
529 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension MultimediaViewer.
* MultimediaViewer is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* MultimediaViewer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with MultimediaViewer. If not, see <>.
( function ( mw, $ ) {
var MultiLightbox, lightboxHooks, MMVP,
comingFromPopstate = false,
imgsSelector = '.gallery .image img, a.image img',
validExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'jpeg': true,
'gif': true,
'svg': true,
'png': true,
'tiff': true,
'tif': true
* @class mw.MultimediaViewer
* Analyses the page, looks for image content and sets up the hooks
* to manage the viewing experience of such content.
* @constructor
function MultimediaViewer() {
* MultiLightbox object used to display the pictures in the page.
* @property {mlb.MultiLightbox}
* @private
this.lightbox = null;
* Whether we've fired an animation for the metadata div.
* @property {boolean}
* @private
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
var $thumbs = $( imgsSelector ),
urls = [],
viewer = this;
* @property {mw.Api}
* @private
this.api = new mw.Api();
* @type {mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator}
* @private
this.thumbnailWidthCalculator = new mw.mmv.ThumbnailWidthCalculator();
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.ImageInfo}
* @private
this.imageInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ImageInfo( this.api, {
// Short-circuit, don't fallback, to save some tiny amount of time
language: mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage', false ) || mw.config.get( 'wgContentLanguage', 'en' )
} );
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo}
* @private
this.fileRepoInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.FileRepoInfo( this.api );
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo}
* @private
this.thumbnailInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ThumbnailInfo( this.api );
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.UserInfo}
* @private
this.userInfoProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.UserInfo( this.api );
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.ImageUsage}
* @private
this.imageUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.ImageUsage( this.api );
* @property {mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage}
* @private
this.globalUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage( this.api, {
doNotUseApi: !mw.config.get( 'wgMultimediaViewer' ).globalUsageAvailable
} );
// replace with this one to test global usage on a local wiki without going through all the
// hassle required for installing the extension:
//this.globalUsageProvider = new mw.mmv.provider.GlobalUsage(
// new mw.Api( {ajax: { url: '', dataType: 'jsonp' } } )
* @property {mw.mmv.performance}
* @private
this.performance = new mw.mmv.performance();
// Traverse DOM, looking for potential thumbnails
$thumbs.each( function ( i, thumb ) {
var thisImage, $thumbCaption, caption,
$thumb = $( thumb ),
$link = $thumb.closest( 'a.image' ),
$thumbContain = $link.closest( '.thumb' ),
$enlarge = $thumbContain.find( '.magnify a' ),
$links = $link.add( $enlarge ),
filePageLink = $link.prop( 'href' ),
fileTitle = mw.Title.newFromImg( $thumb ),
index = urls.length;
if ( !validExtensions[fileTitle.getExtension().toLowerCase()] ) {
// Not a valid extension, skip this one
if ( $thumbContain.length === 0 ) {
// This isn't a thumbnail! Just use the link.
$thumbContain = $link;
} else if ( $ '.thumb' ) ) {
$thumbCaption = $thumbContain.find( '.thumbcaption' ).clone();
$thumbCaption.find( '.magnify' ).remove();
viewer.whitelistHtml( $thumbCaption );
caption = $thumbCaption.html();
$thumbContain = $thumbContain.find( '.image' );
$ 'filePageLink', filePageLink );
// Create a LightboxImage object for each legit image
thisImage = viewer.createNewImage( $thumb.prop( 'src' ), filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
urls.push( thisImage );
// Register callback that launches modal image viewer if valid click
$ function ( e ) {
return viewer.clickLinkCallback( e, this, $thumbContain, thisImage );
} );
} );
if ( urls.length === 0 ) {
// No legit images found, no need to continue
// Only if we find legit images, create a MultiLightbox object
this.lightbox = new mw.MultiLightbox( urls, 0, mw.LightboxInterface, this );
// Register various event hooks. TODO: Make this a function that's only called once.
lightboxHooks.register( 'closeInterface', function () {
$( document.body ).removeClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
if ( comingFromPopstate === false ) {
history.pushState( {}, '', '#' );
} else {
comingFromPopstate = false;
viewer.hasAnimatedMetadata = false;
viewer.isOpen = false;
} );
lightboxHooks.register( 'imageResize', function () {
var ui = this;
viewer.resize( ui );
return false;
} );
MMVP = MultimediaViewer.prototype;
// TODO FIXME HACK delete this when other UI elements have been shifted away.
MMVP.whitelistHtml = mw.mmv.ui.Element.prototype.whitelistHtml;
* Create an image object for the lightbox to use.
* @protected
* @param {string} fileLink Link to the file - generally a thumb URL
* @param {string} filePageLink Link to the File: page
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Represents the File: page
* @param {number} index Which number file this is
* @param {HTMLImageElement} thumb The thumbnail that represents this image on the page
* @param {string} [caption] The caption, if any.
* @returns {mw.LightboxImage}
MMVP.createNewImage = function ( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption ) {
var thisImage = new mw.LightboxImage( fileLink, filePageLink, fileTitle, index, thumb, caption );
thisImage.filePageLink = filePageLink;
thisImage.filePageTitle = fileTitle;
thisImage.index = index;
thisImage.thumbnail = thumb;
return thisImage;
* Handles clicks on legit image links.
* @protected
* @param {jQuery.Event} e click event
* @param {HTMLElement|jQuery} clickedEle clicked element
* @param {jQuery} $thumbContain thumbnail container element
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} thisImage lightboximage object
MMVP.clickLinkCallback = function ( e, clickedEle, $thumbContain, thisImage ) {
// Do not interfere with non-left clicks or if modifier keys are pressed.
if ( e.which !== 1 || e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.shiftKey || e.metaKey ) {
var $clickedEle = $( clickedEle ),
initial = $thumbContain.find( 'img' ).prop( 'src' );
if ( $ 'a.image' ) ) {
mw.mmv.logger.log( 'thumbnail-link-click' );
} else if ( $ '.magnify a' ) ) {
mw.mmv.logger.log( 'enlarge-link-click' );
this.loadImage( thisImage, initial );
return false;
* Handles resize events in viewer.
* @protected
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui lightbox that got resized
MMVP.resize = function ( ui ) {
var viewer = this,
fileTitle = this.currentImageFileTitle,
if ( fileTitle ) {
imageWidths = ui.getImageSizeApiArgs();
this.fetchImageInfoWithThumbnail( fileTitle, imageWidths.real ).then( function( imageInfo ) {
viewer.loadAndSetImage( ui, imageInfo, imageWidths );
} );
MMVP.updateControls = function () {
var numImages = this.lightbox.images ? this.lightbox.images.length : 0,
showNextButton = this.lightbox.currentIndex < (numImages - 1),
showPreviousButton = this.lightbox.currentIndex > 0;
this.ui.updateControls( showNextButton, showPreviousButton );
* @method
* Loads and sets the image specified in the imageData. It also updates the controls
* and collects profiling information.
* @param {mw.LightboxInterface} ui image container
* @param {mw.mmv.model.Image} imageInfo image information
* @param {mw.mmv.model.ThumbnailWidth} imageWidths
MMVP.loadAndSetImage = function ( ui, imageInfo, imageWidths ) {
var maybeThumb,
viewer = this,
image = new Image(),
// Use cached image if we have it.
maybeThumb = imageInfo.getThumbUrl( imageWidths.real );
if ( maybeThumb ) {
src = maybeThumb;
imageWidth = imageWidths.real;
} else {
src = imageInfo.url;
imageWidth = imageInfo.width;
this.performance.record( 'image', src ).then( function() {
image.src = src;
// we downscale larger images but do not scale up smaller ones, that would look ugly
if ( imageWidth > imageWidths.screen ) {
image.width = imageWidths.css;
ui.replaceImageWith( image );
} );
* @method
* Loads a specified image.
* @param {mw.LightboxImage} image
* @param {string} initialSrc The string to set the src attribute to at first.
MMVP.loadImage = function ( image, initialSrc ) {
var imageWidths,
viewer = this;
this.lightbox.currentIndex = image.index;
// Open with the already-loaded thumbnail
// Avoids trying to load /wiki/Undefined and doesn't
// cost any network time - the library currently needs
// some src attribute to work. Will fix.
image.initialSrc = initialSrc;
this.currentImageFilename = image.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText();
this.currentImageFileTitle = image.filePageTitle;
this.lightbox.iface.comingFromPopstate = comingFromPopstate;
if ( !this.isOpen ) {;
this.isOpen = true;
} else {
this.lightbox.iface.load( image );
$( document.body ).addClass( 'mw-mlb-lightbox-open' );
imageWidths = this.ui.getImageSizeApiArgs();
image.filePageTitle, imageWidths.real
).then( function ( imageInfo, repoInfoHash, thumbnail, localUsage, globalUsage ) {
var repoInfo = repoInfoHash[imageInfo.repo];
// We need to wait until the animation is finished before we listen to scroll
.then( function() { viewer.startListeningToScroll(); } );
viewer.loadAndSetImage( viewer.lightbox.iface, imageInfo, imageWidths );
viewer.lightbox.iface.$imageDiv.removeClass( 'empty' );
if ( imageInfo.lastUploader ) {
viewer.userInfoProvider.get( imageInfo.lastUploader, repoInfo ).done( function ( gender ) {
image, imageInfo, repoInfo, localUsage, globalUsage, gender );
} ).fail( function () {
image, imageInfo, repoInfo, localUsage, globalUsage, 'unknown' );
} );
} else {
image, imageInfo, repoInfo, localUsage, globalUsage );
} );
comingFromPopstate = false;
* @method
* Animates the metadata area when the viewer is first opened.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} an empty promise which resolves when the animation is finished
MMVP.animateMetadataDivOnce = function () {
if ( !this.hasAnimatedMetadata ) {
this.hasAnimatedMetadata = true;
$.scrollTo( 40, 400 )
.scrollTo( 0, 400 );
return $.scrollTo.window().promise();
* @method
* Stop listening to the page's scroll events
MMVP.stopListeningToScroll = function () {
$.scrollTo().off( 'scroll.mmvp' );
* @method
* Start listening to the page's scroll events
* Will call MMVP.scroll(), throttled so it is not triggered on every pixel.
MMVP.startListeningToScroll = function () {
var viewer = this;
$.scrollTo().on( 'scroll.mmvp', $.throttle( 250, function() { viewer.scroll(); } ) );
// Trigger a check in case the user scrolled manually during the animation
* @method
* Receives the window's scroll events and flips the chevron if necessary.
MMVP.scroll = function () {
this.ui.panel.$dragIcon.toggleClass( 'pointing-down', !!$.scrollTo().scrollTop() );
* @method
* Fetches image and thumbnail information from the API.
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle
* @param {number} width width of the thumbnail in pixels
* @return {jQuery.Promise<mw.mmv.model.Image, mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail>}
MMVP.fetchImageInfoWithThumbnail = function ( fileTitle, width ) {
return $.when(
this.imageInfoProvider.get( fileTitle ),
this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width )
).then( function( imageInfo, thumbnail ) {
imageInfo.addThumbUrl( thumbnail.width, thumbnail.url );
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageInfo, thumbnail );
} );
* Gets all file-related info.
* @param {mw.Title} fileTitle Title of the file page for the image.
* @param {number} width width of the thumbnail in pixels
* @returns {jQuery.Promise.<mw.mmv.model.Image, mw.mmv.model.Repo, mw.mmv.model.Thumbnail,
* mw.mmv.model.FileUsage, mw.mmv.model.FileUsage>}
MMVP.fetchImageInfoRepoInfoAndFileUsageInfo = function ( fileTitle, width ) {
return $.when(
this.imageInfoProvider.get( fileTitle ),
this.fileRepoInfoProvider.get( fileTitle ),
this.thumbnailInfoProvider.get( fileTitle, width ),
this.imageUsageProvider.get( fileTitle ),
this.globalUsageProvider.get( fileTitle )
).then( function( imageInfo, repoInfoHash, thumbnail, imageUsage, globalUsage ) {
imageInfo.addThumbUrl( thumbnail.width, thumbnail.url );
return $.Deferred().resolve( imageInfo, repoInfoHash, thumbnail, imageUsage, globalUsage );
} );
MMVP.loadIndex = function ( index ) {
var $clicked = $( imgsSelector ).eq( index );
if ( index < this.lightbox.images.length && index >= 0 ) {
this.loadImage( this.lightbox.images[index], $clicked.prop( 'src' ) );
MMVP.nextImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex + 1 );
MMVP.prevImage = function () {
this.loadIndex( this.lightbox.currentIndex - 1 );
MMVP.setupEventHandlers = function() {
var viewer = this;
this.lightbox.iface.$imageWrapper.on( 'mmv-next', function () {
} );
this.lightbox.iface.$imageWrapper.on( 'mmv-prev', function () {
} );
function handleHash() {
var statedIndex,
hash = decodeURIComponent( document.location.hash ),
linkState = hash.split( '/' );
comingFromPopstate = true;
if ( linkState[0] === '#mediaviewer' ) {
statedIndex = mw.mediaViewer.lightbox.images[linkState[2]];
if ( statedIndex.filePageTitle.getPrefixedText() === linkState[1] ) {
$foundElement = $( imgsSelector ).eq( linkState[2] );
mw.mediaViewer.loadImage( statedIndex, $foundElement.prop( 'src' ) );
} else {
// If the hash is invalid (not a mmv hash) we check if there's any mmv lightbox open and we close it
if ( mw.mediaViewer && mw.mediaViewer.lightbox && mw.mediaViewer.lightbox.iface ) {
$( function () {
MultiLightbox = window.MultiLightbox;
lightboxHooks = window.lightboxHooks;
mw.mediaViewer = new MultimediaViewer();
window.addEventListener( 'popstate', handleHash );
} );
mw.MultimediaViewer = MultimediaViewer;
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );