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* MediaWiki math extension
* @copyright 2002-2012 Tomasz Wegrzanowski, Brion Vibber, Moritz Schubotz,
* and other MediaWiki contributors
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @file
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\Math;
use MediaWiki\Deferred\DeferredUpdates;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Math\InputCheck\BaseChecker;
use MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer;
use Message;
use Parser;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use RequestContext;
use stdClass;
use StringUtils;
* Abstract base class with static methods for rendering the <math> tags using
* different technologies. These static methods create a new instance of the
* extending classes and render the math tags based on the mode setting of the user.
* Furthermore this class handles the caching of the rendered output.
* @author Tomasz Wegrzanowski
* @author Brion Vibber
* @author Moritz Schubotz
abstract class MathRenderer {
/** @var ?string tex representation */
protected $tex = '';
/** @var string MathML content and presentation */
protected $mathml = '';
/** @var string SVG layout only (no semantics) */
protected $svg = '';
/** @var string the original user input string (which was used to calculate the inputhash) */
protected $userInputTex = '';
/** @var string ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline'|'linebreak') the rendering style */
protected $mathStyle = 'inlineDisplaystyle';
/** @var array with userdefined parameters passed to the extension (not used) */
protected $params = [];
/** @var string a userdefined identifier to link to the equation. */
protected $id = '';
/** @var bool has variable tex been security-checked */
protected $texSecure = false;
/** @var bool has the mathematical content changed */
protected $changed = false;
/** @var bool is there a database entry for the mathematical content */
protected $storedInDatabase = null;
/** @var bool is there a request to purge the existing mathematical content */
protected $purge = false;
/** @var string with last occurred error */
protected $lastError = '';
/** @var string md5 value from userInputTex */
protected $md5 = '';
/** @var string binary packed inputhash */
protected $inputHash = '';
/** @var string rendering mode */
protected $mode = MathConfig::MODE_MATHML;
/** @var string input type */
protected $inputType = 'tex';
/** @var MathRestbaseInterface used for checking */
protected $rbi;
/** @var array with rendering warnings */
protected $warnings;
/** @var LoggerInterface */
private $logger;
* Constructs a base MathRenderer
* @param string $tex (optional) LaTeX markup
* @param array $params (optional) HTML attributes
public function __construct( $tex = '', $params = [] ) {
$this->params = $params;
if ( isset( $params['id'] ) ) {
$this->id = $params['id'];
if ( isset( $params['display'] ) ) {
$layoutMode = $params['display'];
if ( $layoutMode == 'block' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'display';
$tex = '{\displaystyle ' . $tex . '}';
$this->inputType = 'tex';
} elseif ( $layoutMode == 'inline' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'inline';
$this->inputType = 'inline-tex';
$tex = '{\textstyle ' . $tex . '}';
} elseif ( $layoutMode == 'linebreak' ) {
$this->mathStyle = 'linebreak';
$tex = '\[ ' . $tex . ' \]';
// TODO: Implement caching for attributes of the math tag
// Currently the key for the database entry relating to an equation
// is md5($tex) the new option to determine if the tex input
// is rendered in displaystyle or textstyle would require a database
// layout change to use a composite key e.g. (md5($tex),$mathStyle).
// As a workaround we use the prefix \displaystyle so that the key becomes
// md5((\{\\displaystyle|\{\\textstyle)?\s?$tex\}?)
// The new value of $tex string describes now how the rendering should look like.
// The variable MathRenderer::mathStyle determines if the rendered equation should
// be centered in a new line, or just in be displayed in the current line.
$this->userInputTex = $tex;
$this->tex = $tex;
$this->logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' );
* @param string $md5
* @return self the MathRenderer generated from md5
public static function newFromMd5( $md5 ) {
// @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeInstantiateAbstractStatic
$instance = new static();
$instance->setMd5( $md5 );
return $instance;
* Static factory method for getting a renderer based on mode
* @deprecated since 3.0.0. Use Math.RendererFactory service instead.
* @param string $tex LaTeX markup
* @param array $params HTML attributes
* @param string $mode indicating rendering mode
* @return self appropriate renderer for mode
public static function getRenderer( $tex, $params = [], $mode = MathConfig::MODE_MATHML ) {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->get( 'Math.RendererFactory' )
->getRenderer( $tex, $params, $mode );
* Performs the rendering
* @return bool if rendering was successful.
abstract public function render();
* @return string Html output that is embedded in the page
abstract public function getHtmlOutput();
* texvc error messages
* TODO: update to MathML
* Returns an internationalized HTML error string
* @param string $msg message key for specific error
* @param string ...$parameters zero or more message
* parameters for specific error
* @return string HTML error string
public function getError( $msg, ...$parameters ) {
$mf = wfMessage( 'math_failure' )->inContentLanguage()->escaped();
$errmsg = wfMessage( $msg, $parameters )->inContentLanguage()->escaped();
$source = htmlspecialchars( str_replace( "\n", ' ', $this->tex ) );
return "<strong class=\"error texerror\">$mf ($errmsg): $source</strong>\n";
* Return hash of input
* @return string hash
public function getMd5() {
if ( !$this->md5 ) {
$this->md5 = md5( $this->userInputTex );
return $this->md5;
* Set the input hash (if user input tex is not available)
* @param string $md5
public function setMd5( $md5 ) {
$this->md5 = $md5;
* Return hash of input
* @return string hash
public function getInputHash() {
// TODO: What happens if $tex is empty?
if ( !$this->inputHash ) {
$dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->getReplicaDatabase();
return $dbr->encodeBlob( pack( "H32", $this->getMd5() ) ); # Binary packed, not hex
return $this->inputHash;
* Decode binary packed hash from the database to md5 of input_tex
* @param string $hash (binary)
* @return string md5
private static function dbHash2md5( $hash ) {
$dbr = wfGetDB( DB_REPLICA );
$xhash = unpack( 'H32md5', $dbr->decodeBlob( $hash ) . " " );
return $xhash['md5'];
* Reads rendering data from database
* @return bool true if read successfully, false otherwise
public function readFromDatabase() {
$dbr = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getDBLoadBalancerFactory()->getReplicaDatabase();
$rpage = $dbr->selectRow( $this->getMathTableName(),
[ 'math_inputhash' => $this->getInputHash() ],
__METHOD__ );
if ( $rpage !== false ) {
$this->initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage );
$this->storedInDatabase = true;
return true;
} else {
# Missing from the database and/or the render cache
$this->storedInDatabase = false;
return false;
* @return array with the database column names
protected function dbInArray() {
$in = [ 'math_inputhash',
return $in;
* Reads the values from the database but does not overwrite set values with empty values
* @param stdClass $rpage (a database row)
protected function initializeFromDatabaseRow( $rpage ) {
$this->inputHash = $rpage->math_inputhash; // MUST NOT BE NULL
$this->md5 = self::dbHash2md5( $this->inputHash );
if ( !empty( $rpage->math_mathml ) ) {
$this->mathml = $rpage->math_mathml;
if ( !empty( $rpage->math_inputtex ) ) {
// in the current database the field is probably not set.
$this->userInputTex = $rpage->math_inputtex;
if ( !empty( $rpage->math_tex ) ) {
$this->tex = $rpage->math_tex;
if ( !empty( $rpage->math_svg ) ) {
$this->svg = $rpage->math_svg;
$this->changed = false;
* Writes rendering entry to database.
* WARNING: Use writeCache() instead of this method to be sure that all
* renderer specific (such as squid caching) are taken into account.
* This function stores the values that are currently present in the class
* to the database even if they are empty.
* This function can be seen as protected function.
* @param \Wikimedia\Rdbms\IDatabase|null $dbw
public function writeToDatabase( $dbw = null ) {
# Now save it back to the DB:
if ( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getReadOnlyMode()->isReadOnly() ) {
$outArray = $this->dbOutArray();
$mathTableName = $this->getMathTableName();
$fname = __METHOD__;
if ( $this->isInDatabase() ) {
$this->debug( 'Update database entry' );
$inputHash = $this->getInputHash();
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use (
$dbw, $outArray, $inputHash, $mathTableName, $fname
) {
$dbw = $dbw ?: wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY );
$dbw->update( $mathTableName, $outArray,
[ 'math_inputhash' => $inputHash ], $fname );
'Row updated after db transaction was idle: ' .
var_export( $outArray, true ) . " to database" );
} );
} else {
$this->storedInDatabase = true;
$this->debug( 'Store new entry in database' );
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function () use (
$dbw, $outArray, $mathTableName, $fname
) {
$dbw = $dbw ?: wfGetDB( DB_PRIMARY );
$dbw->insert( $mathTableName, $outArray, $fname, [ 'IGNORE' ] );
LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'Math' )->debug(
'Row inserted after db transaction was idle {out}.',
'out' => var_export( $outArray, true ),
if ( $dbw->affectedRows() == 0 ) {
// That's the price for the delayed update.
'Entry could not be written. Might be changed in between.' );
} );
* Gets an array that matches the variables of the class to the database columns
* @return array
protected function dbOutArray() {
$out = [
'math_inputhash' => $this->getInputHash(),
'math_mathml' => $this->mathml,
'math_inputtex' => $this->userInputTex,
'math_tex' => $this->tex,
'math_svg' => $this->svg
return $out;
* @param MathRestbaseInterface $param
public function setRestbaseInterface( $param ) {
$this->rbi = $param;
$this->rbi->setPurge( $this->isPurge() );
public function hasWarnings() {
if ( is_array( $this->warnings ) && count( $this->warnings ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Adds tracking categories to the parser
* @param Parser $parser
public function addTrackingCategories( $parser ) {
if ( !$this->checkTeX() ) {
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'math-tracking-category-error' );
if ( $this->lastError ) {
// Add a tracking category specialized on render errors.
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'math-tracking-category-render-error' );
protected function getChecker(): BaseChecker {
return Math::getCheckerFactory()
->newDefaultChecker( $this->tex, $this->getInputType(), $this->rbi );
* Returns sanitized attributes
* @param string $tag element name
* @param array $defaults default attributes
* @param array $overrides attributes to override defaults
* @return array HTML attributes
protected function getAttributes( $tag, $defaults = [], $overrides = [] ) {
$attribs = Sanitizer::validateTagAttributes( $this->params, $tag );
$attribs = Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $defaults, $attribs );
return Sanitizer::mergeAttributes( $attribs, $overrides );
* Writes cache. Writes the database entry if values were changed
* @return bool
public function writeCache() {
$this->debug( 'Writing of cache requested' );
if ( $this->isChanged() ) {
$this->debug( 'Change detected. Perform writing' );
return true;
} else {
$this->debug( "Nothing was changed. Don't write to database" );
return false;
* Gets TeX markup
* @return string TeX markup
public function getTex() {
return $this->tex;
* Gets the rendering mode
* @return string
public function getMode() {
return $this->mode;
* Sets the rendering mode
* @param string $newMode element of the array $wgMathValidModes
* @return bool
public function setMode( $newMode ) {
if ( Math::getMathConfig()->isValidRenderingMode( $newMode ) ) {
$this->mode = $newMode;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Sets the TeX code
* @param ?string $tex
public function setTex( ?string $tex ) {
if ( $this->tex != $tex ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->tex = $tex;
* Gets the MathML XML element
* @return string in UTF-8 encoding
public function getMathml() {
if ( !StringUtils::isUtf8( $this->mathml ) ) {
$this->setMathml( '' );
return $this->mathml;
* @param string $mathml use UTF-8 encoding
public function setMathml( $mathml ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->mathml = $mathml;
* Get the attributes of the math tag
* @return array
public function getParams() {
return $this->params;
* @param array $params
public function setParams( $params ) {
// $changed is not set to true here, because the attributes do not affect
// the rendering in the current implementation.
// If this behavior will change in the future $this->tex is no longer a
// primary key and the input hash cannot be calculate form $this->tex
// only. See the discussion 'Tag extensions in Block mode' on wikitech-l.
$this->params = $params;
* Checks if the instance was modified i.e., because math was rendered
* @return bool true if something was changed false otherwise
public function isChanged() {
return $this->changed;
* Checks if there is an explicit user request to rerender the math-tag.
* @return bool purge state
public function isPurge() {
if ( $this->purge ) {
return true;
$refererHeader = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getHeader( 'REFERER' );
if ( $refererHeader ) {
$url = parse_url( $refererHeader, PHP_URL_QUERY );
if ( !is_string( $url ) ) {
return false;
parse_str( $url, $refererParam );
if ( isset( $refererParam['action'] ) && $refererParam['action'] === 'purge' ) {
$this->logger->debug( 'Re-Rendering on user request' );
return true;
return false;
* Sets purge. If set to true the render is forced to rerender and must not
* use a cached version.
* @param bool $purge
public function setPurge( $purge = true ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->purge = $purge;
public function getLastError() {
return $this->lastError;
* @param string $mathStyle ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline')
public function setMathStyle( $mathStyle = 'display' ) {
if ( $this->mathStyle !== $mathStyle ) {
$this->mathStyle = $mathStyle;
$this->changed = true;
$this->inputType = $mathStyle === 'inline' ? 'inline-tex' : 'tex';
* Returns the value of the DisplayStyle attribute
* @return string ('inlineDisplaystyle'|'display'|'inline'|'linebreak') the DisplayStyle
public function getMathStyle() {
return $this->mathStyle;
* Get if the input tex was marked as secure
* @return bool
public function isTexSecure() {
return $this->texSecure;
* @return bool
public function checkTeX() {
if ( $this->texSecure ) {
// equation was already checked
return true;
$texCheckDisabled = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->get( 'Math.Config' )
if ( $texCheckDisabled === MathConfig::ALWAYS ) {
// checking is disabled
$this->debug( 'Skip TeX check ' );
return true;
} else {
if ( $texCheckDisabled === MathConfig::NEW && $this->mode != MathConfig::MODE_SOURCE ) {
if ( $this->readFromDatabase() ) {
$this->debug( 'Skip TeX check' );
$this->texSecure = true;
return true;
$this->debug( 'Perform TeX check' );
return $this->doCheck();
public function isInDatabase() {
if ( $this->storedInDatabase === null ) {
return $this->storedInDatabase;
* @return string TeX the original tex string specified by the user
public function getUserInputTex() {
return $this->userInputTex;
* @return string user defined ID
public function getID() {
return $this->id;
* @param string $id user defined ID
public function setID( $id ) {
// Changes in the ID affect the container for the math element on the current page
// only. Therefore an id change does not affect the $this->changed variable, which
// indicates if database relevant fields have been changed.
$this->id = $id;
* @param string $svg
public function setSvg( $svg ) {
$this->changed = true;
$this->svg = trim( $svg );
* Gets the SVG image
* @param string $render if set to 'render' (default) and no SVG image exists, the function
* tries to generate it on the fly.
* Otherwise, if set to 'cached', and there is no SVG in the database
* cache, an empty string is returned.
* @return string XML-Document of the rendered SVG
public function getSvg( $render = 'render' ) {
// Spaces will prevent the image from being displayed correctly in the browser
if ( !$this->svg && $this->rbi ) {
$this->svg = $this->rbi->getSvg();
return trim( $this->svg );
* @return string
abstract protected function getMathTableName();
protected function getModeName(): Message {
return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->get( 'Math.Config' )
->getRenderingModeName( $this->getMode() );
public function setInputType( string $inputType ) {
$this->inputType = $inputType;
public function getInputType(): string {
return $this->inputType;
protected function doCheck(): bool {
$checker = $this->getChecker();
if ( $checker->isValid() ) {
$this->setTex( $checker->getValidTex() );
$this->texSecure = true;
return true;
$checkerError = $checker->getError();
$this->lastError = $checkerError === null ?
$this->getError( 'math_unknown_error' ) :
$this->getError( $checkerError->getKey(), ...$checkerError->getParams() );
return false;
protected function debug( $msg ) {
$this->logger->debug( "$msg for \"{tex}\".", [ 'tex' => $this->userInputTex ] );