terceiros e JavaScript.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Ir á páxina de ficheiro correspondente',
/** Japanese (日本語)
* @author Shirayuki
$messages['ja'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => '縮小画像を Lightbox 内に拡大表示する',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'メディア ビューアー',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'この新しいツールは、マルチメディアの表示体験を改善します。縮小画像があるページで、その画像をより大きなサイズで表示します。画像は Lightbox オーバーレイ内に表示され、完全なサイズで表示させることもできます。',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => '対応するファイル ページに移動',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => '$1の詳細情報',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => '作成日時: $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'アップロード日時: $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|アップロード}}者: $1',
/** Korean (한국어)
* @author Hym411
$messages['ko'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => '사진을 위한 더 편리한 멀티미디어 뷰어를 추가',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => '더 나은 사진 보기 활성화',
/** Luxembourgish (Lëtzebuergesch)
* @author Robby
$messages['lb'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Méi gewuer ginn op $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Eropgelueden den $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Eropgeluede}} vum $1',
/** Macedonian (македонски)
* @author Bjankuloski06
$messages['mk'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Зголемување на минијатурите во прегледувач на слики',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Прегледувач на слики и снимки',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Дава поубаво прегледување на слики на страници. Ги прикажува поголеми на страниците со минијатури. Можат да се прегледуваат и во полна големина.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Оди на соодветната податотечна страница',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Дознајте повеќе на $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Создадено на $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Подигнато на $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Подигнато}} од $1',
/** Russian (русский)
* @author Okras
$messages['ru'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Раскрывает эскизы в большие изображения внутри лайтбокса.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Медиа-просмотрщик',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Улучшает просмотр мультимедиа-файлов новым инструментом. Он раскрывает эскизы в большие изображения внутри лайтбокса. Изображения показываются в более красивом лайтбоксе, а также могут быть открыты в оригинальном разрешении.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Перейти на страницу соответствующего файла',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Подробнее на $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Создано в $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Загружено в $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => 'Загружено {{GENDER:$2|участником|участницей}} $1',
/** Ukrainian (українська)
* @author Andriykopanytsia
$messages['uk'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => 'Розгорнути мініатюри в більшому розмірі у лайтбоксі.',
'multimediaviewer-pref' => 'Медіа переглядач',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => 'Поліпшити ваші враження від перегляду мультимедіа з цим новим інструментом. Він відображає зображення у більшому розмірі на сторінках, які мають ескізи. Зображення показані у кращому накладенні і також відображаються в натуральну величину.',
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => 'Перейти на сторінку відповідного файлу',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => 'Дізнайтеся більше на $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Створено $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Завантажено $1',
'multimediaviewer-userpage-link' => '{{GENDER:$2|Завантажив|Завантажила}} $1',
/** Volapük (Volapük)
* @author Malafaya
$messages['vo'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-datetime-created' => 'Pejafon tü $1',
'multimediaviewer-datetime-uploaded' => 'Pelöpükon tü $1',
/** Simplified Chinese (中文(简体)‎)
* @author Liuxinyu970226
* @author Qiyue2001
$messages['zh-hans'] = array(
'multimediaviewer-desc' => '添加一个更美观的图像多媒体查看器', # Fuzzy
'multimediaviewer-pref' => '媒体查看器',
'multimediaviewer-pref-desc' => '启用更美观的多媒体查看器查看有缩略图的页面上的图像。使用第三方库Lightbox和JavaScript。', # Fuzzy
'multimediaviewer-file-page' => '转到相应的文件页',
'multimediaviewer-repository' => '了解更多关于$1',