
359 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

( function ( mw, $ ) {
var thingsShouldBeEmptied = [
thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass = [
QUnit.module( 'mmv.lightboxInterface', QUnit.newMwEnvironment() );
QUnit.test( 'Sanity test, object creation and ui construction', 14, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer );
function checkIfUIAreasAttachedToDocument( inDocument ) {
var msg = inDocument === 1 ? ' ' : ' not ';
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-title' ).length, inDocument, 'Title area' + msg + 'attached.' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-author' ).length, inDocument, 'Author area' + msg + 'attached.' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-image-desc' ).length, inDocument, 'Description area' + msg + 'attached.' );
assert.strictEqual( $( '.mw-mlb-image-links' ).length, inDocument, 'Links area' + msg + 'attached.' );
// UI areas not attached to the document yet.
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// UI areas should now be attached to the document.
// Check that the close button on the lightbox still follow the spec (being visible right away)
assert.strictEqual( $( '#qunit-fixture .mlb-close' ).length, 1, 'There should be a close button' );
assert.ok( $( '#qunit-fixture .mlb-close' ).is(':visible'), 'The close button should be visible' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// UI areas not attached to the document anymore.
} );
QUnit.test( 'The interface is emptied properly when necessary', thingsShouldBeEmptied.length + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length + 1, function ( assert ) {
var i,
lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer );
for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldBeEmptied.length; i++ ) {
assert.strictEqual( lightbox[thingsShouldBeEmptied[i]].text(), '', 'We successfully emptied the ' + thingsShouldBeEmptied[i] + ' element' );
for ( i = 0; i < thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass.length; i++ ) {
assert.ok( lightbox[thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i]].hasClass( 'empty' ), 'We successfully applied the empty class to the ' + thingsShouldHaveEmptyClass[i] + ' element' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ), 'We successfully reset the chevron' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Handler registration and clearance work OK', 2, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer ),
handlerCalls = 0;
function handleEvent() {
lightbox.handleEvent( 'test', handleEvent );
$( document ).trigger( 'test' );
assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was called when we triggered the event.' );
$( document ).trigger( 'test' );
assert.strictEqual( handlerCalls, 1, 'The handler was not called after calling lightbox.clearEvents().' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Setting repository information in the UI works as expected', 3, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer );
lightbox.setRepoDisplay( 'Example Wiki' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.text(), 'Learn more on Example Wiki', 'Text set to something useful for remote wiki - if this fails it might be because of localisation' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.text(), 'Learn more on ' + mw.config.get( 'wgSiteName' ), 'Text set to something useful for local wiki - if this fails it might be because of localisation' );
lightbox.setFilePageLink( '' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.$repo.prop( 'href' ), '', 'The file link was set successfully.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Setting location information works as expected', 2, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer );
50, 10, 20, 'multimediaviewer-geoloc-north',
70, 30, 40, 'multimediaviewer-geoloc-east',
12.3456789, 98.7654321, 'en', 'Foobar.jpg'
'Location: 50° 10 20″ N, 70° 30 40″ E',
'Location text is set as expected - if this fails it may be due to i18n issues.'
lightbox.$location.prop( 'href' ),
'Location URL is set as expected'
} );
QUnit.test( 'Fullscreen mode', 8, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer ),
oldFnEnterFullscreen = $.fn.enterFullscreen,
oldFnExitFullscreen = $.fn.exitFullscreen,
// Since we don't want these tests to really open fullscreen
// which is subject to user security confirmation,
// we use a mock that pretends regular jquery.fullscreen behavior happened
$.fn.enterFullscreen = mw.mmvTestHelpers.enterFullscreenMock;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = mw.mmvTestHelpers.exitFullscreenMock;
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
lightbox.viewer.ui = lightbox;
lightbox.viewer.lightbox = lightbox;
assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' );
assert.ok( lightbox.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is visible' );
lightbox.fadeOutButtons = function() {
assert.ok( true, 'Opening fullscreen triggers a fadeout' );
// Pretend that the mouse cursor is on top of the button
buttonOffset = lightbox.$fullscreenButton.offset();
lightbox.mousePosition = { x: buttonOffset.left, y: };
// Enter fullscreen
lightbox.fadeOutButtons = $.noop;
assert.ok( lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s in fullscreen mode' );
oldRevealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded = lightbox.revealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded;
lightbox.revealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded = function() {
assert.ok( true, 'Moving the cursor triggers a reveal + fade' ); this );
// Pretend that the mouse cursor moved to the top-left corner
lightbox.mousemove( { pageX: 0, pageY: 0 } );
lightbox.revealButtonsAndFadeIfNeeded = $.noop;
assert.ok( !lightbox.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is hidden' );
// Exit fullscreen
assert.ok( lightbox.$ ':visible' ), 'Image metadata is visible' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.isFullscreen, 'Lightbox knows that it\'s not in fullscreen mode' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
$.fn.enterFullscreen = oldFnEnterFullscreen;
$.fn.exitFullscreen = oldFnExitFullscreen;
} );
QUnit.test( 'isAnyActiveButtonHovered', 20, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer );
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
$.each ( lightbox.$buttons, function ( idx, e ) {
var $e = $( e ),
offset = $e.offset(),
width = $e.width(),
height = $e.height(),
disabled = $e.hasClass( 'disabled' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, ),
'Hover detection works for top-left corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, ),
'Hover detection works for top-right corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left, + height ),
'Hover detection works for bottom-left corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isAnyActiveButtonHovered( offset.left + width, + height ),
'Hover detection works for bottom-right corner of element' );
assert.strictEqual( lightbox.isAnyActiveButtonHovered(
offset.left + ( width / 2 ), + ( height / 2 ) ),
'Hover detection works for center of element' );
} );
// Unattach lightbox from document
} );
QUnit.test( 'Metadata scrolling', 13, function ( assert ) {
var lightbox = new mw.LightboxInterface( mw.mediaViewer ),
keydown = $.Event( 'keydown' ),
$document = $( document ),
originalJQueryScrollTop = $.fn.scrollTop,
memorizedScrollToScroll = 0,
originalJQueryScrollTo = $.scrollTo,
oldMWLightbox = mw.mediaViewer.lightbox,
oldMWUI = mw.mediaViewer.ui;
// Pretend that we have things hooked up
mw.mediaViewer.ui = lightbox;
// We need to set up a proxy on the jQuery scrollTop function
// that will let us pretend that the document really scrolled
// and that will return values as if the scroll happened
$.fn.scrollTop = function ( scrollTop ) {
// On some browsers $.scrollTo() != $document
if ( $.scrollTo().is( this ) ) {
if ( scrollTop !== undefined ) {
memorizedScrollToScroll = scrollTop;
return this;
} else {
return memorizedScrollToScroll;
return this, scrollTop );
// Same idea as above, for the scrollTo plugin
$.scrollTo = function ( scrollTo ) {
var $element;
if ( scrollTo !== undefined ) {
memorizedScrollToScroll = scrollTo;
$element = this, scrollTo, 0 );
if ( scrollTo !== undefined ) {
// Trigger event manually
return $element;
// First phase of the test: up and down arrows
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// Pretend that we have things hooked up
mw.mediaViewer.lightbox = { currentIndex: 0 };
// This lets us avoid pushing a state to the history, which might interfere with other tests
lightbox.comingFromPopstate = true;
// Load is needed to start listening to metadata events
lightbox.load( { getImageElement: function() { return $.Deferred().reject(); } } );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0, 'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up' );
keydown.which = 38; // Up arrow
$document.trigger( keydown );
assert.strictEqual( Math.round( $.scrollTo().scrollTop() ), lightbox.$imageMetadata.height() + 1,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to the metadata height + 1 after pressing up arrow' );
assert.ok( lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing down after pressing up arrow' );
keydown.which = 40; // Down arrow
$document.trigger( keydown );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0 after pressing down arrow' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up after pressing down arrow' );
assert.strictEqual( Math.round( $.scrollTo().scrollTop() ), lightbox.$imageMetadata.height() + 1,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to the metadata height + 1 after clicking the chevron once' );
assert.ok( lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing down after clicking the chevron once' );
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0,
'scrollTo scrollTop should be set to 0 after clicking the chevron twice' );
assert.ok( !lightbox.$dragIcon.hasClass( 'pointing-down' ),
'Chevron pointing up after clicking the chevron twice' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// Second phase of the test: scroll memory
// Scroll down a little bit to check that the scroll memory works
$.scrollTo( 10, 0 );
scrollTopBeforeOpeningLightbox = $.scrollTo().scrollTop();
// Attach lightbox to testing fixture to avoid interference with other tests.
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// To make sure that the details are out of view, the lightbox is supposed to scroll to the top when open
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 0, 'Page scrollTop should be set to 0' );
// Scroll down to check that the scrollTop memory doesn't affect prev/next (bug 59861)
$.scrollTo( 20, 0 );
// This extra attach() call simulates the effect of prev/next seen in bug 59861
lightbox.attach( '#qunit-fixture' );
// The lightbox was already open at this point, the scrollTop should be left untouched
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), 20, 'Page scrollTop should be set to 20' );
// Unattach lightbox from document
// Lightbox is supposed to restore the document scrollTop value that was set prior to opening it
assert.strictEqual( $.scrollTo().scrollTop(), scrollTopBeforeOpeningLightbox, 'document scrollTop value has been restored correctly' );
// Let's restore all originals, to make sure this test is free of side-effect
$.fn.scrollTop = originalJQueryScrollTop;
$.scrollTo = originalJQueryScrollTo;
mw.mediaViewer.lightbox = oldMWLightbox;
mw.mediaViewer.ui = oldMWUI;
} );
}( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );